Trivia: When Gordon is promoted to Commissioner, Heath Ledger improvised the Joker joining in with the applause.

Trivia: When Agent Strahm is in his head box trap screaming, there is a lot of flash-cutting, including a shot of an outtake of the actor smiling with a towel in the cube and staff around him. Happens exactly at 9:52:370 into the movie, or frame 14203. VERY fast and easy to miss.

Trivia: There were several Secret Service consultants on this film to give realism to the action. However, they were unhappy with the final product as it seemed that the kidnappers were able to get to the President without all that much trouble, even if they did have an insider.

Trivia: Will Smith has his own signature line, which is called 'Oh Hell no.' He says it at least once in almost all his movies, including this one.

Trivia: While sitting in the church, the priest tells Frank that he's missed at the Seminary. In the Marvel comics, Frank originally wanted to be a priest but left when he discovered that he couldn't forgive people for their sins.

Trivia: Make sure you hang around during the end credits for a little something extra.

Trivia: The hotel where the school holds its prom in "Prom Night" (2008) is the same hotel where the school holds prom in "Not Another Teen Movie."

Trivia: The costume designer wanted Brad Pitt's suit to look really bad, but to her surprise, she discovered that no matter how cheap or tacky the suit was that he tried on was... he looked good in every single one. She eventually discovered the secret to finally making him look bad was to purposely put him in a suit that had the wrong measurements for his body, and give him gaudy wool ties.

Trivia: At one point during the movie, Max visits a storage yard. The name of this yard is "Gognitti Storage". This is a reference to Vinnie Gognitti, who was an important character in the video game series.

Trivia: While trying to locate Frank via gps, the techie is told to "hack into military satellites" to find him. There is a quick shot of a computer screen with code, and then it looks back at their faces. When paused on the code, you see the words "Command BitTorrent", which is a reference to BitTorrent, a program commonly used to download movies illegally off of the internet. Kind of ironic. (01:11:30)

Trivia: The opening scene really was filmed in one shot with no breaks in filming; they rehearsed and had a run-through five times to get it right.

Trivia: Keep watching the end credits for an additional scene.