
11th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Character mistake: When Barbara gives the hilarious back story of the wishing stone, she mentions that "Romulus, the last emperor of Rome, he had it on him when he was assassinated in 476." That's an amazing historical find in itself, because Romulus Augustulus (just "Romulus" is not really correct) was never assassinated; he had to abdicate the title in that year, but then lived the rest of his life in exile. It's worth noting that the novelization of the movie talks about Romulus, Rome's FIRST ruler, and his 'mysterious disappearance'. (01:27:45)


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Suggested correction: Not a mistake in the movie for Barbara to give inaccurate information on history, since she is rushing through all of it without fact checking everything. He focus is the stone, not what happened to Romulus.


I don't see what's wrong with saying it's a character mistake, really. By that logic, any bit of historical context provided in a movie could be incorrectly stated as long as it comes from someone who is in a rush. I find more interesting to report when something said in a movie for a serious purpose is wrong and not challenged.


She's not an educated historian, OK for her to be mistaken. If she however says wrongful things about something she is supposed to be an expert in, that's a character mistake.


It's not OK for her to be mistaken because when you specifically research for something (she has super-fast reading powers now and her task was to do some complex history research, it was not a random mistake playing Trivial Pursuit) there's no way to get that piece of information wrong; she is tracing the path the stone took, the fate of its last known owner is important. That being said, I don't particularly care about her status as expert (which she is, having done a specific research as said); dramatically speaking it's the bit of historical context the movie provides, it should not have mistakes in it when they do not have a payoff.


I agree with Sammo. It's a character mistake.


11th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Factual error: Diana conjures a shield of invisibility for the jet, but must have also summoned a sound-dampening spell, since the two are comfortably chatting without a helmet and / or usage of the intercom. (01:08:20)


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Suggested correction: You correct your own mistake. Not only is the plane invisible, but also silent as is heard when the plane lifts up and disappears.


I was being facetious. The lack of noise happens way before she starts doing the magic hand thing. If anything, it happens in a ton of movies (prolly there's already an entry in the Common mistakes section somewhere) for people to communicate inside aircrafts or other exceptionally noisy vehicles without the aid of intercoms.


Before she does the invisibility trick Steve hasn't put on the full throttle yet.


11th Jan 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)

Plot hole: The established rule of the wishing stone says that you get one wish, to the point that Max couldn't grant a second wish to the guy who wished a Porsche even if Max was really eager to get his help, and warned his son against wasting his, screaming disappointed when he did waste it. But all of a sudden, he can grant Cheetah a second wish because he's "feeling generous". Without rules, he'd be some omnipotent being who can do anything. The fun part is that there was no need at all for this mess, since Barbara's second wish by its nature (and even the way she formulates it) supersedes the first...but Max couldn't know that. (02:01:10)


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Suggested correction: Max is taking from whoever wishes, he choses what. What he takes, he gives to Barbara and himself. He takes the health, she gets the fury. That way he grants her wish without her actually wishing. Same with himself, taking what he wants. And yes, what she wishes does supersede her first wish, but e still holds those powers as well.


That's just changing the established rule out of the blue and just for one person. Why would she get more than one wish when everyone else can't and earlier he was shown to have that limit and be frustrated by it?


It can also be pointed out that the original stone gave Barbara her wish. When Max Lord became the Dreamstone, he became something else. She never got a wish from him. When he says he was feeling generous, he wasn't saying he'll grant her a 2nd wish, he's saying he won't take anything from her.


Then he did not get what he wished for, since his wish was literally "I wish to be you, the Dreamstone itself." And him not taking anything from her is again a change of the rule.


And since he didn't turn into a crystal, he became something else. He had the power. And there was no "rule" something had to be taken, Max was taking something out of greed. The stone did have a natural consequence, which Barbara experienced by losing her humanity in order to become Cheetah. But that's noting to do with Max taking anything or the rules changing.


The conversation is shifting away from the original point; she gets 2 wishes and nobody else does, not even people he wants them to. It cannot be because they are considered separate entities, because then the previous stone is not considered in existence anymore and then Barbara and Diana's desires should have been nullified.


Technically you can't call this a mistake. The stone being absorbed by Max doesn't destroy the power the stone held, nor is there a president for this. So there is no telling what would change from the original powers and or ruleset of the stone. Max never granted a 2nd wish and stating he was feeling generous was just a means to get the wish spoken out. Max also offered Diana a wish even though she already had a wish happen by the original stone. The question is, did the stone restore?

