Corrected entry: When the Joker greets Chenchen at the warehouse, Lau is seen alive and moving on top of the huge pile of money. When Joker sets the money on fire, Lau isn't heard screaming in pain even though it's obvious he is being burned alive.
3rd Apr 2017
The Dark Knight (2008)
19th Dec 2016
Total Recall (1990)
Corrected entry: Quaid and Melina both use the hologram device to trick Rickter and his men at the reactor. If the holograms are mimicking Quaid and Melina's actions then the bad guys should have spotted the real Quaid and Melina walking around just mere feet away.
Correction: They would mimic the moves behind a pillar, unseen by Rickter and his men.
16th Feb 2017
Independence Day (1996)
Corrected entry: When Steve crashes his F18 head first into the canyon wall, the nose itself is intact within the fireball into which the alien fighter flies.
Correction: It broke off instead of shattering. It's plausible. It's not exactly intact either.
30th Nov 2016
Independence Day (1996)
Corrected entry: There's no way the people at SETI, NASA, or anyone pointing a telescope at the moon wouldn't have spotted the mother ship long before it reached the moon. If asteroids only a few miles wide can be spotted millions of miles away from the Earth then space ship 1/4 the size of the moon are visible long before July 2.
Correction: Asteroids that are approaching or getting close to Earth have been doing that for millions of years and we spotted them over many years and many scans of a lot of space. A single relatively tiny spaceship popping up somewhere is not something we can see immediately unless it gets really close and we pick up a signal or echo.
31st Dec 2016
WarGames (1983)
Corrected entry: At one point the General suggests unplugging the system so the missiles won't go off. McKittrick says the WOPR would interpret that as a shutdown and launch the missiles anyway. But if that were the case then why didn't WOPR launch the missiles when David shut down the game from his home earlier in the film?
Correction: The General and McKittrick don't know the computer is simulating a game and think this is the real thing. The computer won't launch missiles even if they did unplug, even though McKittrick thinks that. That's why it didn't launch anything when David shut off the game either.
Exactly right. Joshua knows it's a game at the house. McKittrick thinks the whole thing has been real at the time je makes the comment - which actually raises the question: why didn't McKittrick put 2 and 2 together at that point and realise David was telling the truth about the game? (although in the narrative of the film it is, at that point, irrelevant and would likely be out of step to go there in the story).
28th Dec 2016
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)
Corrected entry: When Ben Stiller closes the tanning bed and says "I wanna burn!" while he is saying that and closing it, the tanning bed doesn't close all the way.
Correction: Actually it does close fully, it's not a pie iron that squeezes close, someone is inside of that.
3rd Jan 2017
The Matrix (1999)
Corrected entry: Cypher alerts the agents to the location of Morpheus' base of operations via cell phone tracing. But since the agents can transport to any body in the Matrix that hasn't been unhooked, and they can trace calls in about 30 seconds as we saw at the start, it would have been easier if they had transported to the nearest bodies, got into the building, killed Mouse, destroyed their equipment and then summon the police. All this they could have done in 5 minutes while everyone was at the Oracle, but instead we get a very long, action packed confrontation.
28th Dec 2016
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: After the first task in the tournament, Harry's arm is in a sling. But in the second movie, Madam Pomfrey stated that she can "mend bones in a heartbeat."
Correction: But his arm was fine when he was carrying the golden egg and cheering with his friends in the common room. Then the next day, he was wearing an arm sling. I don't understand.
Correction: Just because his arm is in a sling doesn't mean it's broken. He could have a tingling sensation that won't go away or his arm hurts when he moves it and they don't know why (magic). It's just a precaution.
He actually got a big cut in his shoulder when he was falling from the roof, and the sling was to keep his arm and shoulder still so the cut would heal.
27th Oct 2016
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Corrected entry: During the climatic battle scene near the end, a Marder III tank destroyer is driven into the city and gets destroyed by American soldiers with molotovs. However, a Marder III would never be driven into a city as a vanguard with such high ambush possibility, as it was a vehicle solely dedicated for anti-tank purposes and would be hopeless against infantry.
Correction: Tanks aren't just used to fight other tanks. It is an armored vehicle used as cover for the foot soldiers, its use as a tank destroyer is irrelevant. They weren't expecting enemy armor, but they were expecting snipers, so the tank was used to protect the foot soldiers. It later was used to take out the sniper position, so it did serve its purpose well.
A Marder was just an anti tank gun on tracks. It didn't have any machine guns except what they could poke over the top of the armour. Not ideal for supporting infantry but if it's all they've got... A stupid decision by the Germans, but not really a movie mistake.
16th Oct 2016
Independence Day (1996)
Corrected entry: After Russell Casse has crashed his plane into the alien's laser weapon and destroyed the ship, General William Grey gives the order to inform all countries to aim for the laser weapon to bring down all the alien spacecraft (which works). The problem here is the Americans were simply lucky that the ship had opened up the hatch and were planning to destroy Area 51, which left it vulnerable to being destroyed. All the other countries would have to fly around in circles and wait for the hatch to open which could have taken days, since they couldn't penetrate the outer armour. In short, it's highly unlikely they would have all fallen at once.
Correction: Its highly unlikely, but not impossible. Nobody says they were all taken out at once anyway. It was a globally coordinated attack and most if not all of the ships were attacked at the same time. Though it would probably take some time for them to open up their primary weapon, they could all be destroyed that way since they were still destroying cities.
