
15th Jun 2021

Vivarium (2019)

Other mistake: Aerial views of Yonder gave the impression that a basic grid pattern was used - parallel horizontal and parallel vertical lines that form right angles; yards were of equal area, either a square or rectangular lot. [However, some of the views from the couple's car as they were trying to find the exit showed some slightly curved roads that didn't fit the grid.] Following the sun as a way out, the couple was jumping over fence after fence - but they could've simply walked along perpendicular roads.


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Suggested correction: But they tried getting out using the road by car, and they felt that the roads were causing them to go into a loop. So instead they take a route they know for sure is straight. Btw, Yonder isn't real so the way the roads bend and how the grids are made up is purely an optical illusion.


Walking (not driving) along the perpendicular fences would be the same difference only easier and less exerting. If/when they encountered a fence that looked different, that's when they could jump over it to see if it made a difference. How could they "know for sure" that the fences they were jumping over took them in a straight line? Also, they realised the clouds weren't real, so following something in the sky (the sun) was not necessarily a good idea. [This will be my only response here.].


24th May 2021

Army of the Dead (2021)

Factual error: There is no way in hell they can carry $200,000,000 in cash (over 4,000lbs), let alone load it on the helicopter.


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Suggested correction: They never did and it was never the idea. They simply didn't figure out it's not physically possible. They took as much as they could from the vault in the much more limited time they had, and never got any of it to the helicopter (except for 1 small stack) anyway.


It's true that the team was not meant to recover all the money, but they didn't know that going in. How did Ward and Peters, who seem reasonably smart, not consider the weight when planning the heist? The deal Ward believed was "get paid $50 million to recover $200 million" not "grab what you can and good luck"

I suppose it could be counted as a stupidity, but I'm not sure anyone is really aware of the weight of 200 million in cash, even reasonably smart people. Never seen it, never weighed it.


20th May 2021

Jurassic Park (1993)

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Suggested correction: Perhaps he just wanted to exit the helicopter first, so he switched places when the helicopter had touched down. You can see they had already undone their seatbelts, so they had time to move around before the door opened.


10th May 2003

Space Jam (1996)

Corrected entry: Can someone explain how the hell the bulldog gets into the cupboard in the scene where Bugs and Daffy are searching for Michael's shorts? It was in the kennel when Daffy burrowed into it, the front door was closed so it couldn't have got in that way, and if it followed them up the tunnel, how exactly did it get into the cupboard (which was also closed) without them seeing it?

Correction: The same way Michael Jordon's arm streched across the court. Things like that happen in cartoons, even if the people are not cartoons themselves.


The scene in question takes place in Michael Jordan's house in the real world, not the cartoon world.


But it does involve Daffy and Bugs. And Daffy already had an encounter with the dog and somehow escaped from it. Basically, the dog got the role of a cartoon character by being involved with cartoon characters. It's also their movie, so their rules.


11th Aug 2004

Gladiator (2000)

Corrected entry: In the battle with the Germanians, we see a Roman soldier killing a fallen opponent with the tip of his spear. This would not happen in reality. The spear is a javelin, or 'pilum', used for throwing. If the soldier still had his pilum, he would have used the reverse end of it, the 'shoe', for finishing off his foe. The shoe was a sharp metal point used to stick the spear into the ground. (00:09:35)

Correction: Another of those entries that is really just an "I would have acted differently" submission. Faced with a German barbarian, nothing a Roman soldier does with a weapon that stops him, is a mistake.

Except that the Romans were a highly organised killing machine on the battlefield. Not really much room for improvisation and a personal style in hand-to-hand combat.

Spiny Norman

All medieval fights are messy, all medieval fights required combatants to improvise to survive it. Doesn't matter how organized an army is (and the Roman armies were a lot less organized than they are portrayed in movies), once the fighting starts it's pretty much chaos till one side wins.


Eh... No it's not. I'm sorry but if you write "medieval Roman warfare", that sort of gives away that you're not an expert. ANCIENT Roman warfare on the other hand has been extensively studied by military history anoraks. (Anyway, are you following me around now, or what? This isn't supposed to be a personal thing).

Spiny Norman

I didn't write "medieval roman warfare" I wrote "medieval fights." If medieval fights were messy, imagine fights 300 years earlier. Extensive studies show that the way the Roman Empire legions fought in the border wars was in fact a lot of improvisation and they had some major defeats against Germanic tribes caused by overextension. These soldiers were far less trained and thus improvised. Not attacking you personally, but defending the correction. If you got a problem take it to the discord.


