Corrected entry: Woody is constantly emphasizing that the toys must remain loyal to Andy and that he will always be there to play with them, and that being abandoned by an owner (as Jessie is) is a terrible thing to happen to a toy. But, we know from the television series in which he starred that Woody, Jessie and the other stars of Woody's roundup were around well before Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957, and we also know that Andy is 13 and Jessie's owner not much older. They cannot possibly be the first children who have owned these toys! Surely toys that are nudging sixty years old would know that there is nothing sad or even unusual about being "abandoned" when their owners grow older and they are passed on to other children?
6th Feb 2019
Toy Story 2 (1999)
6th Feb 2019
Rocky (1976)
Corrected entry: Rocky is supposedly left handed but he writes with his right.
Correction: Standing southpaw whilst boxing doesn't automatically mean you are left handed for writing as well. Some people are ambidextrous.
6th Feb 2019
Aladdin (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Jasmine wanders by the market and is shown a fish, the fin is either perpendicular or parallel to the body depending on the shot.
Suggested correction: This is simply not true, it's seen in only 2 shots and both the pelvic and the dorsal fin stay the same size, the fish is further away in the second shot and the pelvic fin changes position and looks a different size but they use the exact same drawing. Even so, the dorsal fin of a fish can change size even when dead and shaken about by the salesman. And the tail fin is only seen in 1 shot.
28th Jan 2019
Ready Player One (2018)
Corrected entry: I-R0k could have just immediately log out of the oasis by removing his VR Visor like Art3mis did in AECH's shop instead of trying to reach a portal when Sorrento activated the catalyst.
Correction: This has already been corrected. In a PvP region like battleworld there is more needed than a simple removal of the VR glasses to log out or anyone about to be killed can prevent that by simply removing their VR, which would be cheating. Only a portal can log someone off. Aech's shop isn't a PvP region of course.
26th Jan 2019
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Corrected entry: When Alex first puts on the bracelet it shows the Pyramids of Giza and Karnak and that's all, but later he tells Jonathan he saw the pyramid at Ahm Shere (even describing the large diamond on top) but that was never shown from the bracelet, so how did Alex already know?
Correction: When it transitions between the great pyramids and Karnak is shows a jungle, this is where the pyramid at Ahm Shere is at and it's possible he saw it, however briefly.
25th Jan 2019
Venom (2018)
Corrected entry: If the Life facility is super secure and they are conducting highly illegal experiments with aliens and humans, there's no way Eddie could gain access so easily.
Correction: He was secretly let in by Dr. Skirth by hiding in the back seat of her car.
Correction: When a company is working under the radar and is probably badly organized by a power hungry megalomaniac it's not unlikely it lacks in certain areas, including security.
21st Jan 2019
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: When the city of the dead is sinking into the sand at the end of the movie, Beni becomes trapped in the treasure room. As the ceiling comes down it crushes the reflective mirror Rick shot earlier, meaning there has to be a light source coming from above to reflect on the mirror to begin with. So even if the mirror was damaged, there still should have been adequate light in the room instead of being completely dark.
Correction: The room Beni was in was closing up, walls were coming down all around. The moment the mirror got destroyed the walls blocked the last light source, wherever it was.
21st Jan 2019
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: Ardeth and his men are supposed to be the descendants of the warriors who buried Imhotep at the beginning of the film. They claim to have sworn to keep Imhotep from ever arising from the dead, so why is the key to the book and Imhotep's sarcophagus just lying around for Rick to magically find as he claimed? Shouldn't this very important key have been in the possession of Ardeth's people all along, or even destroyed?
Correction: Simple, they didn't know it was there, only the sarcophagus. Even though they have protecting the site for generations it's not impossible to think only the protection of the site remains as their objective after thousand of years of protecting it. This whilst the location of the key and book got lost in time. All they know is they need to keep people away from the mummy.
5th May 2018
Starship Troopers (1997)
Corrected entry: After Johnny kills lieutenant Rasczak by shooting him, his body suddenly disappears after the tanker bug reveals itself.
Correction: The body is there, right before the Tanker bug comes up you see his body lying there. Later you can't see it anymore as it's too low or has been dragged under the sand by the bugs.
18th Jul 2017
Split (2016)
Continuity mistake: The subject of the email from Barry S. first reads "we need you", but after opening it reads "RE: No subject" (00:11:00)
Suggested correction: If no subject is given the first sentence of the E-mail will be displayed instead. RE: No Subject means it's a reply to an earlier E-mail that also lacked a subject.
