Star Trek: First Contact

Corrected entry: The fact that Picard did not share his precious Anti-Borg tactics with federation long before, costs Federation a lot of ships and lives. Such precious knowledge should've been added long before to the Federation databases. Every single captain of the Federation should already be well trained with these new "Picard Maneuvers." I mean what if Picard had a heart attack a year before the Borg battle? Then earth would be lost just because Picard is too lazy to share vital information. He only shares that important information when battles begin?


Correction: Picard could hear the Borg. As Data stated, the coordinates Picard entered were not a vital system, but on this cube allowed for a chain reaction to occur. Because Picard could hear the Borg he was able to determine this weakness and take advantage of it. Picard had already given all the information he had to the Federation. This was used to begin producing warships such as the Defiant Class.

Corrected entry: When Picard, Worf and Hawk are outside the ship and want to separate the transmitter dish from the hull, Worf sets down his gun. No gravity, so you cannot set anything down. The suits are attached magnetically for just that reason.

Correction: He puts it down, gravity doesn't do that, he does. It's instinctive to do it like that even though there is no gravity. They kneel down so the weapon stays close to them if they need it. It won't float off at great speed without something to propel it.


Corrected entry: If the population of the planet was still between 6-7 billion before the third World War and 600 million were killed from the war, then how did the population jump up to 9 billion when everyone would have been a Borg in Picard's time?

Correction: Why would the population be only 6-7 billion? That's the current population. Estimates place the 2063 population at over 10 billion. That can easily leave 9 billion with the WWIII losses.

Greg Dwyer

Corrected entry: Picard holds a staff meeting with all the major officers after learning of the Borg yet the Tactical officer (whoever replaced Worf during this time while he was on DS9) is never seen.


Correction: There is no mention of a tactical officer replacing Worf, but when Worf is asked to give a hand he does relieve someone at the tactical station. Obviously they had a lower-level officer filling in at tactical until a replacement could be found for Worf. The lower-level officer would not have been invited to the staff meeting.


Corrected entry: When the Borg Queen is talking to Data about how he talks, drones are working on his arm with his hands being restrained. He is still able to move his fingers quite easily so if he can do that he should be able to just slip his hands out from the restraints.


Correction: Irrelevant. The fact is, Data doesn't want to get away or escape, he finds the Borg Queen intriguing, especially as she is promising the one thing in the universe he craves more than anything else; to be more human.


Corrected entry: Other than for convenience for the script, there is absolutely no reason the Borg needed to wait until they got to Earth to use the time vortex to go into Earth's past. They could have made the journey back in time long before they decided to make their attack, then surprise Earth with no one to stop them.

Correction: There is nothing in the movie that suggests that was their plan in the first place. The Borg cube didn't launch the sphere and begin the time vortex until after their cube was about to be destroyed because of Picard's instructions on how Star Fleet should attack. The Borg would no doubt have been monitoring Star Fleet communications and would have known the Enterprise was ordered to stay out of the conflict, thus not expected the Enterprise to arrive with Picard's knowledge on how to defeat them. Thus it is reasonable to assume that when the Enterprise did arrive and Picard ordered the fleet to attack their weak spot, the Borg initiated a Plan B, and then sent their forces back in time. The Borg would have known, especially with their queen among them, that traveling to the past would be risky for their future, also due to the unpredictable chain of events that would have been caused by them changing their own history even, calling their forces out of the Delta Quadrant long before they originally were going to. Thus it is, as Spock would say, logical that their initial plan was to attack Earth with their superior Borg Cube, wipe out Star Fleet and take over Earth with Picard and the Enterprise a long way away from the battle, his ship being the only one with weapons designed to fight the Borg. But when Picard disobeyed orders and the Enterprise arrived at the battle anyways, the Borg had to change their plan.

Quantom X

It is indeed a plot hole. There is absolutely no reason for Borg to fight the federation again (and lose again) when they have time-jump technology in the first place. The "Enterprise Factor" which changed the outcome of the battle, absolutely doesn't matter. It is a lame explanation against an earlier timejump. To be honest it is even a second plot hole (to explain the first one). Picard did not share his Borg tactics with federation long before? What if Picard would've had a heart attack a year before? The precious Borg tactics would be lost and Earth lost to the Borg. Thus changing timeline for the Borg being Plan B cause it is even too risky for Borg, well I don't know, in the end they did it. I don't think Borg think it is too risky for their own future, cause there are other Plan B's, for example sending 10 ships next time and let the "dangerous" time-jump stuff beside.