Romans were in fact ahead of the inhabitants of the Middle Ages in almost everything. This is common knowledge. It's sort of useful to know what you're talking about when making confident statements. (I have no interest in discord, I only reply here in the hope that people won't fall for misinformation).

Spiny Norman

Corrected entry: There is a problem with the following scene: The Nazi plane crashes into the tunnel, slides past Harrison Ford and Sean Connery and explodes when exiting the tunnel. The problem is that the plane shouldn't explode since its wings (filled with gas) were torn off. It couldn't have been a bomb attached to the plane either, since, as it is seen only seconds afterwards, a bomb would leave a big crater in the street and make it impossible for the car to go on. Yet, Harrison Ford has no problems at all driving through what's left of the plane.

Correction: The engine and hosing that delivers the gas to it is attached to the fuselage.

JC Fernandez

Could someone elaborate on the proposed correction please?

Spiny Norman

The engine can still explode and there could hypothetically still be fuel in the hosing connected to the engine.


But there's not a LOT of fuel left there, when the tanks fell off half a minute earlier. It's not a terribly entertaining mistake, granted, because some movies really do need explosions. But it might be technically valid in a boring way.

Spiny Norman

17th Apr 2021

Galaxy Quest (1999)

Audio problem: Right after the Thermians become sad over the mention of Gilligan's Island, Alexander rolls his eyes and starts to turn away, while you can hear him saying "Oh brother." However his lips are not moving for this indicating the line was dubbed in.

Quantom X

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Suggested correction: It's quite obviously Laredo/Tommy's voice saying "Oh, brother" off camera. Not Alan Rickman. Their voices don't sound anything alike. You can see for yourself at this clip at about 1:03:


Suggested correction: It is not Alexander who says it, but most likely Guy.


No it's Alan Rickman's voice.

Quantom X

It's definitely not Alan Rickman's voice. It's Tommy/Laredo's voice off camera saying the line.


19th Nov 2017

Justice League (2017)

Character mistake: At the start Wonder Woman stops a terrorist attack in London, and one of the terrorists tells her the bomb will flatten 4 blocks. This must be true as she is using her lasso of truth. But she just throws the bomb through the roof window and it explodes without damaging anything. A bomb with that blast radius would still damage nearby buildings, whether it detonated in the air or on the ground.

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Suggested correction: You are compelled to YOUR truth. He didn't build the bomb. He could have been wrong based on what he knew. Otherwise, why did the terrorists have to go through all that trouble to plant a bomb there if they could level 4 blocks just by planting it outside in the car.


Which is why it is labeled a character mistake, yes. You are right in your observation, but at the same time, the only truth the movie feeds us by exposition is that the bomb is supposed to have a certain power, and that is not true. Movies tend also to use this trope/trick a lot; the moment you throw a bomb at 'the last second', the explosion that was supposed to be uber-powerful is relatively harmless, even when the distance was not all that significant.


Depends on how high she threw the bomb. She can throw that thing high enough that it won't cause damage. Certainly if it's not as powerfull as the terrorist thought.


31st May 2019

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Corrected entry: Thanos should have noticed there were no stones in the Gauntlet before his final snap attempt. When he knocks Iron-Man off he pulls his hand back, and as he adjusts the glove, he looks at the back of it. He sees it fully in the wide and he can at least see the back of the thumb in the close-up. (02:29:50)


Correction: He simply didn't notice. Entirely plausible under the circumstances.

What about the fact that the power that surged through his body when he put the gauntlet on would have left his body abruptly? Fact is, he should've noticed.

I'm afraid you've missed the point of the scene (and Thanos' entire arc). He said the arrogant never suspect anything. That proved to be prophetic about himself. He believed he was inevitable and in that moment he was completely caught up in his sure victory. Thus, he was arrogant and did not suspect anything, including the idea that the stones wouldn't be in his gauntlet.

At that point Thanos doesn't even know what to expect from the gauntlet, because he never used it before, so he might think that the stones are there.

Not possible, when you're looking at it. That's the only reason he would look at the back of the glove.


That is not plausible. The glove glows. Missing one sure. Not every single stone. Especially when he looks directly at the back of it.


The glove does not glow.


