The Dark Knight

Correction: As bad as the Joker is, Batman would never falsely accuse anyone of a crime they didn't commit. Plus, Joker was in custody at the time, so people could become suspicious the police are lying about the murders. But it also sets up a new persona for Batman to put fear into Gotham's criminals. He is now seen as a vigilante willing to kill. And it sets up Harvey Dent to be the hero.


Corrected entry: During the bank scene, there's 5 guys. Three in the car, two on the roof. As they begin the robbery, there are three on the bank floor, one in the vault, two on the roof (where did the extra guy come from?) The guy on the roof deactivates the alarm, gets shot. The shooter then goes down to the vault, where he shoots the vault guy. Technically leaving us with 4 guys still in the bank. He then begins to collect the money in duffel bags. While this is happening, the bank manager shoots and kills one robber, shooting him in the back. Leaving two robbers on the bank floor and one in the vault. Manager shoots the second robber in the arm, "where you learn to count?" Joker shoots manager, and begins loading the duffel bags. The only problem is the the vault guy never came up. He never bought the money to the floor. Joker shoots the last robber, shoots the bus driver and leaves. What happened to the money guy and where did the vault guy come from? "Three in the car, two on the roof."

Correction: The shooter of the guy on the roof goes to the vault to get it open, there is no extra guy. Later the guy who got shot in the arm visits the guy in the vault and shoots him once he has opened it, and starts loading the cash. He goes back and threatens the Joker about killing him and then gets hit by the bus. The amount of people is correct - the bus driver is extra, but only the Joker knew the actual amount.


Corrected entry: A minor quibble, but it would be near suicide to ride a motorcycle wearing a six-foot cape. The drive assembly and or rear wheel/axle would eventually grab it and snap your neck.

Correction: Not true. In the special features of The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan shows the audience the film-making process with behind-the-scenes footage, including the logistics of the bat-pod. He states that the original plan was to have Batman's cape shoot back into his suit in a backpack-like fashion, but he found when they were filming, the cape immediately caught the flow of the wind and never got caught up in the back tire, which he was very pleased to find out.

Corrected entry: When the Joker, Grumpy and Chuckles get out of their station wagon and rush into the bank, you can see that they are parked on the south side of Van Buren Street and their car is facing east, just west of the drawbridge over the river (as indicated by 301 South Wacker Drive being visible in the background). They then enter through doors at the east end of the lobby. When the Joker is starting up the bus and pulling out of the bank's west lobby doors, the entrance suddenly changes to being on the north side at the west end, as he only makes a 90 degree right turn to join in with the other buses, which are driving east on Van Buren Street. He should actually have to make a full 180 degree clockwise turn through the intersection of Canal Street and Van Buren. (00:02:05 - 00:07:00)


Correction: If this scene were set in Chicago, you'd have a valid mistake. But it's set in Gotham City, so all this talk of directions is moot since it's impossible to say which directions this fictional bank's multiple entrances face.


Corrected entry: When the Joker holds the knife to Rachel he (Keith) cuts his face, upper lip. In the next scene it's cleaned up.

Correction: If he is holding the knife to Rachel, how does he cut his face? No such thing happens. And his name is Heath, not Keith.

Correction: I don't really think this constitutes trivia. Two scenes vaguely resembling each other isn't really all that interesting or notable. Plus, a character interrupting a meeting in such a manner is a pretty common trope used in a lot movies. I could probably name about a half-dozen other movies with similar scenes off the top of my head.


I agree. Without some correlation between the two films (same director, actor, etc), two similar scenes wouldn't be trivia.


Corrected entry: During the truck scene, after Batman drives under the truck, Joker shouts "He missed!" But his lips don't move when he says it.

Correction: The Joker wasn't the one saying the line. It was one of his henchman who was inside the truck with him who speaks. It's a different voice and from a different part of the truck.

Casual Person

Corrected entry: There's supposedly several police officers observing Joker from outside the interrogation room through a two-way mirror, but none of them notice Joker taking Stephens (his guard) hostage until he escapes the room.


Correction: There are no other cops present, they have all gone to rescue Rachel and Dent. Only Stephens is there.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Joker is doing the "magic trick" with the pencil, he first stabs the pencil through the table, and we can see that he stabbed it because it is leaning to the side and the metal band is at the top. After he slams the guy's head down onto the pencil, there is no hole in the table.

Correction: If you look closely, it appears as though he uses some kind of blu-tak like substance to hold the pencil steady.


Corrected entry: When the batman goes into attack mode in his tumbler on the Lower Fifth chase, he shifts in the right side of the cockpit. But when he ejects the batpod he appears to have comes out from the left side of the cockpit.

Correction: When Batman goes into attack mode, he shifts to the CENTER of the cockpit. When he activates the ejection for the Batpod, he shifts back towards the driver's side. This happens off camera, but you hear the whine of the hydraulic motors that move the seat positioning.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the interogation room scene, Commissioner Gordon leaves through the door facing the Joker. When Batman appears behind the Joker, there is a door behind Batman. Two doors yet Batman only barricades one door to keep the police out, and Gordon only runs towards one of the doors, not even trying the other one.

Correction: First, Gordon is only one person so he is only able to run to one of the doors. We are never shown where the other door goes. If it was an exit that only led to the holding cells (a logical choice, since that is where you take prisoners after interrogation) the people in the viewing area would not be able to access it. Also, it could just be a door to a bathroom or storage room.