It's all the same thing. The problem with a lot of these mistake entries is making false assumptions about what should or shouldn't happen and not understanding who the characters are and what's going on. Yes, the film has flaws, but this isn't a forum to express your personal thoughts about what you think is wrong with the film (some don't even sound like original ideas since they're word exactly like what you can find online everywhere).


Since it's not a forum, I shouldn't reply to something not pertaining to the entry itself, but thanks for saying that you can read this 'everywhere', means I am not the only one thinking this way and perhaps you should wonder why? But that aside he can't grant wishes to someone who already expressed them not take nothing away, until he just does. My original entry says who when why based on the movie itself. The movie being flawed or not is not really my point, I hope it's clear that whenever something about a movie is posted, it does not mean to just 'riff' on the movie or 'bash' it or anything per se. Enjoying a movie and its plot with its simplifications and sometimes metaphorical licenses has nothing to do with examining a plot point and read through the fine print.


Maybe instead of endless comments one should just wait with commenting until the suggested entry is actually liked enough and corrects your mistake. If people don't agree with the suggested correction, no need to discuss it.


Revealing mistake: Steve Trevor approaches and stands before an oval, wall-mounted mirror, incredulously looking at himself and seeing a stranger's face in close-up. Steve finally smiles approvingly, turns to Diana Prince and says, "He's got it! Y'know, I like him!" The camera immediately cuts to two wide shots from behind Steve standing directly in front of the mirror (only a couple of feet away from it), but there is no reflection of Steve in the mirror at all. This error reveals that the "mirror" is actually a hole in the wall (a low-budget practical effect used in films of decades past for such mirror illusions). They probably filmed a lot more footage of Steve mugging in front of the "mirror" but edited it out, because this old-school effect is notoriously difficult to get exactly right. (00:49:50 - 00:50:20)

Charles Austin Miller

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Suggested correction: They don't use this trick for the scene, the actor playing "the other guy" is standing in front of the mirror himself when you see him in the reflection, since he has black hair and Chris Pine does not. And Chris Pine can only be seen without the mirror. Later in the wide shots the angle of the mirror simply doesn't show Chris Pine's reflection. Only a tiny second at the start of the wide shot can you see it is actually a real mirror, when you see a piece of Chris Pine's hair in it.


As I said, they probably filmed a lot more footage of Steve mugging in front of the "mirror" but edited it out. When Steve approaches the "mirror" in close-up, you can see that there are two distinct actors (which is the whole purpose of the scene): Chris Pine's hair is a distinctly different color and texture, and the actor in the "reflection" is taller. Plus, their subtle body and head movements are not perfectly synchronized, as would be the case in a true mirror-image. It's the old hole-in-the-wall trick.

Charles Austin Miller

But it is a real mirror, as it reflects his hair. So it's not a hole in the wall anyway. The back of the head you see when seeing "the other guy" in the mirror is that same guy's head, not Chris Pine's. No need to use that trick.


No, the hair color and texture of the back-of-the-head shot are distinctly different from the guy in the reflection. The whole purpose of the shot is that Chris Pine in the foreground IS NOT the guy in the reflection in the background. The hair color and texture is different, and the guy in the reflection is taller; plus, the body and head movements are not synchronized. Go back and watch the scene (if you can stand watching the movie again).

Charles Austin Miller

Corrected entry: In the bar scene the biker hitting T2 with the pool cue is holding his cue the wrong way before the cigar guy needs help, as if he knew what was going to happen.

Correction: Some bikers are very selective about who gets to enter their bar (especially naked dudes), so he probably was ready to enact some violence the moment the T-800 entered.


Corrected entry: Pippin finds the Palantir buried in the water. But how did he end up there? The globe never leaves the tower and is out of reach of the ents.


Correction: The Palantir rolls out of Saruman's robes as he is killed and rolls off the tower and into the water in front of the group. This scene may be have been cut from the theatrical version.


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Suggested correction: With the exception of Bucky in Civil War and Maw's buddy in Infinity War, only in the Phase 2 movies has someone lost an arm in every movie.

Klaw has his metal arm removed in Black Panther.


4th Nov 2013

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Corrected entry: When the "scarers" arrive for work in the "Right Stuff" scene, Pauley has no eyes. He is to Sully's left (the right of the screen as you look at it). His assistant then puts his eyeballs in to prepare him for scaring. Later, after work, even after the monsters have left the locker room and are heading out of the Monsters Inc. factory for the evening, Pauley has all of his eyeballs left in. (00:13:30 - 00:20:15)

Correction: And how is this a mistake? He would still need eyes to live out his everyday life. For all we know he has a work set of eyes and a everyday set of eyes.


