Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the scene where Zack visits Laney in her basement while she's painting her mother, what is the song being played in the background? Unless I completely missed it, it cannot be found in the credits nor on a soundtrack. It would be great to know this song.


Question: Here is a user comment from the "In and Out" imdb listing. It's about Tom Hank's drama teacher Rawley Farnsworth being the inspiration for this film: "although he provided the idea behind the character, the character as written in the film is not based on Farnsworth himself. The name, the quirky character traits, the Shakespeare lectures, the bicycle, the Midwestern background (Farnsworth was from Oakland CA), the sports coach connection all come from a long term USC theater professor." Does anyone know anything about this?

Lockdown - S8-E3

Question: Why didn't Anubis just kill the members of SG1 when he Zatted them? He would've been dying to kill them considering they wiped out his fleet and destroyed his physical shield.

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