Corrected entry: Van Helsing's plan was to kill Dracula and have the antidote injected by midnight, within the time that it takes for the clock to chime 12 times. The fight scene took much longer than that, but the antidote still worked later.
13th May 2004
Van Helsing (2004)
4th Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Continuity mistake: When the camera is panning over the entire army on the Avengers' side for the first time, Captain America is standing in front of everyone, and his shield is intact and round again, while Thanos broke it earlier. The next time we see it, it's back to being broken.
Suggested correction: The top half of his shield was broken off. When he is standing in front of Thanos' army, you can only see the bottom, intact half.
No no, the mistake is about the wide shot where you only see Captain America really small. He has a full shield there (as he is just CGI).
3rd Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: When Rocket pets Scott Lang's hair, one can see an artifact of the motion-capture performer's actual human-sized hand moving Paul Rudd's hair. As a result, Rocket's small hand moves far more hair without actually touching it. (01:04:15)
Correction: This entry is ridiculous. A full sized hand could move all the hair on his head simultaneously. Only the front bit of his hair moves, almost exactly the spot Rocket is supposed to touch. It might not be perfect but it looks quite genuine.
The front bit moves exactly where Rocket touched it... and then a little bit more. It is especially telling where Rocket's fingers end and yet the hair inexplicably moves as if his fingers were longer than they actually were.
31st Jul 2019
Stranger Things (2016)
Chapter Five: The Flayed - S3-E5
Corrected entry: When Steve Harrington knocks out of the soldier, Dustin congratulations him. Over Dustin's left shoulder there's a black silhouette of a crew member hiding in plain sight. (00:36:50)
Correction: Actually that's Robin's reflection. You see the mouth closing at the same time.
31st Jul 2019
Starship Troopers (1997)
Corrected entry: During the broadcast at the beginning, you see shots of soldiers behind the text on the screen before they go to the live feed from the battlefield on Klendathu. One is of Dizzy saluting Rico after he selects her as squad leader after he kills the giant, fire-spewing beetle. However, at the time of that broadcast, that part of the film hadn't even happened yet.
Correction: The broadcasts aren't chronological to the movie. This is proven by the fact the broadcast in the beginning also mentions the bugs send another meteor but this time they are prepared, since the previous one destroyed Buenos Aires. Also you see the live broadcast on Klendathu itself, which happens only later in the movie, which you then see in a different perspective. It is done intentionally.
27th Aug 2001
Jurassic Park (1993)
Corrected entry: When the doctor is showing off the piece of amber that they have gotten the DNA from, there is a problem. The mosquito in the amber is a male, as one can tell by the antennae. Because it is only the female mosquito that feeds on blood, the male should only have nectar in its stomach. To make it worse, in that species of mosquito, Toxirhynchites, both the males AND females are flower feeders, and would therefore have no blood, or dinosaur DNA in their stomachs. (00:25:00)
Correction: Can we not just assume that the mosquito in Amber in the cane is just symbolic and doesn't necessarily have to be the exact species and gender of the mosquitoes that yielded the dino blood and DNA?
Using the actual mosquito will have more meaning to Hammond than a random one. John is also shown to want only the best.
I don't know. I would think that a mosquito preserved in Amber containing dinosaur blood would be exceptionally rare and probably not the kind of thing you'd waste on a cane.
Correction: Hammond's company, InGen, did not deal exclusively with dinosaurs. Dr. Ellie Sattler, the paleo-botanist, observed and mentioned that Jurassic Park was also full of ancient and extinct plant life. InGen used the same process to procure vegetable DNA from ancient insects (such as the Toxirhynchites mosquitoes) that fed on vegetable matter. It's the same process.
Plant sap is composed mostly of water and dissolved sugars, hormones and carbohydrates. It does not contain any DNA.