If this was the case then he would be using a set of eyes during the walk-in scene.

Perhaps he has nowhere to store his eyes on the work floor (or isn't allowed), so he can't swap them on the spot.


26th Dec 2003

Toy Story (1995)

Corrected entry: Just before Sid blows up the Combat Carl figure, he throws a cement block at the figure, just missing it. Then we see him lighting the explosive on Carl and then he blows up. When we cut back to a wide shot of Sid's garden, the block has been moved to the other side of the garden, nowhere near where it landed before Sid lit the explosive.


Correction: The block is already gone when he lights the firecracker. Between throwing the concrete and lighting the firecracker, Sid had plenty of time to move the concrete block to where we see it later.


29th Nov 2003

Finding Nemo (2003)

Corrected entry: Dory's flashback sequence after she meets Nemo includes a shot of Nemo being captured by the scuba diver. But Dory wasn't there to see it and wouldn't have had any memory of it (even if she could remember).

Correction: Marlin told her what happened to Nemo and how he was captured.

You can't tell someone something and that person remember it as you do. She would've had to be there to see it the way Marlin did, but she wasn't.

She remembered Marlin telling her what happened to Nemo. How exactly do you expect them to show us that if not the actual scene? Doesn't mean she remembers that scene, it's telling us she remembers he had been captured.


It's just there for the visual.

Factual error: When Marty hits his head on the DeLorean's steering wheel, the car's horn honks. This is inaccurate to the design of real-world DeLoreans, as a DMC-12's horn button is actually located at the end of the turn signal lever rather than in the steering wheel. (01:39:27)

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Suggested correction: You can't see his left hand and he could have accidentally pushed it when he hit his head. Or Dr. Bown customized the steering wheel so the horn is in it, like he customized the entire interior of the car.


I thought the point was that the car was so unreliable that when hit his head on the steering wheel, the horn went on. Makes sense to me. I own a DeLorean by the way.

23rd Dec 2020

Taken (2008)

Plot hole: When Brian is on the boat, we see 3 girls from the auction being ushered into the sheikh's stateroom. He eliminates all the bodyguards, the last of who is the leader with the knife, and who is the only person who knows which of the girls is Kimmi. When Brian enters the stateroom, the sheikh is holding her at gunpoint. How did he know she was Brian's daughter?

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Suggested correction: This is a question, not a plot hole. It is possible the man who bought Kim at the auction had to explain to his boss, the sheikh, why he bought her. He probably told him about the troubles he has had and the possibility that this man is still searching for his daughter, the girl in front of him. Hearing the fighting going on the sheikh correctly assumes this is the same man and tries to use her as a shield against him when he enters and threatens her with a knife.


Don't think so - lot of probable's. The Sheik's right-hand man would have assumed Brian was dead as St Clair's men had captured him, but he spotted him on the boat and only told his boss he would 'kill the dog', not which girl he had come for. Agree correction - she was held by knife-point.

He bought a girl he was not instructed to buy, for a lot of money. Of course he had to explain that to the Sheikh.


Not a plot hole, not even a contrivance. The sheik just grabbed whichever girl that was with him. It didn't matter who she was, it was just a case of "let me go or 'll kill this random, innocent girl." The fact that it was Kim was a simple coincidence (1 in 3 chance).

Suggested correction: There's nothing to suggest that the sheikh did know. He just grabbed one of the girls to use as a "shield". It didn't matter to him if it was Brian's daughter. We only place significance on the act because we know it's her, and humans like to find meaning in things.

16th Dec 2020

World War Z (2013)

Factual error: When we are at the Welsh WHO facility we get an exterior shot during the night where we hear crickets chirping. This is a classic US film-making error. There are no crickets in Wales or any part of the UK. What you would hear at night is silence. Maybe owls.

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Suggested correction: What on earth makes you think there are no crickets in the UK? The most common type found in the UK is the field cricket (Gryllus campestris). In total there are over 25 types of crickets in the UK. Ture that some species are mute, but not the field cricket.


Crickets in Wales don't make a noise as they do in warmer climates.

The North Wales Wildlife Trust seems to disagree with you: "The Dark bush-cricket can be found in South Wales. Its irregular chirpings are a familiar sound of summer."

16th Dec 2020

Constantine (2005)

Corrected entry: Constantine threatens demon Balthazar with the last Rites, so Balthazar goes to heaven where he for sure doesn't want to end. However, if it is so easy and possible even for a demon to go to heaven, why is occult expert Constantine still searching so desperately for the big way out of hell? He only needs to find a catholic priest who gives Constantine the last Rites.


