Trivia: Don't miss the cute scene after the roll of the credits.
Super Grover
10th Dec 2014
Big Hero 6 (2014)
4th Dec 2014
The Caine Mutiny (1954)
Trivia: After Lt. Commander Queeg's curt briefing with senior officers he assigns orders to Ensign Keith regarding sailors' shirttails, hair length, and facial hair, and when Queeg leaves them Ensign Keith says, "Well, he's certainly Navy," and Lieutenant Keefer responds, "Yeah, so was Captain Bligh." This foreshadows the events to come, as it alludes to 1789's mutiny aboard the HMS Bounty of The Royal Navy, against its captain, William Bligh.
4th Nov 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: While Roy is seriously considering the promotion to engineer, he climbs into Engine 51's driver's seat, which is a very poignant moment for the show, and it's the only time during the run of the series that we ever see anyone sitting in the Ward LaFrance driver's seat other than Mike Stoker, who was a real FD engineer, or the other real FD engineers who drove the rig on screen.
7th Oct 2014
Family Guy (1999)
18th Aug 2014
Downton Abbey (2010)

Trivia: Set in 1924, a few publicity shots of the Series 5 cast members, new and old, were rolled out, and one promotional photo in particular was quite revealing. Sitting on the mantelpiece behind cast members Hugh Bonneville and Laura Carmichael, who play the Earl of Grantham and Lady Edith, was a modern-day plastic bottle of water.
23rd Jul 2014
The Cosby Show (1984)
The Getaway - S8-E17
Trivia: On Sondra and Elvin's big moving day, the movers who show up are from V&V and Sons, who "have a hungry van and it's feedin' time." Those two movers are played by the real V&V, Jim Valvano and Dick Vitale, both college basketball coaches and broadcasters.
9th Jul 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: When the pickup truck, and later both Engine 51 and Squad 51, drive down the street before turning into the gas station lot, we can see the Pickwick Recreation Center entrance on the left, which is where Station 51 will be dispatched to for an 'unknown type rescue' at the skating rink, later in the episode. And later, when the guys drive down the street before turning into the Pickwick lot, we can see that gas station on the right in the background. It's the unusual looking building between the gas station and the Pickwick entrance that makes this more noticeable.
1st Jul 2014
Emergency! (1972)
1st Jul 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: At the end, when Johnny's tape recorder idea doesn't quite work out the way he and Roy had hoped, Johnny gets very flustered and frustrated with the recorder, and sets it down on the table, then Johnny looks right up into the camera lens and gives viewers an indescribable look, thereby "breaking the fourth wall."
1st Jul 2014
Emergency! (1972)
How Green Was My Thumb? - S3-E17
Trivia: In addition to Randolph Mantooth's brother Donald appearing in this episode, while Roy and John are in Mrs. Johnson's apartment, when Roy's telling John some of the plants' names, John picks up a plant from the table and asks Roy what its name is. And when Roy answers, "Sadie", John smiles at the plant and says, "Hey, Sadie, how you doing?" Sadie is Mantooth's mother's name.
18th Jun 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Heavyweight - S3-E5
Trivia: Worth a look. After John sees Morton about the pulled deltoid muscle, when John and Roy leave the ER they pass another paramedic who's bringing in an electric shock victim, and the paramedic makes a crack about John being a little out of shape. As the camera follows the stretcher, pay attention to the background as Roy and John exit, because it looks as if John is giving the finger to flip off that paramedic who made the crack.
3rd Jun 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: During dinner Johnny's voice is hoarse again, and after watching the news that incorrectly stated that Brice rescued the other firemen, when it really was the other way around, Roy makes a crack about Johnny never sounding better which irks Johnny, and as the scene closes he looks up at the camera with quite a perturbed look directed at the TV audience, which "breaks the fourth wall."
26th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: After John gets his paycheck with a salary overpayment of $5,365, when he starts walking out of the kitchen he mumbles the amount completely perplexed, then turns and looks directly at the camera, and gives a bewildered look to the TV audience, thus "breaking the fourth wall."
26th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: At the start of this episode, Station 51 and other FD companies are at the training center, to find the best way to deal with sulfur trioxide. Notice the tanker in the background, which contains the sulfur trioxide, particularly after 18's guy falls into the trench, when they all work on helping him. It should look familiar. It's this setting that was used in the newer Emergency! intro that is shown at the start of each episode, where we see Roy and John in turnouts, treating the man dressed in blue who's lying on the ground between them. The specific rescue we see in the intro is not actually from any of the episodes.
26th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: It's in this episode that the Heimlich Maneuver is used for the first time by the paramedics. At the USC game, when a guy is choking on a hot dog, John and Roy are called, and John uses the Heimlich. Up until season 6 we've seen the guys use other methods, such as the ChokeSaver which look like huge white tweezers, to remove obstructions in an airway, as seen in 4x9, "Foreign Trade."
19th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: Throughout the run of the series, when there's a closeup of Squad 51's Motorola two-way radio unit, notice the spelling mistake on the self-adhesive label that reads "Resue Unit No. 51."
19th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: After John and Roy dial the wrong number twice, it cuts to a shot of LACoFD headquarters, and the dispatcher, Sam Lanier, transmitting the paging tones. In the closeup of the Motorola Quik-Call, note the company numbers on the tabs and that all FD companies are in numerical order except for 51, which is placed beside 127. (Can also be seen in other episodes).
14th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Camera Bug - S4-E10
Trivia: After Brackett asks Dix if she'd like to go to lunch, it cuts to a shot of Johnny balancing himself above Roy, between the engine and squad, while snapping Roy's picture, and when Johnny jumps down right beside Roy's head, Roy quickly flinches back and Johnny giggles an apology. Later, after Johnny snaps Captain Stanley's picture, Cap tells John, "You blinded me you twit," and when Johnny removes the camera from around his neck he smacks the camera right into Roy's face, and Johnny gently pats Roy's head. Good unscripted moments between Roy and John. (00:21:45 - 00:41:10)
13th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: During the scene with the pregnant gunshot victim, the husband is played by Mark Spitz, who won 7 golds at the infamous '72 summer Olympics. Notice the logo on the red polo shirt that he's wearing is the USA Olympic shield logo.
6th May 2014
Emergency! (1972)
Trivia: The rattlesnake that bites Johnny in this episode is a real defanged rattler. Randolph Mantooth wore a protective layer around his leg, under his pants, and had to shake his leg to taunt the rattlesnake to strike him. When the rattler did strike his leg, it was higher than they anticipated, above his protective layer, and it got snagged on his pants so he had to shake his leg to get it off him.
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