Question: I have finished season four and have so many questions. Number one: Can the flesh eating bacteria melt through buildings? Number two: What happens to Citizen Z and Kaya and their baby? Number 3: Why did Murphy not die from the gas? Number 4: Does NewMerica even exist? And did Addy ever make it? Number 5: Warren seems to have survived the crash in the drone. Do her visions become a reality? Number 6: Of doctor teller made her the reset, how could he kill his child? Considering he was still alive before they diverted power. These questions have kept me up at night. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Was Lina supposed to open the necklace box when Johnnie gave it to her on the patio with the other gifts from the horse race? She tries a few times and can't.
Question: What is the inspirational music or speech that is playing in background while he is self training to lose weight to join the military?
The 5 Wood - S4-E5
Question: The Davids and the Greens get kicked out of their country club. But in later seasons they all end up going to the same the country club as most of the cast again. Marty, Norm, Marty's cousin... How do they all end up at the same country club again? Is it the same club and they got back in?
Question: What is the type of green dress that Audrey wears inside the shop when she looks in the mirror?
Question: Even though both Eggs and Winnie jumped into the manhole to slide into the Boxtrolls' lair, why was only Winnie shown sliding down it?
Question: How did Preston's backpack end up in the wide park area even though he left it in the woods?
Question: Carrie tells Doug that she was "pretty wrong" about whether they could make a case of "chain of causation" against Deacon. Can someone explain why they are not able to make the case?
Question: Who is in the photograph on the liquor table in the beginning?
Question: Wouldn't the end of the fight be an obvious draw as soon as the second judge's score was read in favor of Antonio? Michael Buffer didn't announce a split decision before reading the scorecard so as soon as the second score was read in favor of Antonio then a draw was imminent.
Question: When Phil says that they'll have 4 days together, from the expression Alice has on her face, does that mean she was not intending to go at that point?
Question: When Alice, Dianne and Harper got in the house she said it was Phil calling but why would she lie when obviously Artie was talking on the phone to her? Also, why did Artie call Alice Mrs. Rosin?
Question: I recently saw this movie for the first time in decades, but didn't see something I know I saw when watching this on TV in the 80s. Back then I periodically saw a few seconds of a sunset over the ocean (or similar to that) with mellow music playing now and then between certain scenes. Now I can't find this in the movie anymore. Does anyone else remember this or are those sunsets from another movie (same timeframe - late 70s)?
Question: After reading the book there's still two things I don't understand. 1. Why were so many students afraid of the Vigils? They weren't intimidating at all. The only thing they did was have students do childish pranks. 2. If they were such pranksters, why didn't they do the pranks themselves instead of having other students do them?
Question: Why is Carmen listening to Juni about her feet stinking and wasting time instead of just ignoring him and moving on to find the transmooker?
Question: How accurate is the carjacking scene?
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