Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How was Annabelle still using her powers behind the door? She led Janice to finding her and freeing her, so even in the blessed room Annabelle can still use her powers?

Question: In one of the last parts it says that Bella was on the phone with James. But somehow Alice didn't hear James talking even though she was in the same room with Bella. But why?

What's Past is Prologue - S1-E13

Question: Why are Joann Owosekun and Rhys still wearing the Terran uniform while everyone else on the ship has switched to the Federation's as they were supposed to?

Canary - S10-E14

Question: Why did Khan close his eyes after giving McGee the numbers?

The Birnam Wood - S6-E2

Question: Can someone please explain to me the chronology of episode 2 of season six? I don't understand some things, there are scenes that seem to come before others (I'm guided because I see characters wearing the same clothes "supposedly" on different days, or things like that, that I don't understand). If someone explains it to me, I'd appreciate it, please.

Eduardo Sánchez Rodríguez

Question: Is the original cut of the film available in Region One territories on either DVD or Blu-Ray? I have the standard DVD and Blu-Ray editions, but they are pretty sparse on content and only seem to have the cut US version of the film, which is missing some plot and comedy beats.


Question: What is the dance the actors are dancing at the public ball where Charles Bingley, Caroline Bingley, and Mr. Darcy arrive late? Everyone stops dancing when they appear and then take up where they left off and finish.

Question: Trioxin is supposed to make living things indestructible. Yet these trioxin zombies just like the ones in the fourth film die with just one bullet. Why is that?


Question: What song is playing in the background when the Station Inspector is flirting with the Flower Girl and asks her about her flowers?

Question: What is the ring tone on Jack Campbell's cell phone? What kind of phone does he use in the movie?

Question: I don't recognise the instant messaging tool used during the office scenes. Is it an actual software product typical of that decade or was it created for the film?

Question: Is the landscape around Rockport MA (where the film was shot) really that similar to that around Sitka AK (where the film is set)?

Question: What did Alexander Vandegrift mean when he said "just about choked that poor woman at the reception blubbering?"

Like You Like an Arsonist - S3-E1

Question: I'm confused. Haley returns at the end of season 2 - aka the beginning of summer. But in season 3 episode 1 present day (3 months later) she is looking for a place to stay and greeting her friends as if she just got there. Where the heck did she go after Nathan left for High Flyers?

Show generally

Question: I'm looking for a quote by Bojack Horseman about a philosopher justifying violence. I think it was season 3, and it might have been about Kant, but I can't seem to find it.

Season 1 generally

Question: Why don't the heroes use at least 2018-era protective gear to keep from getting shot or stabbed?

Question: It is said in the movie that sensitive religious books when translated, are divided between the Dominicans, the Franciscans, and the Jesuits. Is this true?

Question: How was 47's assassination of Belicoff covered up so successfully? There were plenty of witnesses to it and if those same witnesses heard about Belicoff giving a speech or doing something else, they could say that was impossible because they saw him die.

Question: Is there any significance (or Easter eggs) in the book titles on the bookshelves in Sigourney Weaver's office? One of the titles was "The Grand Tour", another was "Green." I couldn't make out the other titles.


Question: After the Mayor is killed by Berringer in the extended edition, who runs the town? If it was run by Berringer and he's now dead, who's in charge?

Cody Fairless-Lee

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