Jurassic Park

Corrected entry: At the beginning when the insurance man says "I represent the investors, if they aren't satisfied, I'm not satisfied." He meant to say "I represent the investors, if I'm not satisfied, they aren't satisfied." He is the eyes and ears representing the investors, he has to be the one satisfied that their money is not being wasted.


Correction: First of all, he's not an insurance man, he's a lawyer. Second, it would help to quote the actual line: "In 48 hours if they're not convinced, I'm not convinced." Finally, the "they" he's referring to aren't the investors but the scientists that have been brought along to confirm the stability of the park. Makes a difference, no?

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When the insurance man runs into the bathroom, and is eaten by the T-Rex, why would they have bathrooms on an automated car tour where you're not supposed to open the doors anyway? Even if it were an emergency staff bathroom, it probably wouldn't have multiple stalls.

Correction: Remember, "probably" doesn't qualify as a movie mistake. It must have taken dozens of workers to construct the paddock; a double-stall toilet would be logical. Since they decided to make it a permanent toilet (instead of a porta-potty) it would make sense to leave it there for maintenance workers and park employees.


Correction: They also might have stops for visitors. A lot of visitors would want to stop and see the T-Rex.

Plus, when you gotta go you gotta go.

Corrected entry: If the Rex can only see things that move, how did she find the goat?

Correction: As presented in the second book "The Lost World" the theory that the T-rex cannot see you if you are not moving is bogus.


Corrected entry: Dr Sattler is hardly out of breath after she is told to run towards the shed by the game warden. (01:34:55 - 01:35:25)

Correction: That's called being fit.


Corrected entry: A live bull is lowered in a sling to feed the raptors in the pen, but when the shredded sling is brought back up, there's no blood on it. How could they have shredded the sling without drawing blood on the bull? (00:32:40)

Correction: The sling is solid light blue with yellow stripes when it's lowered, and when it's raised the shredded blue material is quite stained, though it may not be gorily dripping in bright red blood, there are indeed dark stains (red stains on blue material change color) all over what's left of the blue material.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The dilophosaurus is far too small; in reality they stood at about two metres tall.

Correction: Ax explained before, discrepancies between real-world dinosaurs and their JP counterpart can be due to genetic engineering (or faults therein), or that the current knowledge on dinosaurs is faulty. In addition, the dilophosaurs in the movie might not be fully grown, the environment or diet might have stunted their growth, or any other explanation.


Correction: We see Malcolm throughout the rest of the movie, so clearly he got off the helicopter. Lots of things happen offscreen, including the characters getting *in* the helicopter in the first place.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: Early in the movie, in the scene where the goat is presented to try and attract the T-Rex, Lex claims to be a vegetarian. Yet later in the movie, Lex is eating jelly, which contains gelatin, an animal derived product, which is unsuitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Correction: Character mistake or decision - she either didn't know, or was hungry enough not to care.


Perhaps the jelly was made with a vegetarian gelling agent?

Correction: It is possible to make jelly using pectin. This would make the jelly vegan.


Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie they are all entering the gas-powered jeeps to head to the helicopter. When the door opens there is mud splattered all over the logo of Jurassic Park. It says urass park. "Your ass park"?

Correction: Unless there is some sort of evidence to back up this was somewhat deliberate by the crew or makers, this is basically an average observation at best.


Corrected entry: In the end scene where they are loading Ian onto the chopper, he is bleeding and his pant leg is cut. But when they show him again, the bleeding has stopped in a matter of minutes, and his pants have magically grown a new leg. (01:53:30)

Correction: Dr. Malcolm is not still bleeding (he would have bled to death by this point) but rather has blood-stained make-shift bandages tied around his leg. He is only shown briefly in a partial shot inside the helicopter and he has a blanket over him - his trousers have not "grown a new leg".

Oliver Hunter

Corrected entry: At the very end, the T-Rex barges into the Visitors Center and saves everyone from almost certain peril. Only problem is that we didn't hear the Rex walk up to the center like we did everywhere else. (01:52:20)

Correction: There are a bunch of people running around screaming, being chased by raptors. It's very conceivable that the distant sounds of the T-rex approaching, and even when she came into the visitors' center, were drowned out.