Correction: Picard had shared information with Starfleet. The reason The Enterprise factor is in play here is Picard could hear the Borg speaking and figured out their vulnerability.

Corrected entry: Picard states in his log entry that the "alien" ship has detected the Phoenix's warp signature. Picard knows perfectly well that a Vulcan ship made first contact. Historically, he and the rest of the Starfleet doesn't use "alien" unless they are referring to an unknown race. This was only done to preserve the surprise of Vulcans walking off the ship.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: Perhaps he was just being nostalgic. Since they have been on Earth in the past for a while he just empathizes the feeling these people had from a time before humans knew about extraterrestrials.


Corrected entry: After all the plasma is vented from the floor of Engineering, Picard's shoes sizzle when he steps on the floor. However, the rungs of the metal ladder he climbs down from, which also would have been submersed in the plasma, do not, and neither do they burn his hands. (01:37:35)

Correction: The substance that flooded main engineering was not plasma, but the "plasma coolant". It is said to liquefy organic material on contact, but obviously leaves inorganic material (the equipment, floor, ladder, robotic Borg components, etc.) undamaged. Picard's shoes are likely "sizzling" from a chemical reaction to the coolant, albeit a less destructive one than liquefaction, and not heat.

This makes no sense. You said yourself it "liquefies organic material on contact." Whatever it's doing to his shoes indicates it remains on the surfaces it touches. His hands - "organic material" just like Data's skin graft - are touching a surface that was exposed to it. Now it's *possible* that the substance sinks to floor level so it didn't remain on the ladder, or that the metal on the ladder repels it - but to claim that is pure conjecture and is not at all indicated by anything in the film.

Corrected entry: When Picard and Lilly go to the holodeck, the door says "Holodeck". When the Borg enter, it says "Holosuite". (00:49:25)

Correction: Both times it says "Holosuite 4".

No it doesn't - though the original poster has it the wrong way round. It reads "08 Holosuite 4" when Picard and Lily are about to enter. When the Borg lay hands on the same door seconds later (Picard and Lily are standing on the other side as they start banging), the same side of the exact same door reads "0820 Holodeck 02." No ifs, no buts, this is a straight up continuity error.

Corrected entry: Lieutenant Hawk, seated at his console is looking intently ahead at the camera which would be the bridge's view screen from that perspective. But when the shot switches to Picard leaving the bridge, we see that the view screen isn't up. What was so informative about the blank wall that Hawk was looking at? (00:17:05)

Correction: This is not an error, per se. The scene in question surrounds some very tense dialogue between the characters behind Hawke, the outcome of which will affect him. His stare appears to be more pensive, listening to and considering the conversation taking place.

Corrected entry: In the spacewalk scene, where Worf's suit is damaged during the fight with the Borg drone to release the deflector dish, he stops the suit from leaking by using part of the Borg drone as a tourniquet on his upper leg. Although this might be sufficient for keeping the rest of his body from being exposed to decompression in space, his lower leg is still exposed to deep space vacuum, resulting in the blood boiling instanly. This would cause him to at the very least lose the functionality of this body part, yet there is no sign of this in the rest of the scene.

Correction: He doesn't use the Borg part as a tourniquet. He plugs/patches the hole and uses the Borg part to hold the plug/patch in place.


Nope. Just rewatched it. There is a visible tourniquet but there is no sign of any other plug or patch, there is no dialogue of him hinting this is how he did it and there is no footage of him applying it. Pure speculation.

Corrected entry: When Picard, Worf and Hawke step onto the hull to remove the plating the Borg are working on, there's a big deal made of the fact they have to magnetise their space suits to avoid floating away. This is even shown explicitly when Picard demagnetises himself, floats away to the other side and magnetises again to land himself. How then, is he able to just lay his phaser rifle on the hull so he can work on a locked console without it floating off into space?

