The Simpsons
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Suggested correction: At no point does Lisa turn over the resume. She takes it, reads it and says it needs padding out.


Suggested correction: Lisa does turn over the resume, but there's nothing typed on the back. She's wasn't turning the resume over to continue reading it, she was just looking to see if there was something more because it was one line, hence her response of needing padding.


The Simpsons mistake picture

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: When the family is at dinner, there is a top down view which zooms in on them from above. In this shot there is no newspaper on the chest (to Homer's left). In the next shot of Homer a newspaper has appeared. (00:07:50)

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Character mistake: Lisa states that Pierre and Marie Curie both died of radiation poisoning. This is incorrect, as only Marie died of radiation poisoning while her husband Pierre was killed by a horse and cart. (00:08:30)

The Simpsons mistake picture

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: When Homer says, "You can't take our donuts," his hat is red. But in the next shot and in every other shot of Homer, his hat is blue. This is pointed out on the audio commentary on the Season 4 DVD. (00:12:35)

The Simpsons mistake picture

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: When Burns is lay on the floor telling Smithers that he dreamed of Marge again last night, the painting behind Smithers is very badly painted and very childish in appearance. Burns' head is completely disproportionate for example. When the shot changes to Smithers the painting is now a lot more detailed and no longer looks childish. (00:14:42)


The Simpsons mistake picture

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: Smithers opens the second case for Tom Jones as the green gas has all but dissipated from the case. When the shot changes, there is still gas coming from the case. The remaining gas also changes place in the vicinity of the case. (00:15:50)


Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Audio problem: Ms. Krabappel is telling Bart about the laundry list of sicknesses he had to get out of the test. You can see her mouth doesn't match up when she mentions "...and that unfortunate case of rabies." The studio actually changed what Ms. Krabappel originally said which was "and that unfortunate case of "Tourette's Syndrome." [Some reports say that the original line of Tourette's Syndrome was left in syndications in certain areas. On the DVD version the rabies line has been used]. (00:16:00)


The Simpsons mistake picture

Marge Gets a Job - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: Willie rips off his entire shirt before he fights the wolf, but in the next scene, when he is wrestling the wolf, he is wearing a torn-up shirt. (00:18:40)

Tree House of Horror X - S11-E4

[The Simpsons are driving down a road as fast as possible.]
Homer: Dear God, it's Homer. If you really love me you'll save my life now.
[The gas needle immediately drops to empty and the car stops.]
Homer: D'oh.

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Trivia: The only voice artists who regularly perform as only one character are Yeardley Smith as Lisa and Marcia Wallace as Edna Krabappel. Yeardley has also voiced different versions of Lisa (Lisa Jr. and Lisabella) in at least two other episodes.

He's My Brother

More trivia for The Simpsons

Answer: Willy referred to an encounter he believed he had with actual aliens, while Wiggum thought he was referring to the arcade game.

Answer: The joke is that Willie was so addicted to Space Invaders that he believed it was reality: every time he played, he was actually defending the Earth from dangerous aliens. It's a surprise to him that it was actually a game.


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