Trivia: In the last scene, when everyone meets to play poker, Catherine Zeta Jones throws her hands up to celebrate a win and falls out of her chair for real.

Trivia: As is often the case with micro-budget films, the movie was not shot widescreen, but rather was shot on cheaper 4:3 full-frame film stock and cropped for the widescreen theatrical release. Thus director James Wan filmed the movie ahead of time with the knowledge that the tops and bottoms of the frame would be missing from the theatrical cut, and he made sure to compose the shots accordingly. Unfortunately, instead of panning-and-scanning the cropped widescreen release for the full-frame home-video release, the distributors merely uncropped the image. This causes some rather strange and subtle blunders in some full-frame home-video releases, as portions of the frame were visible that shouldn't have been.

Trivia: Dr. Curt Connors, Peter's one-armed teacher in the film, is the man who will later become The Lizard, one of Spider-Man's longest running enemies.

Trivia: While filming the knife fight scene, Thomas Jane accidentally stabbed Kevin Nash.

Trivia: The band playing at the Bar Mitzvah is the same band from Old School who sung at Frank's wedding.

Trivia: When Marty is aiming the gun and preparing to shoot, he is saying his teachers names. All of the names of the "teachers" are actually names of the crew members.

Trivia: 43 cats were trained for this movie. Halle Berry decided to keep one of these for her own (a white-and-orange one called Play Dough).

Trivia: The eye that we see at the beginning of the movie (when the dragging cars engage NOS) belongs to Adam Scott, who played Special FBI Agent McPherson.

Trivia: The movie the kidnappers are watching is "Final Destination 2" (2003), which was directed by David R. Ellis. Also there is an announcement at the aiport for "Volé Flight 180 to Paris," a reference to the original "Final Destination" (2000). Both are New Line productions.

Trivia: In the final scene were XXXX is in the Park club dining with Trever, Morty, Gene, and Clarkey there is a shot outside the room looking in where XXXX is standing and the others are raising their glasses to him. This is similar to the final scene in 'The Godfather'. This is said during the director's commentary.

Trivia: The film was almost entirely shot in high definition. Director Michael Mann states he did this to capture the night scenes more vividly.
Suggested correction: The number of movies shot in less-than-HD could be counted on one hand.
I believe it refers to the fact that Collateral is considered to be the first major movie to use a digital camera, not the traditional film support.

Trivia: Even though he shares top billing with Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke, Kiefer Sutherland is on screen for less than three minutes.

Trivia: Despite receiving top billing, Sandra Bullock has only six minutes of screen time.

Trivia: Foreshadow: There's bunch of frogs/toads outside the Beasts' cell, later in the film he fights "Toad Style."

Trivia: This is a remake of a very successful series of French movies, also called "Taxi". Queen Latifah's character was originally a man, and her Ford was a Peugeot.

Trivia: On the 13th of December, 2005, Stanley "Tookie" Williams was executed in California. In a strange coincidence the date of his execution is the same as Jamie Foxx's (who portrayed Stan Williams in the film) birthday.