Question: How could Jason figure out where Alice lived? Especially since it's established he's mentally disabled?
Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why didn't the prisoners unhook several cars at the rear of the train, to roll down the tracks and crash/block the troop train coming up behind them towards the end?
Question: If you break the silence of Kingsman, how come Charlie and his family didn't end up in the body bag?
Question: After the party, the visitors line up to get their own car keys. An employee was checking the keys to return them. And Mia in the line, desperately asks Sebastian to grab her keys instead. Why couldn't she just go get her keys herself if Sebastian can right away? And why would they keep all the keys in there in the first place? That looked weird to me. Is it common in the United States? (00:30:30 - 00:31:13)
Question: Are the official canonical comic book sequels (Buffy season 8, 9, etc./Angel: After the Fall, etc.) available for purchase digitally anywhere? I checked Amazon and didn't see them. Unfortunately, the trade paperbacks and collections are prohibitively expensive, since some of them seem to be out-of-print.
Question: What were the Count and the bus driver arguing about?
Question: What was hidden in the rolls?
Question: What plays before Mia is crowned queen? Not the Genovia Anthem, the orchestral music.
Question: At the end of the movie when Dave exits the truck, he holds Debbie from behind and in a romantic way sniffed her hair. Not only did Debbie lean back into him and smile, but Mike looked at them and didn't seem bothered. Is there an interview anywhere where the crew explains why Debbie and Dave seemed like they got back together out of nowhere? Are we supposed to forget the movie started off with Mike and Debbie as a couple?
Question: Why/what was Kazan so afraid of, after he fell into the green cube, from the blue one (on top), the one Quentin opened? I remember Kazan saying he didn't like the red ones, but they were in a green one I think. Also, how did he survive in there, is he a survivor of a previous rounds, or how did he know the spike room for example? (00:23:25 - 00:42:35)
Question: Why did Renfield return to Claire's grave and then destroy the headstone?
Question: Was Garvin the actual mastermind behind the plan to blame Tom for the CD-ROM problems from the very beginning or was that Meredith's idea? It would be unwise for Garvin to have set up Tom from the beginning since he appeared to have confidence in the merger going through prior to the sexual harassment case. And if Meredith was going to make changes to cut costs, why would she not learn about how the drives work and any potential problems that she may cause?
Question: Why did Eobard believe that pretending to be crippled would divert any suspicion away from him? He could simply walk around even after the accelerator exploded and people could just say that he was lucky that he didn't get injured, mutilated or even killed.
Question: Whose band is shown early in the story playing "I've Got That Old Feeling"? Sounds like Les Elgart.
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