Trivia: When Marty is aiming the gun and preparing to shoot, he is saying his teachers names. All of the names of the "teachers" are actually names of the crew members.

Trivia: The film is primarily about cars and driving. Star Michael Caine could not drive at the time the movie was made. Charlie Croker is assumed to be driving when he picks up his Aston Martin at the garage but in the next shot, we see it arrive outside a hotel. Caine only gets out of the stationary Aston Martin. In other scenes, including the trip to Turin and the gold heist, Caine is a passenger. However, he is seen driving his E-type Jaguar into the Turin building where the Minis are being modified. The DVD confirms that Caine couldn't drive, but could just about manage the basics.

Trivia: Director Martin Scorsese makes more then just a cameo in this film, he's the passenger that sits with Travis talking about how he's going to kill his wife for cheating on him with a black man. He's credited as "Man Watching Silhouette".

Trivia: When Chaz is outside the radio station confessing to his girlfriend that his real name is Chester and he was a geek in high school, the guy in the crowd who shouts out "I was the editor of the school magazine" is Lemmy Kelmister, the lead singer of the metal band Motorhead.

Trivia: Bubba Smith was originally going to reprise his role as Hightower. One day, Marion Ramsey called up Bubba in tears wondering why she wasn't asked to return as her character Hooks. Bubba already knew that Marion was having some financial difficulties and said he would see what he could do. He called up the producers and asked if she could be in the movie. When they said that Hooks couldn't be written into the script, Bubba refused to take part in the movie.

Trivia: The film is edited by Kevin Greutert, who edited "Saw" 1-5, and directed the sixth and seventh films. Greutert is one of only a few holdover crewmembers from the original run of the series to return. He said he felt an obligation to be a part of "Jigsaw"- feeling that given his past with the series, he should help usher the franchise into the new direction that the producers and writers wanted to take, while also helping to maintain ties to what came before.

Trivia: When Melissa McCarthy is leaving the precinct angrily she is pointing to all the police staff and insulting them. However, when she gets to one of the cops, she says "I would have f*cked you", she is actually speaking to her husband in real life, Ben Falcone. (01:01:05)

Trivia: After Natalie shoves the 'ice cube' down Brinkman's throat, during the following melee, when Ronica Miles kicks one of Brinkman's men over the balcony the famous "Wilhelm" scream is heard as he falls.

Trivia: Small children have told Billy Bob Thornton they like the film - he was reportedly "stunned" that parents would allow their kids to watch it.

Trivia: K Callan, who plays Christopher Plummer's mother in this film, is actually six years younger than Plummer in real life.

Trivia: Miles Bron's dining room features several paintings, from the most famous painting in the world the Mona Lisa to others, sometimes with garish self-insertions of Miles himself. One of the paintings is Mark Rothko's Number 207 (Red over Dark Blue on Dark Gray), which Rian Johnson explicitly asked to hang upside down - a hint to the fact that Miles is kinda clueless. (00:41:20)

Trivia: Almost all of the prisoners in the prison and the prisoners taking place in the riot, were in fact real inmates of that prison, with over 80% of them doing hard time for violent crimes.

Trivia: Jimmy didn't die even though it never shows him after he faints on the steering wheel in the car with Lori. He simply passed out. The television cut shows him alive in the ambulance at the end, but for some reason in the theatrical version, they left it out for us to 'wonder'.

Trivia: Kevin James's real-life wife, Steffiana De La Cruz, plays "the lady with the kids in the mall." She takes a lingering glance as he rolls away on his Segway.

Trivia: One of the bank scenes were shot at the Little Bohemia Lodge, where there was an actual shoot-out between John Dillinger and the FBI in 1934.