Correction: Constantine mentions to Balthasar afterwards you have to ask to be forgiven before you are accepted into heaven. He needs to believe, it only a bluff. Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and instead feels the need to buy his way into heaven, he does not believe in the grace of God (who he feels is a hypocrite). The demon can not be sent to heaven just because he was read his last rites, he doesn't believe in the grace of God either.


Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and would rather go to hell where the devil would so love to meet him? To be honest, that's even a bigger plot hole. The whole story is about Constantine being too selfish and now him being more stubborn than being selfish is the problem? I don't think so.


The problem is he doesn't believe in the grace of God. Thats bigger than his stubbornness. He knows he is going to hell, but he doesn't think that's fair and should be admitted to heaven regardless of his believes. He won't submit to the hypocrisy of God. He doesn't like God, almost as much as he doesn't like the devil. But naturally he doesn't want to go to hell so he tries to buy his way into heaven by fighting the devil's spawns. But he would never bow to God to get to heaven. At the end of the movie he does find a way though, by sacrifice, but an opportunity like that needs to present itself, he can't create one, unlike being forgiven. It's not a plot hole, it's the plot.


I am really upset with "corrections" like this. With stubbornness people could "correct" any movie mistake caused by any protagonists. And it also makes no sense. I think the entry is valid and should be published without any "corrections"! Constantine for sure would believe in the grace of god if he would get some AND he would for sure get some, if he would call a priest which gives him his last Rites. Problem solved. You are creating a problem where no problem is, just pure assumption. And for sure he would bow to god cause he doesn't want to bow to devil even less.


The correction is valid if you ask me. Constantine specifically refers to God as being a kid with an ant farm, and doesn't really believe God cares that much for humanity. At the end of the film, he acknowledges that God does indeed have a plan for everyone and that he had to die twice to finally understand that. That's Constantine's arc. As lionhead said, that is literally the film's plot.


Problem with the correction is, that he escapes hell not because he has lost his stubbornness or because his relationship to god has changed (which has not). He indirectly escapes hell cause he commited suicide to save Angela from being killed by Gabriel. Which wasn't even awarded by god, only the devil was so nice (!) and asked him unnecessarily for a quid-pro-quo wish. And that's not even suicide, it is martyrdom and that alone should buy him a ticket out of hell, plus he saves a woman he loves, plus he keeps the balance in balance. 3 tickets in once, he doesn't even has to trade his soul for the soul of Isabel, he has already done more than enough. There are many plot holes.


You assume those 3 tickets are enough, but they aren't. All of them are him still trying to buy his way into heaven. It's about love for god, not love for another person nor fighting the devil. Plus he was dying anyway. But the self-sacrifice, not his life saved by the devil but the twin sister send to heaven, is the one thing he could do to be admitted.


He already sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's unnecessary and therefore a plot hole.


He didn't sacrifice himself for the first sister. He did it to stop Mammon, not for the love of Angela.


"Stubbornness" is a valid correction when people submit mistakes, especially plot holes, because they think a character should act in a different way than they would. Nothing about Constantine's behave or believe goes against his already established character (which is based on the comics). Having him act the way you want him to could also be seen by some as a plot device and thus a plot hole.


However him committing suicide a second time, is an act of love, maybe not for god but for Angela (so she doesn't gets stabbed by Gabriel). This is martyrdom cause he also prevents Mammon to conquer earth and shows the love for an other human being. The one or the other way he has got the ticket out of hell already. Saving Isabel which he also does, isn't even that much compared what he has already done. So why should god forgive him after saving Isabel but not before (after saving Angela). The devil offering him a wish like a jinn is silly and unnecessary for sure.


He commited suicide the second time to stop Mammon because he knows Satan will show up and wouldn't like it when he finds out his son is trying to take power on Earth. He doesn't do it for love of Angela, nor would God see that as good enough to admit him into heaven (as he would still be buying his way into it). God and Satan are bound to certain rules (according to the "game" they play as mentioned by Constantine) so in exchange for helping Satan, Satan grants him a wish, not realising it is a wish that will admit Constantine into heaven. He is admitted into heaven not because he is forgiven, but because of his self-sacrifice (as Gabriel mentions, and the bible). I think you really need to rewatch both the conversation between Gabriel and Constantine at the church as well as the conversation between Constantine and Satan to understand the reasoning behind it all.


He already self-sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's a plot hole.


