Unanswered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did the survivors ignore the poor animals they pass by before they found the house to safety? didn't they even realised they needed to be saved from starvation?


Question: What exactly is the curse that the leprechaun places on the well? He only says that he curses the well until he finds his magic that breaks the spell, but never specifies what the curse is.

Question: What started the zombie apocalypse and is it just in Centerville or the entire world?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Try, Try Again - S2-E2

Question: When Jack and Jason go to talk to Todd about MACAA, Todd tells them that they destroyed it in Section 14 pit followed by a nuclear explosion. If it was destroyed, where did the version that is missing from the shelves come from?

Show generally

Question: Does this show have the "record" for most times they recast a main character? There's been 2 Ryans, 3 Boyds (not counting them as twins), 2 Kristins, 2 Mandys, and 2 Carol Larabees. I know there's countless shows with 1 or 2 recasts, but what other shows come close?


Question: Why do the Roman soldiers in this film seem to rescue the Innocents from Herod's men?

Alive Day - S6-E6

Question: Considering Zachariah cut the boards in order to set a trap for Boyd, why does he then rescue him? Would have been easy enough to let him go and make out like he just couldn't haul him out of the hole.

Jon Sandys

Whistle Past the Graveyard - S5-E8

Question: Boyd and crew nearly ruin their relationship with Yoon by killing the Memphis crew in Mexico, as they were warned not to kill anyone south of the border. They redeem themselves by saying they'll take care of the bodies themselves and get them into the US. All well and good until the Mexico police stop them, and the crew let them take the truck with the bodies, congratulating themselves on the deception...but how does that solve anything? Corrupt or not, the cops now have the bodies, in Mexico.

Jon Sandys

Question: Is Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa the guy posing during the opening credits? It seems a little bit too muscular to be him, despite the matching tattoos.

Question: What is Frank saying during the arms transaction and what is the language? The last part of what he says sounds phonetically similar to "dinga hoash."


Question: In the voice over planning the Lufthansa heist. It's said that Joe Budda and Frenchy were supposed to tie up the guards and keep them from the alarms. Frenchy worked at the airport. No matter if he wore a mask or not, it would be a gigantic risk of being recognized for Frenchy to be anywhere near the guards who work at the same airport. How could this be?

Bloody Harlan - S2-E13

Question: Mags poisons herself with the same "it was in the glass, not the jar" approach she took with Loretta's father. But we see her grab two glasses - one from the cupboard and one off a shelf. Does she slip poison in while off camera, or is it just that the cupboard/shelf glasses are always poisoned, trusting that everyone knows not to use them? Seems like a crazy risk to take.

Jon Sandys

Question: Why would Nino come to visit her every day when she knows she is being watched?

Question: Why did Aslan briefly pause before he killed Jadis?

The Broker - S5-E11

Question: Avery says that what he wants to talk to Julie about has nothing to do with his case. He tells her the reason why he lied about being home all night. By telling Julie the real reason he lied, isn't Avery actually discussing the case with her?

Show generally

Question: Isn't that tunnel (a new addition to Homer's story) bordering on the unlikely or stupid? The Trojans have a tunnel, it was nearly discovered, so on Priam's orders, they close it off "just in case." But later, the city is very desperate. Yet they don't reopen it until the city has already fallen. Secondly, at which time the Greeks are waiting for them at the far end, having found out at some point. Neither side uses a perfectly good tunnel?

Spiny Norman

Holy Night - S4-E11

Question: How old is Toby's father? In the flash back it is 1954, and he looks early 20s. Making him around 65. Toby states his father "worked for Murder Incorporated" but that was broken up by the FBI in 1940. Could it be that Toby used Murder Inc as a catch all term for organised crime because it was something people had heard off (and less likely to offend than saying "the Jewish Mafia").

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