
Chosen answer: Because he's an idiot. From the story point of view, they needed the vault to actually be physically open so that the release of the virus would be a credible threat. Unfortunately, this required that Peter conveniently forget that he could simply walk through The Wall and use his telekinesis to tear the door open instead. Peter's increasingly large arsenal of abilities, where he ended up having pretty much any ability required for any situation, led to a situation where it became necessary to either have Peter apparently forget that he had a given power, as with the vault door scene, or become naively trusting, as with his refusal to scan Adam's mind to confirm his good intent. This problem, which simply made Peter look increasingly dumb as the show progressed, may well have been a key factor in the decision to severely reduce his ability during season three.


Run! - S1-E15

Question: Hope the showgirl locks Hiro in a small closet. He makes several unsuccessful attempts to escape by running and charging towards the door. Why doesn't he simply teleport out? Surely a lot simpler and a lot less painful?


Chosen answer: Hiro's powers are still quite unreliable, and a locked closet door isn't a huge obstacle. Since Hiro knows he needs to rescue Ando, it's probably safer to try and bash the door down than risk teleporting to the wrong place or time.

Season 3 generally

Question: Maury objects quite heavily at the idea of Arthur giving the order to murder his son, Matt. Why is this? In season 2, Maury is shown to use his telepathy on Matt in a harmful way, not to mention the fact he abandoned him when he was quite young.


Chosen answer: There's something of a difference between Maury using his powers against Matt to take him out of the equation and actually killing him. Maury is prepared to work against his son if necessary, but doesn't want to see him dead.


Chosen answer: Hiro's powers aren't terribly reliable at the time - he's okay with using it himself, but doesn't want to risk her ending up somewhere unsafe.


Show generally

Question: Exactly why do The Company and their agents conduct bag and tag missions? Is it simply to study evolved humans and their powers? Or do they have something more sinister in mind? Also, why bag and tag at all? Why not just talk to the people they target?


Chosen answer: It's partly study, partly containment, partly potential recruitment. Simply talking to the targets isn't going to get them what they need to know - they're looking for detailed genetic information, plus they want to install the tracking isotopes, neither of which could be done during a pleasant chat.


Chosen answer: Peter doesn't have perfect control over any of his abilities - he has to be able to focus on certain mental keys to be able to use them with any degree of certainty. With his acquired radioactivity power beginning to run out of control, any possibility of focus is gone - he's scared, he's in considerable discomfort if not outright pain. He's simply not able to do it, so Nathan has to step in to help get him clear of the area.


Chosen answer: It's not been made 100% clear. It was originally assumed that he actually consumed part of the brain, but this has turned out not to be the case. Sylar has been shown all along to have an instinctive knowledge of how things work and how to fix them - this is his actual original power and the ability that made him an exceptional watchmaker and repairer. It appears that he uses a similar process when acquiring new powers - he exposes the brain of the target, allowing him to examine it and determine how their power functions. He can then apply that knowledge to his own brain, allowing him to replicate the ability in question.


Fallout - S1-E11

Question: Sylar informs Mr. Bennet that as soon as he gets out of containment he's going to collect one more ability from his daughter. To my knowledge they have never met before so this would be the first time they've actually met each other face to face. How does Sylar know Claire Bennet is Mr. Bennet's daughter?


Chosen answer: It is stated in "Six Months Ago" that Claire was on the list that Chandra had, which Sylar had access to.


Chosen answer: Jessica is Niki's dead sister, so Niki somehow embodied the escence of Jessica and against her own will just switches to her sister's personality to take on another persona.


Homecoming - S1-E9

Question: Why does Sylar choose the Homecoming event to kill Claire and take her power? Surely a person as clever as Sylar would realise that it would be full of people and that there would be a risk of capture (which is exactly what happens). Why not wait until Claire is asleep? Or follow her when she's on her own and corner her in an alley?


Chosen answer: Sylar's not bothered about the risk of capture - his confidence in his abilities is high enough that he probably thinks that he would be impossible to take down anyway. And you have to remember that he's driven by a hunger to take new abilities - he's not going to be happy with the idea of waiting for the perfect moment. She's relatively isolated, her only companion being another cheerleader, no reason to wait.


Godsend - S1-E12

Question: During Sylar's examination, Hank informs Mr. Bennet that they've been trying to find the codon switches that identify his powers, but they're unable to identify any of them except for telekinesis. How can this be?


Chosen answer: Sylar's powers are stolen and forcibly impressed into his DNA, unlike most of the empowered characters where the DNA is natural. It's entirely understandable that his powers might be more difficult to determine under those circumstances.