Corrected entry: When the kids are eating in the hall, I keep wondering about Tim. If he'd just received a serious electric shock, would he even be able to eat? Most people that get even a minor shock can't eat for a couple of days. (01:43:05)

Correction: A friend of mine was electrocuted and knocked unconscious by his television. When he woke up in the hospital, the first thing he did was ask for a bacon sandwich. Add to this the fact that Tim and Lex hadn't eaten for at least a day, and had been running around for most of it.

David Mercier

Corrected entry: They are somewhat undergunned with 12 gauge for deadly, strong and fast animals like T Rex and Raptors. Express rifles in African calibre would work better, or even the mighty powerful .460 Weatherby magnum. (01:32:40)

Correction: This is a great exploration of the idea that the park and its founders were greatly unprepared and unsuspecting of the dangers of the park. Ellie revisits this idea several times throughout the movie.

Corrected entry: When meeting Muldoon, Dr. Grant calls Muldoon "Greg" instead of using the character's first name, which is Robert.

Correction: Actually he introduces himself and says "Alan Grant" but I agree it sounds a bit like he says Greg. Turn the volume up, you can hear it.


Corrected entry: In the scene where they are "rebooting" the computer system, Lex states "I know this, it's a UNIX system." The scene then cuts to a shot of the interface which is a 3D "flyover" interface. There are, at this time, no commercial UNIX systems that employ such an interface, so there was nothing on the screen to let her know what operating system that goofy interface (probably written by Nedry) was attached to.

Correction: The 3D browser shown in the movie is actually from a real UNIX interface called IRIX. It's referred to as the FSN (File System Navigator) and it actually looks just like that.

Corrected entry: In the helicopter scene at the beginning of the movie, Malcolm is talking to Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler and he is deliberately chewing gum as he talks. In the next shot, Malcolm suddenly isn't chewing gum. He then unwraps a piece of gum and places it into his mouth.

Correction: It is possible to "suddenly" stop chewing gum. Take your pick: the gum is still in his mouth and he simply stops chewing (that IS possible) as he takes another one for whatever reason (to draw attention, for more flavor), or perhaps he swallows the gum (people do that) and then simply takes another piece. There is no valid mistake here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When the crew is preparing to enter the tour trucks, John points out the trucks are powered by the track running below it. When he directs Dr. Sattler and Dr. Grant to enter the vehicle, the entire bottom of the rear truck is visible and no connection to the track is present.

Correction: Wrong... Hammond says the trucks run on electricity and they travel along the track in the ground. He never says the trucks get their power from the track; they're powered by internal batteries. A sensor inside the truck uses the track in the ground as a guide to keep the vehicle on course.


Corrected entry: In the beginning, the subtitles say "Isla Nublar. 120 miles off the coast of Costa Rica." However, the correct spelling of the island is Isla Nubar.

Jack Kaltenbach

Correction: Nope, it's the (fictional) island Isla Nublar, both in the book and film. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isla_Nublar.


Corrected entry: The sweat on Muldoon's forehead changes in the scene where he tries to shoot one of the raptors.

Correction: Sweat moves.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Muldoon and Ellie are looking for the other car, watch in the background when Ellie comes up close to the camera. If you look closely, Muldoon slips and almost falls down.

Correction: Muldoon almost falling in the mud is not a mistake.

Jurassic Park mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Tim and Lex first arrive, Lex is wearing a purple tank top with a colorful design, and in the following scenes or even between consecutive shots her tank top changes to completely different designs, though it's the same style of tank top.

Super Grover

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Trivia: The T-Rex roars are a combination of tiger, elephant, alligator, whale, and dog sounds.

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Question: Where do the staff and crew of Jurassic Park go after the dinosaurs escape? I mean you see a staff member tending to the triceratops, there were many scientists in the dinosaur lab, and would assume that there would be many more people on the island but they are nowhere to be seen after the dinosaurs escape.


Chosen answer: They all left on the same boat Nedry was trying to get on with the embryos. You can hear Samuel L Jackson's character announce that the boat will be leaving at a specific time and everyone had to be there or be left behind.

Shannon Jackson

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