Trivia: George reads a paperback while reclining on his prison bunk. The book is "Hells Angels" by Hunter S. Thompson, the author whom Depp previously portrayed in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998).

Trivia: The character, Ivor Novello, played by Jeremy Northam, was a real-life actor and composer. Six of his songs were included in Gosford Park's soundtrack. His film, "The Lodger" that Lady Constance mentions as being a flop, was a real movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based on Jack the Ripper.

Trivia: In the widely released version of Osmosis Jones in the background of the opening chase scene, a remix of Foreigner's 'Hot Blooded' plays, but in the VHS release it plays Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant.

Trivia: At the end of the opening credits, just after "Screenplay by David Mamet" and before "directed by Ridley Scott", look at the right hand side of the screen - you can see Hannibal's face drawn by pigeons. (00:04:25)

Trivia: About 30% of Denzel Washington's dialogue was improvised.

Trivia: Rusty Ryan is eating in nearly every scene he is in - on the DVD, there is a commentary by Brad Pitt (Rusty), where he says that during filming, he realized that since his character is so busy, he would have to eat whenever he got a chance, so he and the director decided to have him eating in every scene.

Trivia: John Travolta's car is a TVR Tuscan which cannot be sold in the United States because it does not comply with federal emission level standards.

Trivia: In Australia and the UK they named Saving Silverman "Evil Woman", but why change a perfectly good name?

Trivia: On the news bulletin at the end, three of the bad guys are named as Solskjaer, Sheringham and Schmeichel - names also of three football players who at the time played for Manchester United. Director Peter Howitt is from Manchester.

Trivia: When SS is kidnapped in the black van, one of the thugs is thrown out the side door and is shown smashing into a parked car while hanging onto the door. It's an obvious stuntman of-course, but incredibly, its NOT a dummy.

Trivia: In the scene where the biker gang pulls up next to the 59 Caddy, look closely at the Caddy's license plate. It says '3KMTG', 3000 miles to Graceland.

Trivia: During the scene where Zhang Zhiyi gets knocked out and Chris Tucker calls her, "a crazy a$$ b&%*h", that take was taken around 20 times due to the fact that Tucker was very conservative in trying to make up something to insult Zhang Zhiyi but not too bad. The director finally pulled Tucker aside and convinced him that he HAD to say something very insulting because of Zhang's character. And that's how the last take and the final cut for the insult was done.

Trivia: If the final scene of the movie (at the birthday party) seemed a little "off," that's because it was shot by a different cinematographer. Jon and Vince weren't satisfied with previously shot endings, and agreed to give up their entire salaries for the whole movie, in order to pay for this ending.

Trivia: The reason Charlize Theron makes a cameo in this movie is because John Herzfeld directed her in her movie debut '2 Days in the Valley'.

Trivia: The hand that lights the lighter in the cooking scene is the director, Gregor Jordans' hand. It says this in the DVD's audio commentary.

Trivia: Most of the conversations between Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando are improvised.

Trivia: Shortly after completing this film, Vince Vaughn was involved in a bar fight in which his co-star Steve Buscemi was stabbed in the throat, head, and arm trying to back him up. Ironically, it was Vaughn's character who stabbed Buscemi's character in the film.