Corrected entry: The events of this film take place immediately after the events of 'Batman Begins'. In the previous film, Lucius Fox introduces and describes the 'Tumbler' to Bruce Wayne as a military prototype 'bridging vehicle', designed to jump across ravines and chasms to drag lines which would then be used to pull bridges across. The vehicle is then used in that film is ways that are consistent with the expected features of such a vehicle. However, in this film the Tumbler (now officially the 'Batmobile') suddenly acquires the ability to shed its outer skin, revealing the motorcycle-like vehicle from within. Not only does this serve no conceivable purpose for an intended 'bridging vehicle', but that ability would preclude the interior passenger space shown quite thoroughly in the previous film. Also, there has not been any time between the two films' timelines in which to make the modifications necessary for such a feature, even if they only recently decided to add it.

Correction: Incorrect. The Joker makes reference to it having been a year since the mob had it all their own way, Harvey Dent has risen to prominence and has had the time to start what's an ongoing relationship with Rachel (they're at the point of talking marriage), Bruce has set up a sophisticated underground lair, Gordon is now senior enough in the Gotham Police to be selected as the new Commissioner, despite only being made a lieutenant at the end of the previous film. Clearly some considerable time has passed since the first film, a year at an absolute minimum. Plenty of time for Fox to have tinkered with the Tumbler. Not that the feature couldn't already have been there anyway. Think about it - you're designing a military vehicle to leap across rivers into what could well be hostile territory. Designing a system that would allow the driver to escape swiftly in the event of terminal damage to the vehicle makes perfect sense. And given that we really don't know exactly how the 'eject' system works, your assertation that it would preclude the internal space seen in the first film is flawed at best.


Corrected entry: During the big finale in the unfinished skyscraper, Batman discovers that the clowns are really the hostages. Why doesn't he contact Gordon and let him know right away? Batman was just in contact with Gordon on his way there (his batsuit is obviously equipped with a headset). Gordon could easily have alerted the SWAT team, and Batman would not have had to go through the trouble of methodically bringing down all the SWAT team members so they didn't fire on the hostages.

Correction: He was not in contact with Gordon. He was in contact with Lucius Fox.


Corrected entry: When the Joker kills Gamble, he offers two of his thugs to duke it out with a broken pool cue, so one could join the Joker's clan. What happened to that fight scene?

Correction: Not showing the fight does not constitute a plot hole, neither is it any other kind of mistake.


Corrected entry: When the Joker greets Chenchen at the warehouse, Lau is seen alive and moving on top of the huge pile of money. When Joker sets the money on fire, Lau isn't heard screaming in pain even though it's obvious he is being burned alive.

Correction: Lau is not moving on top of the pile. He is tied up and there is a gag in his mouth. He couldn't scream even if he wanted to.


Corrected entry: Just after Harvey Dent starts his press conference, there's a shot of the audience shown while Harvey is speaking. On the left side of the screen, an audience member appears to be shouting, yet no sound is heard from him - you only hear Harvey speaking. (01:00:05)

Correction: The man simply mouthing to himself. There is nothing to indicate "shouting".


Corrected entry: When Batman is crashing through the glass in Hong Kong to kidnap Lau, he's been flying around the skyline using his cape, but when he swings into the building we can see a wire attached to Batman that enables him to swing in. (00:34:30)

Correction: At no point is a wire visible connected to Batman. There is a structure behind the building that due to its placement makes it look like a wire is attached.


Corrected entry: When Reese unfolds the blueprints of the 'Tumbler' and puts them on Fox's desk, the drawing of the right-hand side of the vehicle is incorrectly labelled 'Left Elevation'.

Correction: Right and Left Elevations are determined as if you were looking at it from the Front Elevation. In this case, looking at a car from the front, the passenger side would be the Left. This is how the Tumbler is, correctly so, labelled.


Corrected entry: When pointing the gun at himself, the Joker's finger is on the hammer in one shot, and in the next, his finger is pointing straight up.

Correction: The Joker is shown raising his finger to point at Two-face. It's not done between shots but on camera.

Corrected entry: During the opening bank robbery, after the robbers fire a few rounds into the air to get the attention of the customers and tellers, one robber, Chuckles, grabs one of the guards, drags him over to the desk, and pistol whips him over the back. Seconds later, right before Chuckles is killed by the shotgun-wielding bank manager, the same pistol-whipping moment is repeated as a close-up.


Correction: No it isn't. This isn't even a repeated scene because you would've seen a big camera in front of the guard the first time. The thug pistol whipped the guard again because he wasn't cooperating. Also, directly after whipping the guard the second time the thug made a speech about about anyone not cooperating will get punished.


The Dark Knight mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the interrogation scene, when Batman beats up Joker, Joker's hands are holding Batman's forearms upside down (from underneath). When the frame changes his hands are now on top of Batman's forearms, then it cuts back and his hands are under again. (01:28:00 - 01:29:00)

More mistakes in The Dark Knight

The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know what the thing about chaos is? It's fair.

More quotes from The Dark Knight
More trivia for The Dark Knight

Question: Just how does Batman's grapple gun work? In Batman Begins, Fox says, 'It's magnetic' so I assume it can attach to anything metal. But the magnet would have to be extremely strong to support the weight of Batman, which begs the question how does it then detach from what he's fired it on? Also, where does he keep all the wire for it, and how does it have the magic ability to wrap its self around the Joker's ankle, when he's been thrown off the building and Batman shoots it at him?

Answer: The gun fires using compressed carbon dioxide as a propellant. The cable is wrapped in a coil around a motorized turbine within the gun. The pulley system in Batman's belt buckle allows him to reel himself in hands-free and still maintain equilibrium. There is a four-pronged grapple at the end of the cable. This is what is magnetized, creating an attraction between it and the monofilament cable. This ensures that the grapple will attach itself to the cable for a secure hold. This is why the magnet itself does not need to be especially strong to support any amount of weight. It also explains the relative ease with which it can be detached and its seemingly "magical" ability to wrap itself around various objects.


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