Incorrect. Plant genomics research shows that plant fluids do, indeed, contain plant DNA. Moreover, a single mosquito could yield the DNA of several different plants, as well as the mosquito's own DNA and the DNA of microbes consumed along with the plant fluids.
Correction: The mosquito in the amber is not one that supplied the DNA for the dinosaurs. We know this because there is no drill hole for the extraction. When the extraction process is shown, a hole several millimetres across is drilled into the amber.
Correction: Plant sap consists of water, some simple sugars, more complex carbohydrates and plant hormones. It does not contain any DNA at all.
It's about the mosquito inside the amber, not the amber itself. Anyway, plant sap most definitely contains DNA, just plant DNA. All living organisms have DNA.
Plant sap does not contain DNA. Phloem sap consists primarily of sugars, hormones, and mineral elements dissolved in water. DNA is polar due to its highly charged phosphate groups and dissolves easily in water. Transporting dissolved DNA would be utterly pointless.
Fine, the amber doesn't contain DNA (it's fossilized anyway). It's still a bad correction.
25th Jul 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: During the final battle when Captain America says "Avengers Assemble" we can see Black Panther on his left with the rest of the Avengers. Then the next shot shows Black Panther, Shuri and Okoye with the Wakandan army. (02:18:25)
Correction: Shuri, Okoye and the rest of the Wakandan army is standing right behind him in the shot with the Avengers.
19th Jul 2019
Minority Report (2002)
Plot hole: Burgess frames Anderton for Witwer's murder, using Anderton's gun in Anderton's house, but Anderton has an airtight alibi; at the same time as the murder, he was arriving at his ex-wife's home. His ex is even on the phone with Burgess, who asks if that's John arriving with Agatha.
Suggested correction: This is all a matter of trust and knowledge. At this point the precogs aren't available so they don't know who killed Witwer, the word of Burgess is enough for the precrime team to believe it was Anderton, especially considering everything that was going on. All the precrime team wants is get Anderton and put the halo on him. There is no trial, no interrogation of witnesses. The team simply don't see Anderton can't have killed Witwer and they don't care as they no longer act as real cops anymore (only Witwer did). They might find out later, but Anderton's escape changed that possibility anyway. It's not a plot hole that things went as they went.
16th Jul 2019
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Factual error: When the T-Rex grabs Eddie out of the car, as soon as it takes its foot off the hood the car shoots forward and both it and the trailers fall off the cliff. In reality this wouldn't happen, the trailers would have simply started sliding again slowly. It's also shown that the cars wheels start turning faster as the car picks up speed going forward. Eddie had the car in reverse, as soon as his foot came off the pedal it would have stalled meaning the wheels wouldn't have turned and instead it would have just been dragged like it was doing before he got back behind the wheel.
Suggested correction: If during the time Eddie was being dragged out of the car the clutch was pushed into neutral (it's a manual), all the force the car applied to keep the trailers from falling would have disappeared and basically any way for it to go slowly as well.
13th Jul 2019
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Stupidity: Immediately after Unkar Plutt makes Rey a generous offer for BB-8 and she refuses, he tells someone over his communicator to follow her and bring back the droid. He should have at least waited until she was out of earshot before he said that, especially if he was trying to be covert about it.
Suggested correction: But he was out of earshot of her.
I posted this immediately after watching the scene in question, and it looked as though Plutt spoke into his communicator right after Rey turned around and went on her way; certainly too soon for her to have gotten more than a few steps away. Also, he spoke at a normal, conversational volume rather than anything that sounded like a whisper or "sotto voce", so unless he was relying on the ambient noise of other nearby activity, I still believe this "stupidity" is valid.
That depends on how sneaky you think Plutt is. Rey walks away in quick paces, so she is out of earshot. Also I don't think it bothers him that much if she heard, she is just a scavenger, what can she do about it?
