
14th Nov 2019

Miami Connection (1987)

Revealing mistake: A bunch of seedy individuals are gathered, weapons in hand. Unbeknownst to them, though, deadly ninjas are creeping by, with all the speed of fast-forwarded footage. The problem, besides how obvious the trick is, is that it also features a visible jump cut; you can see the foliage change position literally from one frame to the other during the same shot. (00:01:30)


14th Nov 2019

TNT Jackson (1974)

Revealing mistake: During the chase that opens the movie, the guy trying to escape shuts the door labeled "Back Stage" behind him. The various goons try to push it open, but only the badass villain with the charismatic afro can do it using his palm strikes. Sort of though, because just before he shows up in front of the door, you can see the door was unlocked and opened under the push of the normal minions, with the light fully showing between door and frame. (00:03:10)


12th Nov 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Pilot - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: In the Batcave, the protagonist looks at the newspaper clipping about the death of her mother. The rightmost column has a headline "Children traumatized after ride of terror", and a sign ("by Lucy Moguire"). And yet, it begins like this; "With the population of the planet ever increasing, so does the demand on Earth's resources." It's a lazy copy and paste by the prop department, putting some global warming report as filler text. (00:27:40)


8th Nov 2019

Batman: Hush (2019)


Revealing mistake: After successful surgery, Bruce's friend shows him the first page of a newspaper with the headline about the news, "The National Whisper." The 'date' is "November 2016", which is a bit odd (a monthly newspaper?), but even better is the fact that it just sports obvious gibberish all over. The title of the boxed article is "Geiare la goer uoa oge ou osgeou osd ogoernis pgoer aoubepre obieri ai beiragoer." (00:17:15)


Revealing mistake: Jafar (rather, Vizier Maghreb) throws a tantrum after the Sultan's decision to give power to his daughter. In the following scene, he is going out with the Sultana. The scenery shown has an incredibly fake CGI feeling, including some suspiciously static human figures on a green lawn. To confirm the suspicions, once the market scene is over and the Vizier winks Aladdin into his grasp, the same panoramic view, verbatim, is presented, including the same ant-like static human figurines on the lawn. (00:04:05 - 00:10:55)


Revealing mistake: Aladdin's friends are trying to explain to him that he just met the new ruler of the city. The friend, Dariush, says "Allah has given him eyes and he doth not see." Zamir, the friend with the British accent (that kinda feels like a mistake on its own) interrupts him; "Stop that. You're not a holy man." And by "interrupting" I mean that literally cuts him off as Dariush began to say the word "Words", from his following line "Words of the righteous may fall from any lip", which obviously make sense only as a retort to Zamir. The actor messed up and was blurting his line early. (00:09:40)


5th Nov 2019

Shaft in Africa (1973)

Revealing mistake: It's quite common in movies of the era, especially slashers and horror movies who look to get some particular scenic effect, to feature blood with unrealistic color and look, in particular a bright red. This movie though has some of the worst fake blood ever in both color and texture; when Kopo gets clobbered protecting Shaft it really looks like someone squished a tomato on his head, and when Shaft gets bitten, ketchup-like goop oozes from the actor's teeth.


5th Nov 2019

Shaft in Africa (1973)

Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie, the French inspector Cusset (Jacques Marin in his typical role) looks at the mess Shaft made. With a single glance he's able to encompass all the different dead bodies on the large property Shaft covered with his car mowing them down at 60 mph, which already is impressive. Some of the bodies lie down next to each other when they were murdered at distance. Deserving special mention is the second guy Shaft trampled with his car though, with the actor having his hands hidden in the jacket sleeves to suggest that Shaft crushed them under the car tires. (01:50:25)


5th Nov 2019

Shaft in Africa (1973)

Revealing mistake: Shaft and Aleme are looking through different castles in a book. Every page starts with the name of a castle, but the book used as basis for the prop is a french textbook by Jean Secret, Le Perigord, which talks about a region (the modern Dordogne, you can read that specific name and many others recognizable as part of that zone when the camera lingers on the page) which is in the south of the country; definitely not featuring a castle "14 kilometers from Paris" as the prop text inlay says nor is a "one castle every other page" tourist guide-style of book. (01:43:20)


5th Nov 2019

Shaft in Africa (1973)

Revealing mistake: Flashback to the truck on fire past the Franco-Italian border; the driver chops the lock open, with all the slaves inside banging desperately at the cargo doors to get out of the inferno. Or not; when there's a cut between shots, you can see the lock already came off, but the extras who are supposedly trying with all their might to escape death do in fact wait for the driver to open the door before they start coming out. (00:19:50)


Revealing mistake: At Mercusio's place, Cross is checking out a variety of material the maniac collected on Cross himself. Which include newspaper clippings but they're all the same one, by "Lisa Francescato", same article repeated, just omitting the first short paragraph the second time. (00:39:20)


27th Oct 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Revealing mistake: As the girls handle the drone, and even more obviously when it drops on the security guard's head, it is clear by the way it bounce and clatters that it is almost weightless and certainly couldn't knock someone out cold. (00:59:50)


25th Oct 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Revealing mistake: When Velma sabotages the science project making it explode into purple goo, you can see that the vial of chemicals she tampered with simply spray around clean liquid, and the purple goo falls from above. (00:23:55)


25th Oct 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the three scoundrels' efforts to retrieve the baby from the cage, Brian Haley manages to lean into the cage so deeply he's in with the whole waist, with enough room for Joe Pantoliano to reach around and helping, even. The setup is so absurd that it is scrapped in the rest of the scene, and Veeko can lean in for a much smaller portion of his body (and still can reach the baby just fine). (00:47:35)


Revealing mistake: Aladdin and his friends are in the middle of nowhere outside of the cave. At the beginning of the take when Zamir says "Start properly, from the beginning", Havon Baraka is looking straight into the camera, turning his eyes to the others only later. (00:24:25)


24th Oct 2019

A Fine Mess (1986)

Revealing mistake: When Turnip mounts in the car (ending up destroying the passenger door), the car has the rear-view mirror. During the chase though, the mirror is gone, but it's back when they finally block their way in the alley and Turnip whacks his own nuts. (00:26:30 - 00:28:30)


24th Oct 2019

A Fine Mess (1986)

Revealing mistake: At the dinner at the Indian restaurant, when Howie Mandel begins eating the flowers, Blake Edwards' daughter breaks character and cracks a smile, regaining the deadpan composure of the role only at the very end and in the next shot. (00:57:25)


24th Oct 2019

Batman (1966)

Hi Diddle Riddle (1) - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: Riddler laughing maniacally after handing Batman the lawsuit turns around and leaves, not before tipping a vase over. There is a crashing noise as if the vase shattered, but the vase is tumbling in a full 360°, undamaged. (00:11:50)


24th Oct 2019

Kim Possible (2019)

Revealing mistake: Ron leans against a barrel and sets in motion a series of events leading to an explosion. For being able to tip it with such a modest push, it is obvious it was empty (confirmed also by how it bounces). (00:02:20)


23rd Oct 2019

Batman (1966)

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