Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How does Beech know what book Jack picked up from the library, and then know that Jack has read that particular passage?

Question: Was Jack always supposed to die? Or was he originally supposed to survive?

Question: There is a mistake stating that the stick used to make Jack's dog levitate is sometimes visible, and gives when Jack is alone on the mountain as an example (ID: 84218). I watched the scene (when Jack sings "Jack's Lament"), as well as went through the film, but I was unable to see what was referred to. I still want to believe the mistake is correct, so can someone please give a timestamp as to where the stick shows up (I was watching the Disney+ copy; perhaps that version is edited?)?


Question: Other than wanting to be with the "cool kids," why exactly did Randall end his friendship with Mike?

Question: How much did Harry give Donna on the check after "Does your mother know?"

Question: Why does Dovchenko salute and address Spalko as if she were a superior officer if both have the same rank and are part of the same military company (in which Dovchenko would have more authority, being an army officer, while Spalko is simply a doctor)? A similar case to compare would be Jürgen Voller in Dial of Destiny's prologue, who seems to have almost no authority over soldiers with lower military ranks.

Big Game

Question: Is the International Space Station really that big?


Question: Is it possible that this film had an alternate ending? In the audio of Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Movie on Record (released the same year, 1981), during the opening of the Ark, we can hear sounds, scenes, and screams that never appear in the final film (or in any deleted scenes). Examples of this are the sounds of the spirits, Dietrich's second scream, and Indy saying "You're all right, you're all right" to Marion (she answers "Yes...") after the Ark closes.

Big Game

Question: Apparently, there is a rare TV spot that shows 2 small shots of the scene where breaks down the other door panel, including a creepy smile from Jack, which they didn't include in the final cut. Is there footage of this anywhere online?

Question: Can one find the background music playing in the Amity bar scene where the kids are discussing meeting at the Lighthouse with Mike being hesitant to due to being grounded by his Dad? I tried google search, shazaming and everything to no avail! Sections of lyrics sound something like "only sane things" "let them." but that's about all I could make out of it! Thank you.

Question: Has there ever been any explanation as to why William Afton was murdering children or how their souls got put inside the animatronics?

Season 5 generally

Question: Zachariah reveals in season 5 that it was planned all along for Lucifer to be released so Michael could battle with Lucifer in an epic showdown that could risk half the world. My question is, wouldn't it make more sense to let Dean know he's Michael's vessel and have Michael either ready to slaughter Lucifer inside the cage or, worse case, be right there ready to attack the very second Lucifer gets released so no innocents are risked?


Question: Why did Judge Palmer collapse after watching the video footage of him in the store with Mark Blackwell? Also, instead of picking up the phone, couldn't the deputies have simply called in an ambulance over their radios?

Question: After the claymore, disguised as "the book", is thrown out of the window and then explodes, why do both sides afterwards abruptly start shooting at each other when Carnegie could have ordered his men to flank the house or go around back? If Carnegie was so bent on retrieving the book, he would not have allowed his men to wildly spray the house with bullets (or especially an RPG round) and risk the book being damaged or destroyed in the crossfire.

Category 5 - S3-E22

Question: When the team drove away from the scene of the truck fire after Severide stopped it from rolling with a fire extinguisher, everyone is staring out the windows and the atmosphere has a quietly melancholic atmosphere. Why is that?

Question: Why did Nicky show up to Pat and Tiffany's dance competition? Why would you want to watch your ex that beat up your lover and his new girlfriend dance?

Question: Why does Doug turn on the gas after he crashes the ambulance?

Question: What does Toht shout after saying "Let me show you what I'm used to"? Is it a German word?

Big Game

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