Rey was definitely out of earshot. Rey walks completely out of the shot, which appears to be about 10 feet away. Unkar Plutt then angrily swipes the portions off the counter and picks up his communicator. At the pace Rey was walking she would have been a considerable distance away from him when he spoke. In addition, Unkar Plutt lowered his voice when he spoke because he was being sneaky. She might have been able to hear him speak, but it is totally reasonable that she wouldn't be close enough to make out exactly what he was saying.
4th Jul 2019
Army of Darkness (1992)
Corrected entry: When the army of the deadites arrives at the castle, Evil Ash says something along the lines of "Bring me forth into that castle." A few moments later, he says "Sally forth!" only not being able to say forth because of his decayed mouth, despite being able to say it only moments before.
1st Jul 2019
Prometheus (2012)
Corrected entry: How can the head that's been dead for 2,000 years or more explode with gelatinous goo? Everything would have long since dried up.
Correction: You are talking about a very ancient and biologically advanced species in who knows what kind of environment. You can't know what their physiology is and what would dry up or not.
Actually, after the room was open and was explored for a bit, Shaw notices that material inside the room started to actively degrade. This implies that something in the sealed room preserved the head until the door was opened.
30th Jun 2019
Captain Marvel (2019)
Corrected entry: When Fury parks his car inside the Pegasus facility, the car's headlights are on. They're still on when he and Vers walk away. A few seconds later, when they're approached by security and Fury produces his ID, the lights have been turned off.
Correction: Most cars have automatic headlights that turn off after switching the engine off. It takes a few seconds. Have been around since the 60's.
14th Jun 2019
Demolition Man (1993)
Continuity mistake: In the car chase he crawls out of the window, the next shot shows the car door is open.
Suggested correction: He doesn't crawl out the window, this type of car door has only glass above the door so with the glass down he can go out before fully opening the door. You just don't see him opening the door in the previous shot.
5th May 2003
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Corrected entry: In the German version the Americans are translated, so they speak German... but the Germans also speak German, yet they don't understand each other.
Correction: This is not a mistake, but an extremely common technique used to make viewing the film easier for speakers of a particular language and avoid the need for extensive subtitles. German viewers are expected to take it as a given that the American characters are actually speaking English to one another and that Upham is the only character that can actually speak and understand fluent German.
Makes me wonder how they explain "fubar" though.
I'm always curious how slang terms that are that specific are translated into other languages. Take it to the forums and see if anyone who speaks German can watch that version. I'd be curious to see the answer myself.
21st Jun 2004
Aladdin (1992)
Corrected entry: The rule of entering the "Cave of Wonders" spoken to Aladdin by the Cave itself is, " Touch Nothing But the Lamp". It is not until Abu snatches the ruby in the Lamp Room scene that the Cave qualifies the original edict to, " You have touched the forbidden TREASURE". Aladdin and Abu have touched the Magic Carpet plenty of times before this point.
Correction: The cave is able to determine who is "worthy" to enter through whatever mystical charms have been placed upon it. It is very likely the cave can also determine "intent", just as it has determined that Abu is Aladdins "pet" and not a second individual. Aladdin and Abu did not intend to take the carpet or other treasure they happened to inadvertently touch. It is not until Abu purposely and intentionally goes to take the ruby that the cave determines the rule has been broken.
Correction: The magic carpet was presumably an exception, as it's not really treasure but more of a guide to lead them through the cave of wonders.
Also, he did not so much "touch" with his hands as simply walk on it underfoot, couldn't entirely be helped (he comes into contact with the treasure on the floor the same way, no ill result), thereby awakening it, and further contact is initiated by Carpet himself.
28th May 2019
Addams Family Values (1993)
Corrected entry: When the two Native American children are turning the two camp directors over the open fire, they are turning the handle in the opposite direction the camp directors are turning.
Correction: This simply is not true. They are turned counter-clockwise by the kids. Both the kids and the directors are spinning this way. An optical illusion can let you think they are spinning them the other way around.