Correction: There has to be a force acting on something for it to fly away. Picard and his compatriots are walking, so, if their boots weren't magnetised, the force of their steps would cause them to float away. With the rifle, however, it's just an inanimate object, there are no forces involved. As such Picard can just rest it against the hull, without having to worry about losing it.] [And, more to the point, if you listen when they set their rifles down, you can hear the same sound that occurred when they activated their boots. That is done to indicate that they're using a magnetic system to keep the gun on the hull of the ship.


Utterly disproven by the fact that the very purpose they're out there is to release the clamps holding down the stationary deflector dish. What happens when they do? It floats away... The rifle should too.

Corrected entry: In one of the final sequences, when Picard initiates the self destruct sequence, Worf uses his authorization code to ratify the self destruct command. How could Worf be a commanding officer of the ship, with authority to destroy the ship? At the time of the movie, he was in command of the Defiant, and not a crew member of the Enterprise, let alone a commanding officer. (01:23:40)


Correction: You don't have to be a commanding officer of the ship or even one of the ship's crew. As long as the ship's computer recognizes the person's authority, the computer will follow instructions. Remeber that in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, NO ONE is officially a crew member of the Enterprise as it is scheduled to be decommissioned. However, after stealing the ship, Kirk, Scotty and Chekov are able to activate the self-destruct because the computer recognizes their authority.


Corrected entry: Sector 001 is the Solar System, and the location of Earth, the Federation's capital world. For such an important location, it doesn't seem to be heavily guarded and no ships are seen establishing a perimeter defense around the planet, or even orbiting it. Earth is the Borg's target. With the threat of a Borg invasion, one would expect Starfleet Command to mobilize every ship they could, alert their allies and recall the ships not in-system, yet only 10-20 ships are shown attacking the Cube (not counting the ones destroyed prior to the the Enterprise's arrival).


Correction: Too much supposition. We don't know how many ships defending Earth have already been destroyed, how many were close enough to get there in time, how many might have encountered the Borg en route and fallen without ever reaching the defensive line at Earth. Earth isn't a fortress, requiring a huge defensive fleet at all times - Starfleet ships will generally be out on assignment, so all they have at Earth is what they can pull together in time. Certainly we don't have remotely enough information to consider this a valid error.


Corrected entry: Picard and Worf destroy the deflector dish. This means the Enterprise is left without the ability to deflect anything, including dust. Without that ability, it would be unable to proceed at even impulse speeds, let alone go to warp, as the impacts would create micro-holes in the ship and thus destroy it.

Correction: A. Enterprise is mostly in orbit and travels a short distance through the solar system, even our spacecraft today do that safely for weeks without damage. B. Her structural integrity fields provide limited protection against spaceborne debris. C. The crew will certainly effect repairs before they return to the future.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: If the Enterprise crew did not know that the Borg were aboard, there would be no reason to lock up Sick Bay, and so the doors should have opened when the Borg drones attempted to gain access. However, the drones had to punch their way inside. (00:24:15)

Correction: This assumes the doors to sickbay will open for anyone (or anything). Sickbay would be a secure area and may only allow access for crew members with their I.D. badges. In my police department everyone has magnetic security badges, each one programmed to only allow access for the area that you have security clearance for. Even if the doors normally open for anyone they probably would have increased the security access at the time to ensure limited contact with the patient from the 21st century.


Corrected entry: In the first scene when Data is captured by the Borg Queen and he is restrained, he informs her that the encryption code is locked in his neuralnet and can not be forcibly removed, you see 2 small drill bits being drilled right into his head by his left ear. Later in the movie when they are talking about the flesh on his arm (before the flesh is grafted onto his face) while he is still being restrained, there are NO drill holes in his face. From prior episodes in STNG Data is NOT self healing. How did the holes fix themselves? And if the Borg queen is going to graft flesh on his face there, why would they bother fixing the holes? (00:39:00 - 00:46:00)

Correction: The Borg Queen is trying to win Data over to her side, not to force him. So any damage they do to him while preparing to attach real skin to him will be fixed to show her good faith.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: After the survivors of the Defiant are beamed aboard, Dr. Crusher escorts Worf to the bridge. Why would she do this? There are undoubtedly casualties from the Defiant in sickbay which could do with the Chief Medical Officer's attention. Worf doesn't need to be shown the way - even if he doesn't know he only has to step into the turbolift and say "Bridge".

