Question: Why did the government soldiers shoot down Doc Smith and burn them at the end? Was he infected?
Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: At the end, the cheerleader teams are competing. Before they have the two teams compete for Rhianna, how did Crenshaw Heights change into the street clothes so fast?
Question: There's a scene when Gail is walking through the studio lot and there's a car in the background that looks like the car from The Karate Kid movie. Is this the same car and why is it in the scene?
Question: Two questions and apology if I have the wrong Deputy Sheriff. 1. Why did Sheriff Denton want Deputy Gault out on that particular road? 2. Why would Lt. Reynolds still be charged with negligent homicide after it was revealed that the sheriff purposely had Gault stationed out there? Reynolds even stood by that he thought it was another part of the training exercise and wasn't aware that he was being chased by an actual law enforcement officer.
Question: Was the person on the motorbike the assassin or a some one else meant to look like him?
Question: Harris flies away from the island with the two FBI agents/pilots. 1. How could he return? 2. How did the killer know that and find him? 3. How could he and the agents/pilots be killed, as the group of profilers was always together?
Question: I wonder if someone can figure out what is Roman muttering to himself during the opening of the movie, or rather the opening of "3 weeks later" flashback. Close captions on Netflix say; "PC the first degree." Is that what he says? It does not appear to be a correct reference to the California Penal Code, and from what I heard later on, most other references to specific articles appear to be spot-on.
Question: What did Hart say when she spoke In Russian?
Question: Is there any particular reason the TV and radio stations on this show begin with a W, when they would geographically begin with a K? The creators of this show are from Colorado, so it seems unlikely that they wouldn't know that W-prefixes are for stations east of the Mississippi River.
Question: After Office Eggers lynches Melvin Peters in the streets, he is shown at his arraignment not long afterwards and given a $5,000 bail. Since the FBI had oversight of the case featured in this episode and Peters' murder was directly linked to the case, wouldn't Eggers be taken into FBI custody and consequently spend a longer time in lockup awaiting arraignment in front of a federal judge instead of the one from his own county?
Question: There is a deleted scene where Peter tells Ned he has to go after Vulture. Ned tries to convince him not to because he almost killed Peter last time. Is this set before or after Peter has his suit taken from him by Tony?
Question: Who's the character who's the driver of both Sanchez's car and (after the second truck explosion and the shooting of Truman Lodge) one of the 2 remaining tankers throughout the truck chase at the end? Can't seem to find any info on him. Don't think he dies, as we see him leap out of the truck just prior to it tipping over (due to the damaged brake pipes) during the final confrontation between Sanchez and Bond.
Question: By the end of the movie, the whole plan of the bad guys is to let Nyah in the middle of a populated city so that she infects a lot of people. But she just walks away to a cliff to kill herself. Even if Ethan failed to save her and kill Ambrose, the plan was not going to work. Or am I missing something? It sounds like a very poor plan to me if she could simply frustrate it by walking away.
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