4th Mar 2018
Split (2016)
Corrected entry: When Casey locks the monster inside the room where he killed the girl, the lock on the door changes style when the monster opens the door. At first it's all flat and flush with itself, but the next time there's a cylindrical part raised from the base. (01:31:45 - 01:32:55)
Correction: It's exactly the same lock. In the bottom part of the screenshot taken you see the lock when it's already bent, making it appear to be a different style. But it's the same lock, look at it before it starts bending.
18th Nov 2017
Split (2016)
Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie when Casey is shooting at the Beast, she is wearing a white sweater, it's ripped a little, then in the next scene it's shredded to bits, hanging off her. When she locks herself in the cell the white sweater is almost completely gone.
Correction: The sweater is torn and doesn't hang on her body properly anymore, torn at the collar, slowly sliding off her shoulders. It's not torn more, just falls off her body more and more. When she locks herself in the cell she even tears off the left sleeve herself after reloading as it's in the way of her holding the shotgun properly.
13th Jul 2017
Split (2016)
Corrected entry: During the newscast after the girls are taken 3 photos are shown. Casey's photo looks to be a screen shot of her in the car whilst the abduction was taken place This is an impossible photo to have on the news.
Correction: Like you say, it looks to be that. But it's just a picture taken in a car, could have been shot in any car, anytime. Nowhere in the picture do you see it's from the same moment of the abduction, at all. So there is no reason to suspect it is.
9th Jan 2019
Venom (2018)
Corrected entry: After his breakout from the Life Foundation building, and being chased by their security teams, Eddie crashes through a fallen tree and then comes to a full stop while assessing his options. Two guards with guns are right on his heels, less than 20 feet behind him. Two all-terrain vehicles with more guards are speeding towards him from both his left and his right. Both vehicles are less than 30 feet on either side of him. And yet, somehow, he manages to disappear up a tree, with 6 guards on three sides of him-all within 20-30 feet and with a clear view of him-without any of them knowing where he went. Eluding one or two guards might be explained away, but not 6 with unobstructed views from that distance. And especially not the level of security that these guys are throughout the movie. (00:38:10)
Correction: Remember he is at this point possessed by the symbiote. Remembering also that it was dark, from one moment to the next he just disappears from their view near a tree. There is no reason for them to think he climbed up, not that fast. To them, he just suddenly vanished. The symbiote just dragged him up there really rapidly, too fast to see.
6th Jan 2019
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Corrected entry: Just before Obi-Wan and Anakin begin their duel, Obi-Wan says "I will do what I must." and removes his lightsaber from his belt. As he is raising his arm above his head he "flicks" the lightsaber hilt as if he has just activated it. Anakin then says "You will try", and Obi-Wan then activates his lightsaber. Obviously it was decided that Obi-Wan should wait until after Anakin delivers his line for Obi-Wan to activate his lightsaber and the timing was simply switched, leaving an awkwardly long time for Obi-Wan to stand there holding a lightsaber in the air that isn't turned on.
Correction: The way he flicks his lightsaber in his hands doesn't really reveal anything. Nor is it a mistake for him to produce his lightsaber like that. The idea that a decision was made to make the lightsaber go on later is just guesswork and the scene doesn't reveal that at all.
21st Oct 2003
The Mummy (1999)
Other mistake: Evie explains that if Imotep was resurrected he'd bring with him the ten plagues of Egypt. This is followed by (in no particular order) a plague of Locusts, Flies, Water running to blood, the sun being eclipsed and a plague of boils. At the plague of boils Jonathan says 'last but not least, my favourite plague - boils and sores'. How does he know this is the last plague? Aren't there supposed to be 5 more? (01:23:10)
Suggested correction: This may be taking the dialog too literally. It may be foreshadowing, in the sense of "uh, oh, they've got us now" or Jonathan may simply be expressing the fact that he's had enough plagues now and would like it to stop please. By the way, you forgot the fire raining from the sky, so technically Imhotep did six, not five.
The fact that Evie stated specifically 10 plagues, it makes no sense for Jonathan to say "last" on the 6th one, without considering it a mistake on the parts of writers, actor, or director.
Jonathan doesn't simply say "last", but rather "last but not least" - a statement that is regularly used on things the speaker knows for a fact to be, in fact, not the actual last. Taken as a sarcastic remark it makes perfect sense in the situation.
I know he said more than just "last", but that was the keyword to point out that the mistake is in fact valid. "Last but not least", weather said sarcastically or not, is never meant to be said about something that is in fact not last. It's always said to indicate the last item is not necessary the least, such as at Christmas when the last gift remains or when the last graduating student is given his or her diploma.
