Audio problem: The audio of the "SpongeBob SquarePants" episode on the T.V. doesn't match with the episode. (00:11:20)

Audio problem: When V says that he has never danced to any of the songs on his jukebox, a song is playing in the background, yet there is no record seen playing on the jukebox. This occurs even after V presses the button to activate the song.

Audio problem: After the buzz droids land on Obi-Wan's starfighter, Obi-Wan says, "I'm hit. Anakin?" As he says, "Anakin?" his head is turned to the side, but you can see that the last word doesn't quite fit his lips or the motion of his jaw. (00:05:10)

Audio problem: When they're standing on the breaking ice, as Peter points his sword at Maugrim, Susan shouts, "Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero. Just drop it." In the very next shot (we still see Susan's profile, despite the side shot), Susan's lips/jaw are moving, but nothing is heard, which occurs just as Peter quickly glances at her and we also hear Beaver shout, "No, Peter!" (01:14:15)

Audio problem: When the Christian army is defeated after chasing Saladin across the desert, many vultures are flying over the battlefield. However, the sound is that of a flock of whooping cranes.

Audio problem: When Lincoln 6 Echo is watching the the surgeons kill the other 'product' after giving birth, her heart monitor flat-lines well before the sound does. It beeps about 4 times before the shot changes to a closeup of the flat-line. (00:34:50)

Audio problem: When Tim and Alvey are chased down the alley by Loki, Loki pulls out a huge fire ball, and then Odin the great god takes over Tim. After Odin the great god says, "I've had it up to here with you!", you can see Alvey in Tim's arms crying, but you can't hear Alvey crying.

Audio problem: When Pestilence puts the bug in his mouth, we hear a crunch as if he is chewing it, yet a few seconds later he spits it out and it is not chewed up at all.

Audio problem: Just after the long continuous fight scene in the restaurant, one girl pulls out a knife to attack Tony Jaa. The knife makes a sound like it's being pulled from a sheath but it's not touching any other metal.

Audio problem: Notice when anything heavy hits the bottom of the ocean it makes a loud thud. The bottom is soft sand and wouldn't make noise.

Audio problem: When Max's mother is walking him down the path to school, in one shot as she says "Sorry, I didn't mean to dump all this on you right before school," her mouth is in shot and doesn't move to the audio. (00:14:05)

Audio problem: After Bruce and Rachel kiss, Rachel says, "But maybe he's still out there somewhere". Her head is seen from behind, but you can see from the motion of her jaw that her mouth is moving before the words are heard. (02:02:35)

Audio problem: In the scene in the church where Tifa and Marlene are confronted by Loz, Loz approaches the two as he's talking and his boots are easily heard on the wood. When he notices the flowers, the scene shows, as he's looking down and the flowers are surrounding him, that the wooden floor is gone. When he asks, "Where's mother?" he takes a step forward and his boot is heard on wood. A few seconds later he takes another step, followed by the same boot on wood sound, when there shouldn't be any wood below him.

Audio problem: Charlie takes Darius to the big mansion; Ice Cube says "Woah woah woah wait a minute; this is your home?", but his lips don't move. (00:40:30)

Audio problem: When Dwight deduces that there is a spy among the girls in Old Town, there is a noticeable shift in the audio when he says "But first we gotta get our hands on Jackie Boy's head before it gets to wherever it's going and this whole situation blows wide open." The last three words of the line sound like they were re-dubbed.