The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Corrected entry: When the eagle first picks up Thorin, we can see all four front talons grasping him. In the next scene, we see Thorin's leg dangling free. When the eagles are about to land, all four talons are grasping him again.

Human X

Correction: First, it's not clear what the mistake is supposed to be here: what does Thorin's leg position have to do with how many talons the eagle is grasping him with? If you mean that sometimes the eagle is holding both of Thorin's legs and sometimes only one leg, you may be right, but we also see the eagle shifting its grip at least once, and the camera doesn't stay on Thorin for the entire flight to the Carrock. So it is entirely possible that the eagle shifted its grip a few times during the flight, resulting in whatever difference in grip and/or leg position you spotted.


Corrected entry: When Bilbo runs down the hill, commencing his journey, he runs past a Hobbit with a wheel barrow and then a lady sitting with a straw hat. 15 secs later, he runs past another Hobbit standing with the same lady in the straw hat. (00:40:20)

Warren East

Correction: Its not the same lady, she is just also wearing a straw hat and similar, but different clothes.


Correction: Thorin's horse is tan with a black mane throughout. At one point, from the camera angle all you can see is Thorin and the black mane, which makes it look black.

Corrected entry: Right after Thorin and Gandalf say, "Out of the frying pan," "And into the fire, run!" It changes from day to night almost instantly. (02:22:15)

Correction: It doesn't change almost instantly. The sun is shown to be gradually setting throughout the entire scene up to and including when Azog shows up. There is even a little bit of daylight left when the company starts running from the Orcs.


Corrected entry: When Gandalf appeared to save the dwarfs from the Goblin King, he was covered in darkness and slowly became visible when lights came back. During this time Glamdring is not glowing (whereas it was around goblins in the LOTR trilogy). Funnily enough the Goblin King described Glamdring as "Foehammer, bright as daylight!". Which would make sense since the only time they would have ever seen Glamdring (and Orcrist), it would have been glowing. (02:11:10)

Correction: Glamdring never glows in any of the movies. In the director commentary "A Journey in the Dark" from the extended version of Fellowship of the Ring, Peter Jackson and Philippa Boyens joke that it didn't glow because of "budgetary cuts" and that they had "not enough blue left". This was apparently to cover for a genuine mistake on their part, as they simply forgot to give Glamdring it's blue or white glow (blue according to The Hobbit, white according to The Lord of the Rings). They apparently left out the glow in The Hobbit to keep continuity with The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Corrected entry: When Thorin stands up to Azog, with the dramatic march down the half fallen, half burning tree, he has his sword in one hand and the other is empty, all he has on his arm is his usual leather grieve. After the shot changes and he's facing Azog's wolf, he has the oaken branch on his arm (with identifying metal additions), the one he used in the battle at Moria and from which he earned his name. He didn't have time to go and get it, nor did he have a pack or bag in which to carry it, seeing as how they were in a life and death run from the Goblin cave immediately prior to this.


Correction: Actually, if you look closely you can see that in the shot where Thorin has first stood up with his sword in his right hand, he already has the shield on his left arm. Also, earlier in the movie you can see Thorin keeps the shield hung on his back (low, beside his left hip) so there's no reason he couldn't still have it when he faces Azog.


Corrected entry: When the dwarves are having their feast at Bilbo's place, the dwarves themselves noticeably change places around the table between shots. Particularly obvious are Kili, Fili and Ori - Kili and Fili start off next to each other, then Fili is suddenly walking across the top of the table in the very next shot. Then later, when they have a burping contest, there is a shot of Kili laughing and Ori is right next to him, and it then cuts to a shot of Ori on his own, somehow having teleported to the opposite end of the table.


Correction: It's a montage scene. Not everything is supposed to be happening in a row.


Corrected entry: After Gandalf saves the dwarves from the Goblin King they flee across several bridges, at one point leading them to a platform they use to swing across the a chasm. Initially Balin is seen at the front of the dwarves behind Gandalf, in the next shot he is standing at the back.


