Audio problem: Right after Jackson has been dragged through the desert by the creature, it wakes him up and he says, "Get away from me," but his mouth never moves. (00:40:30)

Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

Audio problem: Before the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship starts exploding from the inside, a Neimoidian says, "Nothing can get through our shield". But his mouth doesn't move until after he's said it. (01:57:45)

Audio problem: Just after Dynamo kills Weiss, the next shot shows Dynamo approaching the camera. You can see Dynamos lips moving, and he's speaking, but you can't hear anything.

Audio problem: This scene is repeated multiple times in the movie: usually when the main character enters the "source code" the scene begins by panning over a small pond showing a Canada goose taking flight. However the sound editor makes the mistake of dubbing in a recording of a hen mallard duck.

Audio problem: In the sequence where Natalie is saving Bosley and calling Pete, listen carefully. When Bosley warns her that there are thugs behind her, he says Dylan instead of Natalie.
Suggested correction: I just watched the movie...he says Natalie.

Audio problem: When Doc and Marty return to the year 1955, you hear the squealing sound of tyres braking heavily, but the DeLorean is flying. (01:02:25)

Audio problem: After the buzz droids land on Obi-Wan's starfighter, Obi-Wan says, "I'm hit. Anakin?" As he says, "Anakin?" his head is turned to the side, but you can see that the last word doesn't quite fit his lips or the motion of his jaw. (00:05:10)

Audio problem: Topper is driving in to the base beside the running troops on his bike. When they recite the Brady Bunch part, none of the soldiers' mouths are moving.
Suggested correction: That's simply not true. While some weren't moving their months, you can see many moving their mouths, including the drill instructor.

Audio problem: In one scene Tom Cruise's accelerator gets stuck - you see him pounding on the accelerator while telling his crew chief Harry Hog "the accelerator is stuck" but Tom Cruise's mouth never moves when he speaks.

Audio problem: When Mary Jane is about to fall from the balcony and the Green Goblin appears in front of her, we hear him say, "Hello, my dear," but his mouth is not in sync with those words. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: When Dom, Brian, and Mr. Nobody are in the car and Mr. Nobody says about trying the Belgian ale, he coughs and says another line. However his mouth doesn't move at all during this time. (01:29:25)

Audio problem: When they're standing on the breaking ice, as Peter points his sword at Maugrim, Susan shouts, "Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero. Just drop it." In the very next shot (we still see Susan's profile, despite the side shot), Susan's lips/jaw are moving, but nothing is heard, which occurs just as Peter quickly glances at her and we also hear Beaver shout, "No, Peter!" (01:14:15)

Audio problem: In the scene at the orphanage, when the boy runs down to the other boys reading the pornographic magazine, none of their mouths move when you hear "Look at those knockers".

Audio problem: In the scene where Alfred is stitching up Bruce, Bruce says "I wanted to inspire people." As he says "people" the shot changes and his lips aren't moving, but the audio track continues.

Audio problem: In the climactic scene where the 747 is taking off, the general applies full power on the throttles and the engines spool up to full power as they should. However, in the next shot from the cockpit, the general is pulling back on the yoke, nobody's hands are on the throttles at all, and yet we hear a second (apparently) identical increase in engine power. Pulling back on the yoke has nothing at all to do with the engines - the noise we hear should remain at a constant level. (01:50:15)

Audio problem: When Scott fights Ramona's ex-girlfriend, Ramona holds his hands while punching her. One punch misses her but the sound of a punch is heard.

Audio problem: There is a scene where Johnny 23 is on the tower and he sees all of those cars coming. He runs, and while he's running he yells "holy shi*". His mouth didn't move at all. (01:12:20)

Audio problem: Towards the end, when Felicity Shagwell is captured in that glass tube, there's a shot of the entire room and she is yelling for Austin Powers but her lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When the Christian army is defeated after chasing Saladin across the desert, many vultures are flying over the battlefield. However, the sound is that of a flock of whooping cranes.