Trivia: The Mask is based off the Dark Horse Comic of the same name. The only difference is that Dark Horse Comics carry a lot of dark tones in their comics. When Chuck Russell was directing The Mask, it was supposed to be set in that way. When Jim Carrey was given the role of Stanley Ipkiss, it was turned into a comedy.

Trivia: In Reservoir Dogs, Nice Guy Eddie arranges for Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) to be treated by a nurse he knows named Bonnie. In Pulp Fiction, Jimmy's wife is a nurse named Bonnie.

Trivia: The woman that gets her breast grabbed by Frank was played by Lorali Hart. Lorali also appeared in the first Naked Gun film as the woman on the ledge who gets both her breasts grabbed by Frank.

Trivia: When Eric first goes back to his apartment, right after he returns from the grave, it is raining inside the apartment and his movements look an awful lot like the movements he just made in the rainy alleyway. [Not really a mistake, but worth noticing - the filmmakers were forced to re-use some shots after Brandon Lee's death.]

Trivia: When Chaz is outside the radio station confessing to his girlfriend that his real name is Chester and he was a geek in high school, the guy in the crowd who shouts out "I was the editor of the school magazine" is Lemmy Kelmister, the lead singer of the metal band Motorhead.

Trivia: Bubba Smith was originally going to reprise his role as Hightower. One day, Marion Ramsey called up Bubba in tears wondering why she wasn't asked to return as her character Hooks. Bubba already knew that Marion was having some financial difficulties and said he would see what he could do. He called up the producers and asked if she could be in the movie. When they said that Hooks couldn't be written into the script, Bubba refused to take part in the movie.

Trivia: Almost all of the prisoners in the prison and the prisoners taking place in the riot, were in fact real inmates of that prison, with over 80% of them doing hard time for violent crimes.

Trivia: The director of the film, Peter Jackson, has a cameo in the film. He is the bum that Juliet grabs and kisses as the two girls run out of the theater.

Trivia: There are many similarities between A Clockwork Orange and the film Leon. Both main characters 'Alex' and 'Leon' are seen drinking milk many times in the films. Stansfeild (Leon) and Alex (ACO) both listen to Beethoven to stimulate their violence and the song 'Singing in the Rain' is featured in both films.

Trivia: During the hospital scene Al Lewis character Leo is watching a scene from "The Munsters" with Grandpa Munster - who was played by Al Lewis.

Trivia: Suzzanne Douglas plays Allen Payne's mother in the film, even though in real life she's only 11 years his senior.

Trivia: The guy whose spot was stolen on the ride "The Spider", by Axel, is George Lucas. Appearences are also made by Joe Dante as Jailor, Barbet Schroeder as the guy in the Porsche, John Singleton as the fireman and Arthur Hiller as the bar patron.

Trivia: In the beginning, Norman Robberson mentions Kojak reruns to his co-worker. Gus Savalas who plays the cook in the movie is the brother of Telly Savalas (who played Kojak).