Correction: Probably there are casualties, and no doubt her highly trained staff are keeping them under observation. Only one, however, has insisted on going straight to the bridge; Beverly is merely keeping him under temporary observation to ensure that he's not being all Klingon and shrugging off a serious injury. Any other member of her staff, Worf could intimidate into leaving him alone, but not her.


Corrected entry: Just before beaming up to the Enterprise and leaving the 21st century, Picard calls the ship to give the corresponding order. He does this without touching his badge before starting to talk. When not on board of the Enterprise the badge has to be tapped to active the communications link (some sort of energy saving mode). Just starting to talk and activate a com link with this only works on board.

Christoph Galuschka

Correction: Incorrect. There are numerous instances on the show where they keep an "open communications link" with someone on the surface of a planet. When they do this, tapping the badge is not necessary.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Picard, Worf and Hawk are space-walking on the hull of the Enterprise, in the first shots Worf appears to the right of Picard, then after a c/u or two, Worf is to the left . The sequence is too tight to allow for a passage of time in which the Worf and Hawk might have swapped places. (01:01:05)

Correction: I thought this was a mistake too and replayed the scene several times until I realized that the first shot where Warf appears to the right of Picard it is because the shot is of them upside down. After the cutaway they are head up and Warf is now to the left of Picard but still on Picard's right.

Dee Dressler

Star Trek: First Contact mistake picture

Factual error: In the scene where Picard opens a viewing port and shows Lilly that she is in a starship orbiting Earth he shows her New Guinea and Australia. New Zealand is missing. (00:42:45)

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Suggested correction: Actually when you look at Australia and New Zealand from orbit, New Zealand is a lot further away from Australia then shown on a map, also a lot more south of Australia. A map is a 2D image of a sphere, causing proportions to be off (its well known Africa is a lot smaller on maps than it is in real life). Especially the further south or north you go distances are way off. The depiction shown in the movie is actually correct, in that angle New Zealand is just outside of the frame. There are plenty of pictures from orbit to compare.


More mistakes in Star Trek: First Contact

Data: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.

More quotes from Star Trek: First Contact

Trivia: I was reading through some of the entries concerning the Borg in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, and came upon a comment they had about Wolf 359 - it's the name of an actual star in space, it makes up part of the Constellation Leo. It's also the site of the first major fleet battle between StarFleet and the Borg. Take your mind back to the scene where Zef and Lily first walk out of that bar, and Lily sees a speck of light that is actually the Borg Sphere, and asks Zef what it is. He replies "That, my dear, is the Constellation Leo". Now, obviously he didn't see what she was pointing out the first time around, but we could probably assume that from their point of view the sphere was in the general area that the constellation occupies in the night sky. Nice coincidence that the first attack on Earth by the Borg came from the same direction as the major battle between Starfleet and the Borg.

More trivia for Star Trek: First Contact

Question: Deanna Troi states that they will get rid of poverty, disease, and war within next 50 years. How would they get rid of things like autism, ADHD, or dyslexia? Aren't those medical conditions that cannot be cured?

Answer: Troi says that future medical research is far more advanced and humanity has learned to work together and overcome many social problems without being specific. It's unknown how these conditions will be cured, but possibly through advanced gene therapy, new drugs, new surgical techniques, etc.


Answer: The things you listed are not diseases, they are conditions. It is more plausible that she was referring to things like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other similar disorders which, at some point in time, there might be a cure.

Troi said poverty disease war would all be gone within the next 50 years. I thought she meant things like autism ADHD and dyslexia would be gone too not just disease.

No, that's why she said disease.

Well the movie tells us that all bad things on earth would be gone within the next 50 years. I thought that would have included conditions like autism dyslexia or ADHD as well as disease.

The movie doesn't say "all bad things." She specifically says "disease." In other words things that can be cured, get cured. No doubt some things will be curable that we currently can't cure, and some things will never be curable. You're overanalysing a line used simply to explain that humanity advances itself in a short space of time.

Jon Sandys

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