Season 1 generally

Question: Throughout the first season, Sylar has been shown to survive a number of deadly situations, from being shot at in "One Giant Leap" and "Distractions" to falling from a great height in "Homecoming." My question is, how could he survive all of these incidences when he hadn't yet absorbed Claire's ability of regeneration?


Chosen answer: Telekinesis. Stop or deflect the bullets, slow his fall so that he'll survive. Very useful power.


Both times he was shot, he didn't know it was coming so he couldn't have used telekinesis to stop the bullets.

How to Stop an Exploding Man - S1-E23

Question: I'm watching the show on Peacock, the streaming service. But this episode is not available, even though it seems all the others are. Is there any reason why they would leave out the season 1 finale or why they wouldn't be allowed to air it?


Answer: As of right now, I do see the episode available on Peacock.


Jump, Push, Fall - S4-E2

Question: In season 3 Peter could only absorb one power at a time and only when he touches the person. How could he suddenly go back to being the empath who automatically absorbs the power of people around him in season 4?

Answer: There must have been some confusion in what you saw (or you caught an error). After "Dual" (s03e13) until the end of the series, Peter's altered abilities always required him to touch someone to gain their powers, he was never able to absorb the power without physical contact and never had more than 1 power at a time (although later he gains the ability to touch someone and not absorb their power).


Chosen answer: Jessica thinks she is the only one capable of taking care of her son. She feels that DL stole him, and she has to eliminate him as a threat.

Chosen answer: Caitlin was left in the possible future (where the virus had been released) when Peter teleported out. Then, when Hiro zapped the virus out of existance, that future became impossible, so that timeline became void. Basically, when that future ceased to exist, so did Caitlin, and since her parents seem to be dead (please correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while seen I saw S2) and Elle killed her brother, there are no next of kin to raise awkward questions.


Chosen answer: I don't think they experimented on him. He was too dangerous to have constant visit from anyone. So they just kept him locked up.


Four Months Ago... - S2-E8

Question: What was Bob Bishop hoping to gain by keeping Peter in containment? Was it to simply stop him from causing any further harm to himself and other people? Also, he must have known it would be a risk putting him in a cell next to Adam Monroe? Furthermore, was Angela Petrelli aware of Peter's incarceration? What would she have made of it?


Chosen answer: Angela Petrelli was not the company leader, Bob was. So its safe to asume the Angela didn't know about Peter's incarceration. As for the plan, well i think it's pretty much the same as Adam Monroe, keep him locked up forever without powers. And no, I don't think they figured it was risky to put him next to Adam, as the cells are supposed to be sealed tightly.


Company Man - S1-E17

Question: I don't understand the motives behind The Company, i.e. Kaito Nakamura and Angela Petrelli, giving Claire Bennet to Noah Bennet to look after. Why couldn't Angela or her biological father Nathan look after her? Also, why did Kaito order Noah to hand Claire over when her ability manifests? I thought the whole point was that she would be looked after and not experimented on?


Chosen answer: 1) Seeing as how Nathan was the prominent son of the Petrelli family it probably would not do well for it to be public knowledge that he has fathered an illegitimate child. As Nathan's mother and a founder of The Company, Angela Petrelli certainly would have a say. 2) The Company would probably want Claire when her powers manifest to determine their scope and potential danger, possibly even attempt to recruit her a la the "One of Us, One of Them" policy.

Godsend - S1-E12

Question: After Eden McCain shoots herself to prevent Sylar from consuming her power, it's stated that her body was found in a river, presumably dumped by The Company. Throughout the show, The Company have been shown to be a highly resourceful organisation. Why, with all that resourcefulness, would the company dump her in a river? Why not just cremate her?


Chosen answer: They want to leave evidence shes dead. After all, she is a wanted felon herself, from before she was recruited.

Seven Minutes to Midnight - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Mohinder is back in India, his mother tells him that his sister Shanti died at the age of 5, when Mohinder himself was 2. In "The Hard Part", Mohinder tells Molly Walker that Shanti died before he was born, and shows her a photo of Shanti (who looks 5 years old) and his pregnant mother.


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Trivia: There are a number of other Star Trek references in Heroes. In episode 15 (Run!), Hope refers to Hiro as "Sulu." George Takei, who played the original Sulu plays Hiro's father. And at one point (and several other times throughout the show) Hiro gives the Vulcan hand symbol that Spock always used when he would say "live long and prosper." Zachary Quinto, who plays Sylar, would also later play Spock in the 2009 reboot Star Trek.

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