Correction: He actually waits for all of them to cross the platform so that he can destroy it - that's why he is then at the back of the group.

Corrected entry: Near the very beginning of the film, when Bilbo is chatting with Frodo outside Bag End, Frodo says he's heading-off to the 'East-farthing Woods' [sic] to wait for Gandalf to show-up. Frodo then happily trots-off down the path with nothing in his hands, and wearing no backpack. Yet at the beginning of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' film, Frodo is sitting with his back against a tree, waiting for Gandalf to enter Hobbiton - reading a book that's appeared from nowhere.

Correction: Actually, if you look closely you can see that Frodo has the book in his left hand as he heads down the path.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Galadriel is speaking with Gandalf, her hands are shown up close. However, she is not wearing her Ring. She owns one of the 19 Rings given to Men, Elves, and Dwarves, long before the events of the Hobbit, and wears it in Lord of the Rings. And yet none is shown in this shot.

Correction: Rings can be taken off, even Rings of power; Galadriel is under no obligation to wear Nenya all the time. Travelling outside the secure borders of Lothlórien, it would even make sense not to wear the Ring openly, to avoid potentially drawing unwanted attention. In the books, Nenya is described as not being visible even when worn, whether through some innate property of the Ring itself or Galadriel's magic is unclear; in that version of the story, Frodo is able to see the Ring when Galadriel shows it to him because she wants him to, plus, as a Ringbearer himself, Frodo gets certain privileges when it comes to other Rings. Whether this property of Nenya is intended to carry over into the film version or not is unknown, but, regardless, Galadriel not wearing [or apparently not wearing] her Ring is not a mistake.


Corrected entry: When the dwarves arrive at Rivendell they are escorted into a dining area with elves playing musical instruments. The elf playing the flute stops playing (closes her lips) but her flute continues to emit sounds, showing that the music is dubbed.


Correction: To play the flute [properly], you only need to have your lips partially/barely open. You can achieve different sounds when you alter the amount of air being passed through the flute. With the lip plate covering the lips, it would be difficult to say with absolute certainty that she closes them entirely. What I believe we saw was the lips going from barely open to partially open giving us the "illusion" that she closes them and opening them.


Corrected entry: While Bilbo's squeezing through the rocks to escape Gollum, several of his waistcoat buttons go flying off. They reappear on the waistcoat in the subsequent scene where he reunites with the dwarves.

Correction: Bilbo's green waistcoat buttons get caught and when he reunites with the Dwarves you see that his vest has only one button then. I believe the red outer coat is not the one that lost buttons.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bilbo, now invisible, sees Gandalf and the dwarfs run past the cave and he can't join them because Gollum blocks the way. When Bilbo finally runs past Gollum and kicks him in the face and knocks him down, the very next shot shows Gollum's body lying in the opposite direction, away from the direction Bilbo kicked him. (02:19:35)

More mistakes in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Bilbo: Why don't we have a game of riddles?
Gollum: And if he looses? What then? Well, if he looses, precious, then we eats it! If Baggins looses, we eats it whole!
Bilbo: Fair enough.

More quotes from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Trivia: The blade that Gandalf presents to the high Elves and Saruman is the same blade that Frodo gets stabbed with in Fellowship of the Ring on Weathertop. Confirmed in the director's commentary. How the blade makes its way back to the witch-king hasn't been revealed.

Quantom X

More trivia for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Question: Where exactly is Bilbo from? In the novels he's mentioned as coming from Hobbiton, Overhill and Underhill, Bag-end and the Shire.

Answer: Hobbiton is the village where Bilbo was born. Overhill is on the northern edge of Hobbiton and Underhill is at the bottom of said hill. Built into the hill itself is Bag End, the Baggins estate. The Shire is the name of the Hobbit lands overall. So, he's from the village of Hobbiton in The Shire, and his home is Bag End, which is in the midst of the hill that forms both Overhill and Underhill.

Captain Defenestrator

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