Not necessarily. They could've still been using the signal to coordinate with the other alien ships like they did when they mounted the first attack.
10th Oct 2016
Jumanji (1995)
Corrected entry: In 1969 when Alan and Sarah play Jumanji, when Sarah says "Alan, look!", if you look on the board game there are only two tokens on there, but all four tokens should be there. Later on all when Alan gets sucked in all four of them are on.
Correction: There are only 2 tokens on the board the whole time, the ones Alan and Sarah are playing with. The other 2 tokens only get on the board when Judy and Peter start playing in 1995.
6th Sep 2016
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Corrected entry: When Bilbo runs down the hill, commencing his journey, he runs past a Hobbit with a wheel barrow and then a lady sitting with a straw hat. 15 secs later, he runs past another Hobbit standing with the same lady in the straw hat. (00:40:20)
Correction: Its not the same lady, she is just also wearing a straw hat and similar, but different clothes.
20th Jul 2016
Ghostbusters (2016)
Corrected entry: When the vandal is spraying the Ghostbusters logo on the subway, he is using one spray can, but paints the ghost logo in black, white and red.
Correction: He has a can of spray paint in each of his hands. One black and one red. He uses his left hand to spray the black and his right to spray the red.
9th Sep 2016
Independence Day (1996)
Corrected entry: The New York ship comes to a stop just above the tip of the Empire State building. Since the World Trade Center towers were several hundred feet taller, this means the ship should have collided with them and knocked them over, as they're only a few miles away, and the ship is easily larger than that. But after the city destruction, we see the twin towers still intact, if severely damaged.
Correction: The ship is higher than you think. The part that has the primary weapon is lower than the rest of the ship so that's why it appears to be lower, but it hangs higher above the rest of the city, including the twin towers. Besides, the roof of the twin towers are actually lower than the tip of the Empire state building at 417 meters, meaning that only the antenna of the WTC1 would have snapped off if the ship had been hanging that low.
8th Sep 2016
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Corrected entry: Picard states in his log entry that the "alien" ship has detected the Phoenix's warp signature. Picard knows perfectly well that a Vulcan ship made first contact. Historically, he and the rest of the Starfleet doesn't use "alien" unless they are referring to an unknown race. This was only done to preserve the surprise of Vulcans walking off the ship.
Correction: Perhaps he was just being nostalgic. Since they have been on Earth in the past for a while he just empathizes the feeling these people had from a time before humans knew about extraterrestrials.
16th Jul 2016
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Corrected entry: When Palpatine, Anakin, and Obi-Wan are in the elevator tracks, they jump from the elevator coming down, shoot out a grappling hook then they all go through the door onto the floor of the hallway. They all go in at an odd pace. Palpatine gets thrown into the hallway first, then Obi-Wan and Anakin. But really they should all be getting thrown in at the same time, since only Anakin and Obi-Wan have the grappling hooks and Palpatine is holding onto Anakin's leg, which he should be influenced by him, and get thrown at the same time.
12th Jul 2016
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Corrected entry: The TX cuts through the particle accelerator with its inbuilt saw, but the machine was on. This was trapping it and the liquid metal, making it unable to move. Somehow it is able to activate the saw without that too being caught by the magnetic field. Not to mention it was able to hold the entire saw completely steady while activating it.
Correction: It was still activated so it should be able to use its tools still. Could be the saw was mostly made up of titanium or aluminum which is not (or hardly) affected by the magnetic field of the accelerator and thus still usable.
11th Jul 2016
Watchmen (2009)
Corrected entry: During the peace rally in the opening credits, the stem of the flower that is placed in the barrel of a rifle disappears in preparation for it to be digitally destroyed by the CGI gunfire. (00:09:40)
Correction: No, it never disappears except behind one of the leaves when the girl lets it go. I don't think the gunfire is CGI anyway, just use blanks. Maybe the flying leaves are CGI, but not the gunfire and the stem doesn't need to be digitally removed for that anyway.
3rd Jun 2016
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Corrected entry: If Voldemort can possess a person who is writing or having his old diary, as he did it with Ginny, I'm asking myself why didn't he just possess Harry the same way, as Harry is also writing in it. I mean, if he could control actions of Harry Potter, his biggest enemy, it would be a perfect goal for Voldemort. Voldemort is very smart and he wouldn't miss that, so it's unexplainable how Harry didn't fall into the possession of Tom Riddle.
Correction: It took Voldemort months to possess Ginny, she had been writing in that diary for months and over the time Voldemort got more and more control over her. Secondly, this is a very young version of Voldemort, one who doesn't know about Harry and his connection with him so there is no reason for him to forget about Ginny and possess Harry instead (or as well). Ginny was all he needed.
1st Jun 2016
Game of Thrones (2011)
Corrected entry: Rhaegal (Green/Bronze Dragon) has changed places with his brother Viserion (Creamy White Dragon) since being chained in S04E10. This error continues in S05E05 but is later corrected in S06E02, when Tyrion Lannister frees both dragons from the dungeon.
Correction: The dragons are connected to long chains and they could easily switch places. We do not see where they are connected to.
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Correction: Lau is not moving on top of the pile. He is tied up and there is a gag in his mouth. He couldn't scream even if he wanted to.