Trivia: The content of the email received by Austin while he is demonstrating the internet is 'A new ATM card will be sent to you by Fed-Ex because your account has ben compromised by an unknown hacker who obtained your PIN Number while you were purchasing an MP3 Player on E-Bay. Sincerely, Your Bank.' This was included because Mike Myers really did have his bank account compromised shortly before filming. (00:38:37)

Trivia: John Woo fought to keep the slash in the title, so moviegoers wouldn't think it was a film about hockey.

Trivia: Will Smith dismisses the new task force "AMMO" as "a high school musical boyband with guns." AMMO member Kelly is played by Vanessa Hudgens, who starred in the High School Musical franchise.

Trivia: None of the Angels carry or use guns in this sequel because actress Drew Barrymore is a known gun control advocate.

Trivia: Filming of this movie took only eighteen days.

Trivia: In the scene at the supermarket, Danny is looking at a selection of DVDs, but when he puts it down to chase the thief, in the bin you can see the DVD named "Zombies Party" which is the Spanish version of Shaun of the Dead.

Trivia: The band playing at the Bar Mitzvah is the same band from Old School who sung at Frank's wedding.

Trivia: Peter Fonda meets up with two prostitutes in the film. One is Karen Black and the other Toni Basil who gave us that neat little hit Mickey in 1981.

Trivia: About 30% of Denzel Washington's dialogue was improvised.

Trivia: Someone asked: Has anyone EVER figured out the math to that damn water-in-a-bottle-diffuse-the-bomb riddle? I actually have, in case anyone's wondering about it. If I remember right, they've got a 5, a 3, and they need 4. Fill the five, tip it into the 3, leaving 2. Empty out the three, and put the 2 in it. Then fill the five, and use that jug to fill up the remainder of the 3, which will leave 4 in the 5 gallon jug. Another possible way to do this: You fill up the 3 and tip these three gallons into the 5. Then you fill up the 3 and use this to fill up the 5. This leaves you with one in the 3 and five in the 5. Then you empty the 5 and tip the one from the 3 over, then fill up the 3. Then you've got three in the 3 and one in the 5. After you've tipped over the three this will leave you with four in the 5.

Trivia: Rusty Ryan is eating in nearly every scene he is in - on the DVD, there is a commentary by Brad Pitt (Rusty), where he says that during filming, he realized that since his character is so busy, he would have to eat whenever he got a chance, so he and the director decided to have him eating in every scene.

Trivia: Gracie's and Vic's hotel room in the movie are both marked 103 for some reason. The crew did it on purpose, for reasons unknown.

Trivia: Andy Garcia was originally brought in to read for Frank Nitti, but he asked if he could play George Stone instead.