Corrected entry: In the banquet scene after the other schools have entered, the camera pans down the staff table. At this table Madame Maxime, Igor Karkaroff, and Barty Crouch are all already visible. However in the shot where Dumbledore stands with the goblet, Barty Crouch is shown entering a side door next to the staff table.
Super Grover
26th Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
28th Nov 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Corrected entry: When Tom Cruise goes out after the lightning storm to find his son, he puts on a blue zip-up sweatshirt. For the rest of the movie, he's wearing a leather jacket over the sweatshirt.
Correction: When Ray is watching the overhead clouds (in front of his house and in the backyard), and the subsequent lightning strikes, he wears only the blue sweatshirt. Then when he heads out from his house, meets Robbie in the street, heads to the area of the 26 strikes, comes home with human "dust" all over him, and finally when he, Robbie and Rachel leave in the van, Ray is wearing the leather jacket, with white stripes on the sleeves, over the blue sweatshirt.
14th Jul 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Corrected entry: When Tom Cruise and his kids are in the basement of the ex-wife's house, there is this drawn out dramatic scene where Tom Cruise races to slam the door of a little closet they hide in as flames fill the room when a plane crashes on the house. When they enter, the door opens inward, toward the closet. The next morning when they emerge, the door opens in the opposite direction. Since doors that 'slam' close are not swinging doors, it is impossible to open the door in the other direction.
Correction: There are actually two doors that lead to the furnace room ("little closet"). The outer door that opens out into the main area of the basement, which Robbie opens, has six carved panels and a door knob. There are 2-3 steps to the second inner door, which Ray forcibly closes, that opens into the furnace room, and it is a solid door with a door knob and a dead-bolt.
23rd Sep 2005
War of the Worlds (2005)
Corrected entry: Most of the way through the movie Robbie is wearing sneakers. After the ferry disaster scene when they are all walking through a field towards the battle he still has sneakers on, but when he runs off up the hill and Ray goes after him and struggles with him on the ground you see Robbie stand up and he is wearing what seems to be heavy duty military boots.
Correction: When Ray, Robbie and Rachel swim to shore they are soaked as they watch the tripods' massive destruction. In the next shot, as they walk amongst the large crowd of refugees, a considerable amount of time has passed; they are all completely dry, Rachel is now wearing a long wool hooded cloak and Robbie is wearing the combat boots. Robbie does wear the boots when "they are all walking through a field towards the battle" and when he runs up the hill. So Rachel and Robbie found the cloak and boots during the time offscreen.
26th Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry is speaking to Sirius Black in the fireplace - Harry spins around, looks towards the stairs and hears Ron coming - look quickly during this shot to the top of the picture (in the dark) you will see a person walking right to left. Can't be anyone who's meant to be there - Harry's definitely alone and there's no implication this is meant to be someone listening in.
Correction: You are seeing Ron on the balcony at the top of the common room stairwell, which leads to the boys' and girls' dormitories.
26th Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: When Harry is taken into Moody's office and he takes his leg off you can see his "special eye" change from the normal left hand side of his head to the right and back again.
Correction: What you are seeing is Moody's reflection in the Foe-Glass.
29th Nov 2005
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Napoleon is calling home from school, there is a plate of nachos on the counter behind Kip. As Napoleon and Kip rotate close-ups, the height and thickness of the cheese on the nachos changes drastically with each new shot.
Correction: This has been submitted and corrected, and then rejected several times already. This was deliberately done for the humor. It does not even qualify as a deliberate mistake.
29th Nov 2005
Rent (2005)
Corrected entry: The movie opens on Christmas Eve. The first voice mail message that Roger and Mark listen to in the film is from Mark's mother lamenting that he isn't joining the family the next day (Christmas Day) and that she hoped he enjoyed the gift she sent (the hotplate). It is established later in the film that Mark is Jewish (since he can't sustain erections on High Holy Days), and thus, his mother wouldn't be sorry not to see him on Christmas Day.
Correction: Several very plausible explanations for this, some of which are: One: That Mark comes from an intermarriage family, thus they also celebrate Christmas. Two: His family is getting together to celebrate Chanukah (festival for eight days), which happens to fall out on Christmas that year. Three: Even if Chanukah does not fall out on the same date as Christmas, some Jewish families choose to have their family get-togethers then because of convenience, due to closed businesses and kids being off from public schools.
21st Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie, where the muggle caretaker is in his house before he is killed by Voldemort, he lights a fire and puts a pot of tea on to boil. In the next shot you can see that he still has the pot in his hand, even though he had already put it down.
Correction: Frank Bryce, the caretaker puts a silver water kettle on the fire in the close-up, and in the next wideshot walks away from the stove. In the next shot Frank is holding another dark round kettle with tea bags. After Frank is killed the silver water kettle is shown whistling on the stove.
21st Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: On the tombstone, you first see the name as Tom Riddle. Later when Harry is tied to it, it is Thomas Riddle.
Correction: On the tombstone there are three names: at the top is Thomas Riddle and the third name down is Tom Riddle.
