Audio problem: The aliens that populate the planet of Geonosis have an extremely peculiar method of speech - consisting of clicks and weird ringing sounds. However, despite the fact that they make up 99.9% of the crowd in the arena, the sound of the crowd cheering is human. (01:44:10)

Audio problem: When Sam, Frodo, and Gollum are in the forest of Ithilien, when Sam says "Can't you hear yourself, don't you know who you sound like?" the shots change and you can see Sam mouthing the words again. (01:38:30)

Audio problem: When Mary Jane is about to fall from the balcony and the Green Goblin appears in front of her, we hear him say, "Hello, my dear," but his mouth is not in sync with those words. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: When the first assassin runs out of bullets shortly after coming through the apartment window, his gun makes a series of rapid clicks as if dry firing full-auto, but real guns, even full-auto ones, don't keep on clicking when empty. It should either make a single click, or a nearly inaudible one. (00:44:16)

Audio problem: In the scene where all the towns residents take refuge in the Prosperity Mall, the mall's janitor/caretaker guy says something to the female sheriff with the camera facing him. In mid sentence the camera angle changes to behind the janitor but at an angle - you can hear him keep on talking but you can see that his jaw is perfectly still meaning that he can't possibly be talking. (01:11:25)

Audio problem: When Spence is killed by the Licker, Matt sees this on the screen and asks, "What the f**k was that?" You can see that his jaw isn't moving. (01:17:25)

Audio problem: In the scene where Fook Mi is explaining about her sister and her names, she points to her sister and says "Fook Yu." Then she points to herself and says "Fook Mi. See?" When she says this, you can see that her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Preston is confronted with the dog he says "My name is John Preston". In the following shot his mouth is still moving but it's only at the end of this shot that he starts talking again. (00:50:20)

Audio problem: When Mathayus and his friends are attacking Memnon's palace, there is a scene where Memnon's general rides at Balthazar on a horse, but then falls off. Balthazar holds a spear at his neck. The shot then changes so we can't see the general and he stabs him and he screams loudly. But if the spear went through his neck (as it should have, as it didn't move anywhere but down) he should not have been able to scream. (01:16:55)

Audio problem: When Juni falls into the "volcano", Carmen attaches a harness to a branch and dives after him. She grabs him and then seconds later the harness snaps. It then cuts to a shot of Juni and Carmen plummeting down the volcano, and you hear Carmen yell "Juni!" yet her mouth is shut tight. (00:48:05)

Audio problem: When - during the sword fight - the sabre is thrown to the wall, it makes a high frequency sound - like a knife or an arrow. The sound of a sabre would be much lower frequency.

Audio problem: When UB is running through the things that have been done by "The Man", in the Chief's office (ie. NBA 3-point shot, Spike Lee), after UB says "So the entertainment industry really is out to get Spike Lee", he says "Is that right?" but if you watch UB's mouth, he is not saying this line.

Audio problem: During the scene where the girl is talking to Pluto in the club, he tells her that he was the one that saved her father's life. She responds with "Thanks Dad" but her lips don't even move.

Audio problem: When Hal Moore is looking at the strong guy through the binoculars during training, the guy's mouth doesn't match what he is saying.

Audio problem: When Enders kills White Horse, he first tries to shoot him with his .45 and you can hear the hammer falling on an empty chamber. But if you look at Enders' pistol the slide is locked to the rear and there is no way the hammer could have fallen on the empty chamber. This also occurs earlier in the scene when Ox is trying to shoot the Japanese.

Audio problem: When the ship is being pulled into the black hole, Captain Amelia says "Hold onto your life lines gents. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." You can see her mouth is moving differently to what she is saying.

Audio problem: When John Anderton's wife throws John's eyeball (stored in a clear plastic bag) onto Tim Blake Nelson's pipe organ, an ongoing organ note is heard, implying that the weight of the eyeball is depressing a key or two. We then see a shot of the eyeball resting on the organ's keys, none of which are depressed. (02:01:20)

Audio problem: In the mountain battle scene when Xander is in the airplane, he says: "Get me along that tower." His lips don't match with what he says, indicating this line was added during post-production.

Audio problem: When Jay and Frank are rolling up to the pizzeria, Jay is replying to Frank. As the car comes to a stop, and after they get out and go into the store, you hear Jay, but his lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Ben shoots at the shark, he falls backwards and pulls no trigger, yet bangs are heard.