Question: What is the ring tone on Jack Campbell's cell phone? What kind of phone does he use in the movie?
Question: What phone was used by Nicolas Cage while in the car towards the end? (01:47:10 - 01:49:31)
Question: What is the liquor that Jack finds (and drinks) in his office desk drawer at Big Al's Tires?
Question: Jack does not meet the Black mugger/angel again after returning to his former life. He wakes up in his apartment the same date he fell asleep, on Christmas. Were Jack's experiences all a dream?
Question: In the scene on the stairs with the chocolate cake when he pushes cake in Kate's face - was that supposed to happen? I ask because she is laughing so hard, and after a second or 2, Nicolas looks up as if to look at the director.
Answer: Http://, -The.html ///// In section 69 /// jack (out of breath) I want it... She looks at him, then takes the whole piece in her hand and smooshes it right in his mouth... Beat. Then, Jack starts laughing... jack (CONT'D) Thank you... KATE It's good, right? He takes a big clump of it and smooshes it in her mouth. They stay there a moment, lying on the stairs, feeding each other cake, laughing. Jack leans back on the stairs. He looks at Kate's face, practically covered in cake, smiling, and realises... ...he hasn't laughed like this in thirteen years. Then.
Is it clear if that's a transcript of the film or the original shooting script? Because if the former it doesn't really answer the question.
That's the original script. A transcript of the film after it has come out does not contain blocking information or information about the character's mindset. Those only contain dialogue and the name of the music scores playing similar to movie subtitles. An original script contains blocking and the character's mindset to give the actors/film crew an idea of what to do and the meaning of the scene.
Question: At the beginning of the film, Tony and Jack have a short conversation about "putting it all in commercial papers" and the "Deutsch mark." I have no idea what they're talking about, what does all of that mean? Could someone sum up what they were talking about?
Answer: The doorman has been collecting tips over the holiday season. Jack (being a high-flying business-man) has advised him to invest all the money in a particular type of financial instrument ("commercial papers" - probably company bonds). However, he has also advised him to keep the money there only until the exchange rate between the US dollar and the German currency falls (the Deutschmark was the German unit of currency at the time of the movie). Presumably, Jack anticipates that the investment will rise in value until the Deutschmark falls against the dollar so he's tipping the guy on how to make the most out of his investment.
Question: Have there been two separate endings made for this film?
Answer: Rumor says there was another ending, where they meet again and she says too much time has passed, she has a career and they could never recapture the magic they once had. She leaves him at the airport and he watches her fly away.
Question: Have there been two different endings made to this film? I'm sure I've seen him turn up at her flat after she's left, and he ends up with Kate's assistant.
Answer: Someone else asked the same question, There were rumors of a second ending. One where he arrives at the airport and misses her and watches the plane leave. The other he arrives talks to her, but she says too much time had passed, they could never recapture the past and had a career, then watches her plane leave.
Answer: More of an alternate reality. He really was living the life he'd have lived if he'd come back from his flight. The "angel" placed Jack in an alternate reality, then put him into the past in his original reality after he'd learned from his experience.
Phixius ★