Correction: Constantine was bluffing when he threatened Balthazar with the Last Rites. "True contrition" is required as well. This is different than just asking for forgiveness, something Constantine shows not to have. Of course, the Devil heals him in hopes that Constantine will once again damn himself to hell.


11th Dec 2020

Beetlejuice (1988)

Correction: I just loaded up the scene and cannot find this person no matter where I look. The closest I could find is that someone is sitting in a dark suit and another person with kind of a pale face, but they don't really resemble Edward. Where exactly should we be looking?


After the secretary talked to Adam and Barbara and she named the next number and next scene shown the victims and the one I think looks like Edward Scissorhands is the last on the left.


The one in the sleeping bag with a rattlesnake does have the spiky black hair and black around the eyes. I get what you mean but I think it's just a coincidence. Has to be confirmed.


I said it looks like Edward Scissorhands. If Tim Burton was giving a little hint, he certainly wouldn't have the person have scissors for hands, would he? It would have been giving too much info right there for his next project.


I honestly think it's just a coincidence, too. Tim Burton has a very specific style, and a lot of his characters look similar with wild hair, dark circles around the eyes, etc.


Audio problem: The ghost of Christmas past says "these are but shadows... they are what they are - do not blame me." Her mouth keeps moving after she stops speaking.


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Suggested correction: No, it doesn't. When she finishes this speech at 45:16, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge. We can only see the back of the ghost. Her mouth is not visible.

Peter Harrison

Suggested correction: A mouth can move without speaking, not an audio problem but a puppeteering problem that is not a mistake.


A puppeteer problem would still be a mistake.


Maybe for the puppeteer, but in the movie it is no problem because a mouth can move without sound coming out. So what exactly went wrong?


But practically speaking people (or puppets) don't just flap their mouth open and closed with no reason. The overwhelming probability is simply that there was a dubbing error or a line was cut and the dialogue didn't fit with the mouth movement.

The mouth opens 1 extra time. That's all.


But it's glaring enough to be noticeable. Regardless of how or why it happened, it's a mistake.


In the version on Disney+, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge as the spirit finishes her speech. We only see the back of the spirit's head. Are you seeing something different on other versions?

Peter Harrison I got the scene right here, it's at 1:50. Judge for yourself. I can repeat that part over and over again, but to be honest, sometimes it looks like there is an extra movement. Sometimes I can't see it. Even if it was, muppets move their mouths without speaking all the time.


6th Dec 2020

Constantine (2005)

Corrected entry: When Angela is watching the security video on her laptop of her sister committing suicide, her Sister "Izzy" is saying "Constantine." Near to zero probability that a security video is recording audio, especially on the rooftop of a clinic.


Correction: She isn't saying it over the audio of the video. She is saying it to her twin psychic sister telepathically.


Agreed, especially since we see Angela rewind the footage and Isabel doesn't say anything the 2nd time.


24th Nov 2020

Wonder Woman (2017)

Corrected entry: When the German Empire's soldiers are attacking Themyscira in the Mediterranean, one of their rowboats has the ship's name "Schwaben" printed on its side. The "Schwaben" at the time of the movie was a barge on patrol duty on Lake Victoria in back-then German East Africa.

Correction: Since a lot of elements of WWI are different in this universe, a ship that is out of place is not strange.


20th Nov 2020

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Factual error: At the very end of the movie, Ichabod addresses to Young Masbath saying the final line "You'll son find your bearings young Masbath. The Bronx is up, the Battery is down and home is this way." However the Bronx was instituted only in 1898, a century later.

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Suggested correction: 1. The Bronx was established in 1639, along the Bronx river by Dutch settlers, they started using the name Bronx. It doesn't have to be part of New York City for Ichabod to mention the location of the Bronx. There was already 2 bridges to it from Manhattan island even. 2. He could be simply referring to the Bronx river.


20th Nov 2020

Oblivion (2013)

Corrected entry: At this point Jack is listening to the black box from the wreckage on Earth, Julia's crash. If the box was found on earth wreckage Jack would not be able to hear 'Him" and Julia originally entering the object in space, as the black box would be in space. However after perusing the subject, the craft they were in may have been transmitting to the black box in the craft Julia was in. (01:47:20)

Correction: Julia and the others were separated from the flight module only moments before Jack and Victoria entered the spaceship. You hear the audio recording cut off when they actually enter the spaceship a few moments later, up until the point the black box was able to keep recording. The black box was part of the module that was separated and could still receive signals from the flight module until the point they enter.


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