12th May 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Corrected entry: The Wasp showing up at the end battle makes no sense. She didn't even know what was going on when they disappeared and came back, and Dr. Strange didn't know where or even who she was, so nobody would think about bringing her there. It's also too paradoxical for Dr. Strange to know she was needed there because he saw the future, simply because there was only 1 chance.
Correction: I don't see the paradox. Dr. Strange saw over 14m futures - seeing the one where they won would include seeing a shrinking flying woman. Enough time passes between the "return" snap and everyone appearing for him to spread the word around every fighter in the MCU - wouldn't take too much of an effort to track her down as well.
The good guys were able to get loads of heroes together including Valkyrie on her flying horse, the Ravagers and Howard the Duck. Clearly adding Wasp wasn't a problem.
Yeah but how did Strange know where to find her? She and the other Pyms were on a random roof somewhere, only Ant-Man knew where they were and Strange couldn't have talked to him about it, not knowing him either. Didn't really have time to ask anyone or do a search. He was kinda busy rallying everyone else.
He's Dr. Strange, so the simple answer is he used magic. A wizard who can look into the future and see over 14 million alternate versions of it would have no trouble finding anyone he wanted to.
6th May 2019
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Continuity mistake: When Agent Carter shoots Rogers while he is holding his shield, she picks up a M1911A1 pistol. When she does, it has the hammer down, but it cuts straight from her reaching for it to her shooting it, without her cocking the hammer first, which needs to be done since the pistol is single action only.
Suggested correction: The Colt M1911A1 is a single-action semi-automatic pistol, meaning when the pistol has a bullet in it's chamber by cycling the slide you don't need to manually pull the hammer down to fire. It doesn't work like a single action revolver where you have to pull down the hammer manually each time to fire. You could, for a shorter trigger, but you don't have to because of the slide. In other words, the pistol Agent Carter picked up was loaded with a bullet in the chamber and ready to fire without having to manually pull down the hammer.
The correction is incorrect. A 1911 pistol is hammer fired, meaning the hammer must fall on the firing pin in order for it to fire. The hammer is down in the scene, which meant the pistol would not have fired. However, since the hammer not being down is only visible when using slow motion (the hammer is obscured by Agent Carter's hand in most of the shot), the original mistake is invalid.
4th May 2019
I, Robot (2004)
Corrected entry: Dr Calvin 'kills' Sony but puts his chip in a empty NS-5. Later Sonny says his father gave him an extra strong/dense arm, so he can go through the protection and take nanos. Only the body he is in is not the one his father created for him.
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Correction: The antidote cures the curse of the werewolf, no matter how long one has been a werewolf. If it only worked until the final stroke of midnight during the first full-moon, there would be no reason of keeping it, as it would be useless after a certain period of time. And at that time, no werewolves were working for Dracula (Both of the others were killed)
Carl says that they have until the stroke of midnight to get the antidote into Van Helsing before he's stuck with lycanthropy forever.
I assume Carl was mistaken, as it would be quite useless for Dracula to have the antidote if it worked only for a short time from first transformation to the last stroke of midnight. Dracula had the antidote to cure werewolves who opposed him before getting bitten, so obviously the antidote could be used any time. And it indeed worked even after the last stroke of midnight.
I'd gotten the idea that the curse is permanent after the 12th stroke of midnight specifically during a full moon and they become Dracula's slave and a permanent wolf and then the cure is useless. Dracula keeps the cure in case there is a werewolf that can resist his dominance, but after the 12th stroke of midnight they are his slave forever and he doesn't need the cure anymore (except maybe a new werewolf). This is what would happen to Van Helsing as well. Carl and Anna only say they have to kill Van Helsing after midnight, certainly if he didn't manage to kill Dracula, or he becomes his most powerful slave. They say it probably because he would loose control and becomes Dracula's slave and become too dangerous to approach. They can't have the werewolf loose onto the world even if he does kill Dracula, as he would still lose his control and be a permanent Werewolf.