Correction: He had already had the surge of power. Stark didn't remove the glove and had no intention to. His intention was to remove the stones in a tussle while pretending to try to remove the glove. Thanos himself gave him the idea when he removed the power stone to punch capt marvel.

9th Apr 2021

Valkyrie (2008)

Corrected entry: In the shaving scene he's using a Gillette twist to open safety razor, these were not developed until the 1950s.

Correction: The "Twist To Open" (TTO) type razor was introduced in 1934 by Gillette, with butterfly doors. I think you are confused with the adjustable razor which wasn't introduced until 1955.


Plot hole: WW mentions that "As Darkseid waged war on Earth, he found a secret there", that being the Anti-life equation. But later on it turns out that after being defeated, planet Earth is so "anonymous among a trillion worlds" that he never manages to find it again and destroys another 100,000 worlds (his words!) to look for it again. That would mean that they lack any sort of navigation, and it's hardly possible anyway that the planet would be "anonymous" when it contains what Darkseid wants the most.


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Suggested correction: This is in the form of a question and should be uploaded as such. There are several reasons to think why Darkseid couldn't find Earth.


The questions were rhetorical, but thanks to your comment I edited rephrasing it without any questioning ambiguity, since my interest is not much in hearing fan theories filling the gaps in the narration, but rather in pointing out the obvious contradiction where Darkseid is fully aware right from the start that the most important thing in the universe is on Earth, but can't find it again and conquers another thousands of worlds instead "still looking" for it.


Earth was a random planet they attacked and on that random planet Darkseid found a secret, he didn't go there for the secret, he found it whilst there. I don't expect him to go into his ship and put a pin on a map to remember where the planet was in case they were defeated. They expected to win. In their retreat, their way to navigate back to Earth got lost. Perfectly reasonable. You don't know anything about Darkseid's way of conquering and also no idea on how they navigate from world to world.


You know he was not alone, he had an army with a whole slew of ships and subordinates, it takes a lot of suspension of disbelief to swallow the idea that they are conquering worlds going in totally blind and "conquer" worlds they can't ever visit again lacking any charting.They refer the Earth by name and know who their opponents are. An explanation would be also less stringent if Darkseid didn't learn about Anti-life at all and simply "moved on", but it's not the case.


Corrected entry: Dr. Stone manages to miss the parademon in his apartment (or the broken window, for that matter) when it should have been in plain sight literally as he opened the door. (01:40:40)


Correction: It was hiding behind the table. Also, he thought Victor caused all the damage, including the broken window.


I can certainly see how he could assume that Victor did the damage, ties in nicely with the broken tape player, good thought. However I still don't see where the beast could hide, if you look at the room as it is shown for instance around 46:50, there's no way not to see someone in that corner while you approach the closet - it comes from the right of the window, not the left where the table is.


He is focussed on the mess at the closet, and the missing box. He is not looking in that corner. As he approaches the corner he doesn't see the creature because it's hunched behind the table. It is also quite dark in the room.


Again, you can't help but look into that part of the house, and the table is on the left of the broken window, the creature comes from the right, where there's just a computer station too small for the winged demon to hide under, and at the same time preventing anything to just duck into the corner unnoticed (there's no corner, in that sense). That's my perception anyway.


Corrected entry: When Captain Miller tells Jackson he wants him to be up in the bell tower you can see a tree in the background, complete with green leaves. With all those explosions around which destroyed all the buildings, any tree there would have got burnt, or at least all their leaves would have been blown off by the explosions. (01:54:00)

Correction: An explosion would sooner fell the tree than blow off the leaves, that's why a storm would fell a tree, because the leaves won't come off until autumn. That tree just got lucky.


16th Mar 2021

Joker (2019)

Plot hole: Given Arthur's mother was placed in an asylum it seems unlikely she would've been allowed to keep him once released. The state would've placed him in another home.


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Suggested correction: Nobody says she raised him as a child. As soon as he turned 18 he could have chosen to live with her again. Quite possibly because he didn't like his foster home.


13th Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: The 'aliens' buried their vast army of complex machines thousands of years ago in many different locations throughout the planet. With all the mining and tunnelling we've done, and all the seismic and geological activity that has gone on, and all the scientific investigation of the Earth's crust by oil and mining companies (amongst others), not one was ever found? Exploration for oil reserves is carried out by bouncing extremely low frequency shock waves off the mantle which can be 3,000 kilometers deep, and that is just one industry carrying out one type of research - and not one of the Martian machines was ever detected? Given the size of their craft and the sheer numbers involved, that is utterly impossible.