19th Nov 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry is talking to Sirius Black in the fire, he throws a Daily Prophet into the fire and it bounces back out again. There are only cinders and burning wood in the fire during that scene, but after Sirius has gone, the shot goes to the same newspaper that has just bounced out of the fire, which is now in the fireplace, happily burning.
Correction: When Sirius appears the crumpled Daily Prophet rests on the floor (of the actual fireplace), to the left of the base of the iron log grate (in which Sirius' face appears), during the rest of the scene. In the last shot, after the fire's embers cause the newspaper to catch fire, the newspaper is still at the base of the grate - note the grate's iron leg beside the paper as it burns.
17th Nov 2005
Face/Off (1997)
Corrected entry: There is no way that the doctors would cut Archer's hair and apply cream and laser treatment to match Castor's during the operation. There is completely no point in them doing that and it is something that could have been done after the operation. The only possible reason they would have done it was to be able to work in the "The face itches" joke.
Correction: Whether or not it was done deliberately to work in the "joke", the fact remains that in reality such an extreme operation is non-existent in the first place. Whatever procedures were followed before, during and after this mythical operation is up to the filmmakers.
21st Aug 2005
Troy (2004)
Corrected entry: In the middle of the film when Achilles has killed Hector, he falls to the ground, and if you look behind him when he's on the ground, the castle wall can be seen, therefore signifying that he fell at the wall, yet on all other shots he is quite some distance from the castle wall. (01:56:55)
Correction: There is absolutely no continuity error regarding the proximity of the city's vast wall behind and to the sides of Hector.
25th Mar 2005
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005)
Corrected entry: When the women with the guns hold up the bank, there is an overhead shot of the whole bank and you can hear Gracie saying things like "It's okay, miss please get down," etc. However, her mouth isn't moving in the overhead shot. (00:04:00)
Correction: Gracie's lips most certainly do move along with her dialogue, in the overhead shot. Use zoom if necessary.
28th Aug 2005
X-Men (2000)
Corrected entry: Near the start of the film when Sabretooth comes back without the mutant, Magneto asks, "What happened?" Just after this, when he pulls out the chair, if you watch closely he moves his hand up twice, and the chair moves out twice (slo-mo required). (00:20:25)
Correction: Requiring the viewer to "watch closely" and to use "slow motion" for a minor repetitive action invalidates mistakes such as this. As it states on the 'Contributions' page, "If something requires slow motion to spot, chances are it's not a valid mistake...but a tiny change in position...that's only noticeable by slowing the shot down won't be listed."
16th Nov 2005
Henry V (1989)
Corrected entry: There is a scene with Henry's ragtag army crossing a river in pouring rain. Look closely at the water in the background - it's only raining on the near side of the river. The rain stops about halfway across.
Correction: Although it's likely a rain machine sending sheets of water cascading down "on the near side of the river," there is nothing revealing it to be rain from a machine. More to the point, it is entirely realistic to actually see it raining in a specific area, but dry just past that area.
14th Dec 2001
Ghosts of Mars (2001)
Corrected entry: At the end the scientist states that the blast would would be only about a mile across. However when we see the explosion from space it clearly envelopes a sizeable part of the planet's surface, much more then a mile squared.
Correction: Scientists have been known to be wrong, hence this is a character error.
12th Nov 2005
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Corrected entry: After the flying monkeys fly off with Dorothy, the Lion and the Tinman hurry over to the disassembled Scarecrow, who says "First they tore my legs off and threw them over THERE". But the legs are right below his chest; the Tinman immediately grabs them without having to reach far.
Correction: The Scarecrow is in a state of high anxiety, and he's highly overwhelmed by what they did to him. Now he and the others are facing dire circumstances, so it's merely the character's misbelief as to the status of his lower limbs, or Scarecrow may have actually meant all the straw stuffing that made up his legs which the Flying Monkeys had thrown aside, though whatever the case it's not a film mistake. Note, Tin Man even says, "They sure knocked the stuffings out of you."
Corrected entry: When Jack says "and you're completely obsessed with treasure," Will has a lantern in his right hand and his left hand is on the boat, and he's leaning to his left. But in the next shot when they're getting out of the boat, it's reversed. His right hand now is on the boat as he's getting out and his left hand has the lantern. (01:08:35)
6th Nov 2005
The Brothers Grimm (2005)
Corrected entry: Angelika is a trapper and a skilled hunter, in the scene where she storms back into her house she throws her bow over the door, a tracker takes pristine care of her/his tools, one of the number one rules of bows is you never hang it by its string. A real trapper would never hang a bow by its string and would never throw it over a door.
Correction: Yes, a tracker may normally take care of his/her tools and not hang the bow by its string, but the bottom line is that it is the responsibility of each individual tracker. The fact that Angelika did such things reflects on her state of mind at the time.
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Correction: Barty Crouch has the seat to Dumbledore's right (viewer's left) at the staff table, in front of the large window, and Karkaroff and Snape sit further down on the (viewer's) right. Barty is not shown walking in through the side door as Dumbledore speaks to the students. Barty is, however, shown walking directly behind the staff chairs toward the viewer's right, with the tall glistening glass cylinders located on the wall behind him (Snape sits nearly in front of these cylinders), in order to walk around the staff table to reach the front, where Dumbledore stands.
Super Grover ★