Audio problem: At the very beginning where the two young boys cut the eye holes, the sound of cloth ripping is not synchronized with the knife cutting it.

Audio problem: When Conan is fighting the half lizard/man monster and discovers that breaking the glass panes hurts him, it cuts to a shot of his friends behind one of the panes and the thief says, "That's exactly what I would have done, exactly." His lips don't match the words at all.

Audio problem: The source music in the ballroom does not match the Poseidon orchestra's motions.

Audio problem: In the scene where the Grabboid is pulling the truck with the chain attached and the guy is trying to shoot it, the gun noises do not match up with the muzzle flashes at all. At one point it is obvious he fires 2 shots, and yet 4 "bangs" can be heard.

Audio problem: There is a scene where Eric is following the crow through a dark room. The camera trails off to show the crow's shadow and there is a sound as of wings fluttering yet the shadow is perfectly still. (00:10:10)

Audio problem: As the trio break into the club, they take on some bouncers. One of them gets his gun turned on him by Trinity, pushed right into his chest - we hear two gunshots, with corresponding wounds, then a third shot which has no effect. (00:14:50)

Audio problem: When the female TX is stopped by police during the intro credits, before the officer speaks you can see the TX's lips moving saying "Is there a problem officer" but her audio is muted. (00:08:50)

Audio problem: After Tor Johnson drops her, Paula says, "Oh, I'll be alright" but her lips don't move. (01:13:30)

Audio problem: When they arrive in Russia and gets out the plane you can see it is blowing in the snow and you can hear the wind. In the next shot it isn't blowing and the snow is falling straight down, but the sound of the wind remains. (00:47:30)

Audio problem: When Ash receives the letter from the Dragonite, we hear Togepi say "Togepi?" but its mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Judge Dread and Rob Schneider are running to escape from oncoming guards they are stopped by one guard right before they leave on the motorcycle. The guard says "I knew it was you Dredd." The camera focuses on him before he is done saying that but his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When the trainer and Banks are fighting near the end where all the water jugs are, we here glass break when the trainer shoots that gun type weapon at the water jugs. But they are made out of plastic.

Audio problem: When Tim and Alvey are chased down the alley by Loki, Loki pulls out a huge fire ball, and then Odin the great god takes over Tim. After Odin the great god says, "I've had it up to here with you!", you can see Alvey in Tim's arms crying, but you can't hear Alvey crying.

Audio problem: Right at the scene where Reggie Jackson points the gun at the Queen, Drebin fires a shot off at him from his watch. It goes astray, hitting some fat lady, and we hear him saying "whoops!" but his lips don't move. (01:16:10)

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the movie, while Selene is looking at the CCTV video from outside the subway station, Kraven enters the room and talks to her. Throughout their conversation, the sound quality of his voice changes as he walks away from where the mic is located (by Selene). (00:17:35)

Audio problem: When Inspector Gadget is upside down in the vent eyeing the bionic stolen foot, he activates a gadget called 'Go go suction shoes'. However, it is said wrong. It should be 'Go go gadget suction shoes'.

Audio problem: Just after the captain of the other boat (Bill's friend) breaks the bottle, and looks over the side, you hear a voice say "What the hell was that" although the guy's mouth doesn't move, also the voice sounds more like Bill's low voice than this guy's Australian-sounding accent.

Audio problem: When Tina is tied to the palm tree with the bomb armed and Ipkiss is fighting with the goons. Ipkiss fights with Dorian and punches him over and over with Dorain on his back. The punching sounds are VERY obviously off from the action.

Audio problem: The Batmobile is supposed to be powered by a Jet engine. The sound in the sequel is dubbed rather flawlessly except for two brief instances when you can hear the 8 cylinder piston engine.
Suggested correction: Can you be more specific as to what point in the film these errors occur?

Audio problem: In the Prom Gazebo scene, Bella wonders why Edward will not turn her into a vampire. Edward says, "I'm not going to END your life for you." These words do not match his mouth and appear to be dubbed. "End" being dubbed over some other word, possibly beginning with a "B". (01:46:40)