Correction: How deep were these things? What were they actually made of? And where WERE they buried? Certainly in some cases they could have moved to the right position before the aliens transported themselves in. Maybe they were all buried under the ocean and they burrowed themselves into position when they received a signal from the aliens when they arrived.

Joshua Skains

Nonsense. Exploration for oil reserves is carried out by bouncing extremely low frequency shock waves off the mantle which can be 3,000 kilometers deep, and that is just one industry carrying out one type of research - and not one of the Martian machines was ever detected? Given the size of their craft and the sheer numbers involved, that is utterly impossible.

The correction simply ignores the facts. Oil companies routinely scan deep beneath the ocean for potential drilling sites, and mining companies do the same on land. They scan huge areas every day of the year. The chance of every single one of the Martians' huge vehicles and other machinery escaping undetected is absolutely zero.

Unless the aliens added special technology that helps avoid detection. Also the average thickness of the earth's crust is about 15 KM. Way too deep to be detected by those surveys.


14th Mar 2021

Total Recall (1990)

Corrected entry: At first the movie implies that Dr. Lull did erase his memory of Rekall, because when Harry told him he went to Rekall he had no idea that he had been there. But later in the movie he remembers that he chose "demure and sleazy" when Edgemar is talking to him.


Correction: The fact is they didn't succeed in fully erasing his memory. Parts of it came back to him later. If he had absolutely no memory of Rekall there would have been no reason for them to send Edgemar and trick him with the pill.


21st Nov 2015

The Green Mile (1999)

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Suggested correction: How can you tell his jaw is slack when he had a hood over it the entire time?


I have the movie and during Del's execution, the hood is partially burned off. After he finally dies, his jaw is completely slack.

I also have the movie and can confirm that not only is Del's jaw slack but, when the hood is burned off it looks like most of his face has been burned off leaving nothing but a skull. Https://

Suggested correction: Rigor mortis can occur as quickly as 2 hours after death. One of the first muscles of the body to stiffen is the jaw. It also depends on the age of the deceased and calcium amount.


Suggested correction: The guards would have done what they could to make his remains less grotesque. Closing his jaw is probably one of their regular duties.


Once the body dies, muscles can not constrict, and they relax. A guard could never close the jaw or mouth after death anymore than he could close a dead man's eyes shortly after death. That's a movie myth.


2nd Mar 2021

Lord of War (2005)

Other mistake: In the beginning when Yuri sells his first gun, an Uzi, in the hotel room, he states "It shoots hollow points." Yet all the ammo in the case are full metal copper jackets.

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Suggested correction: It's the first time he tries to sell a gun. He is just wrong about the bullet type. Common mistake to make for a rookie.


Continuity mistake: In The Lord of the Rings, when the map of Lonely Mountain is shown, it says "Here of old was Thrain king under the mountain" (referring to an ancestor of Thror and not Thorin's father who has the same name and was never king under the mountain). But throughout The Hobbit, the map instead says "Here of old was Thror king under the mountain."

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Suggested correction: Thrain was king after Thorin. The map would have been updated after Thrain's death, and he was subsequently buried there.

Quantom X

Thrain II was king after Thorin I and father of Thorin II (Oakenshield), but as said he was never king under the mountain but was king during their exile, Thror was the one who went back to Erebor to sit on the throne again until Smaug sacked it. The Thrain mentioned on the map is Thrain I (father of Thorin I), who is the founder of the kingdom under the mountain after Durin's folk were exiled from Moria by the Balrog (Durin's Bane, Durin being Thrain I's grandfather).


Also, even disregarding that, it is impossible for the map to have been updated to say a different dwarf's name, because the map is given to Bilbo at the end of the trilogy, and the ending shows a close-up of the map with "Thror" still written on it, whereas in the LOTR trilogy, where we see the exact same scene of Gandalf arriving at Old Bilbo's house (albeit from Gandalf's point of view rather than Old Bilbo's), Gandalf sees the map and it says "Thrain" on it.

Corrected entry: During the Omaha Beach scene, the radio man lying next to Tom Hanks suffers a massive wound to his face, killing him. But there is no blood or gore at all, just a hole in his face. It is impossible to sustain this type of injury and have no blood present.

Correction: The wound is immediately cauterized from the heat. Therefore, no bleeding. You notice the hole in the face smoking, so he was probably killed by a grenade or shell from a mortar.


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