Also it's a possibility that off screen there was death of livestock, lice, raining frogs and death of first born children. Just want to show which we missing and it's obvious why, as in a movie raining frogs or dying livestock isn't all that threatening to the main characters and doesn't look cool. And for the movie showing first born children die is just stupid. And lice, that's just too much like flies.
27th Dec 2018
Common mistakes
Stupidity: Ground troops armed with semi-auto handguns, automatic rifles and even heavy artillery just keep wasting ammo, barrage-after-barrage, magazine-after-magazine, against giant robots and monsters 100 feet tall, long after it becomes obvious that the weapons have zero effect. This is an ongoing stupidity dating back to some of the earliest giant monster movies, and is still seen in giant monster and superhero films today.
Suggested correction: Surely in the face of a no-win scenario, doing something that may or may not work is better than doing nothing and awaiting your doom. They would be doing everything they could to stop the enemy in the hopes of saving lives. Even if it takes every last round of ammunition, it may eventually be enough to wear down the monster / robot etc.
I hate to disagree. I think one of the best examples is the latest Godzilla movie where they keep firing their hand guns on it knowing it would be better to just get out, there was absolutely no point to do that. Same goes for Man Of Steel.
In everything from old Godzilla movies to modern superhero and kaiju flicks, we see military forces line up and throw every bit of small arms and heavier artillery they have at the giant monsters or giant robots, with zero effect. The military always retreats, regroups, then lines up and wastes all their ammunition again, as if they learned absolutely nothing from the first experience.
In a no-win scenario, you beat a hasty retreat and live to fight another day, hopefully better armed and better prepared next time. You don't hold your ground, futilely trying to bring down a giant monster the size of a Hilton Hotel with small arms fire.
It's strange because I can understand why filmmakers still do this, even though it makes little sense. They are trying to show that the monster, robot, whatever is unstoppable by conventional means and honestly I don't know how you would do that without these kinds of scenes. Even though they are dumb. It's extra dumb to me when you hear the General yell "Stand your ground, men!" or something like that. Or when the cop runs out of bullets and throws his gun.
I've seen too many scenes where they keep shooting, apparently to no avail, BUT there is always the chance that hitting the "monster" in a certain spot could get it to retreat. Instead of just continuing to rapidly fire with the general intent of hitting the monster, it would make much more sense to focus on a possible soft spot, such as an eye. The "just keep firing" mentality does fall under "stupidity." The military should be using a strategy that is rational, and emptying machine guns isn't.
27th Dec 2018
Constantine (2005)
Corrected entry: When Angela, played by Rachel Weisz, emerges from the bath and starts rambling, John calls her Rachel.
Correction: Right after she stops rambling the first thing he says to her is "Angela?"
27th Dec 2018
American History X (1998)
Corrected entry: How is it that the shooter knew Danny would go to the bathroom at that particular time? He was obviously waiting in the stall for him. Pretty sure he wouldn't stay in a stall just hoping Danny would use the bathroom.
Correction: Of course he can expect it, they are in the same school. A simple observation of someone's bathroom routine over 1 or 2 days gives you a pretty good idea when someone will use the restroom, even though its not 100 percent sure. Like after class for example. He can just wait for him then.
20th Dec 2018
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: The Pharaoh accuses Anck Su Namun of cheating on him as soon as he sees the smudged body paint on her arm - but she could have just smudged the paint herself by scratching. As a system of checking whether she had cheated on the Pharaoh, perfect body paint would constantly fail, whenever she bumped into or leaned on anything or scratched.
Correction: She would have been trained not to smudge the paint, because smudging it would mean the death penalty. The Pharaoh is a very unreasonable man, making his wife wear body paint to make sure she isn't cheating. I don't think he cares why the paint would be smudged, he won't believe any other explanation.
Correction: It wasn't that the paint was just smudged; as another correction points out that could happen in any one of a number of ways. It was that it was smudged with fingermarks. Nobody was allowed to touch Anck Su Namun, and someone had.
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Correction: Andy's Woody is not the same Woody that played in the TV-Series, neither is Jessie. Andy's Woody is newer, probably the last line of that type of toy being made. Or, older but only unboxed for the first time by Andy, as they don't active before being unboxed. Woody has only been Andy's toy and doesn't know the feeling of being abandoned.
Actually, the newest Toy Story movie (4) has a scene where Woody says he was made around the 50s. Andy's mother says at the yard sale that Woody is an old family toy. So, he has probably been passed down and ending up with Andy. Jessie was really abandoned by her old owner (Emily). It simply is not the same. Only Jessie would know the pain of being abandoned.