
10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Business Trip - S5-E7

Michael Scott: A concierge is the Winnipeg equivalent of of a geisha. This is a woman who has been trained in the fine art of fanciness and pleasure. And when you meet one, it is intoxicating. Just what the doctor ordered.


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Money - S4-E4

Pam Beesly: Now that I think about it, Angela and Andy might actually make a good couple. But I couldn't do that to Dwight...or Angela...or Andy.


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Fun Run - S4-E1

Michael Scott: Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not, like, this compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised.


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Fun Run - S4-E1

Michael Scott: I ran down Meredith with my car.
Ryan Howard: Oh! Did you do this on purpose?
Michael: No, I was being negligent. But she's in the hospital, she's fine, recovering nicely. Tiny little crack in her pelvis. But she will be-
Ryan: Did this happen on company property?
Michael: Yes. It was on company property, with company property. So, double jeopardy. We are fine.
Ryan: I don't, I don't think you understand how jeopardy works.
Michael: Oh, right, I'm sorry. What is "we're fine"?
Ryan: [sighs].


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Phyllis' Wedding - S3-E15

Michael Scott: Hi, I'm Michael Scott. And for the next 40 minutes, I am going to be your tour guide through the lives of Phyllis Lapin and Bob Vance. One of the great, seemingly impossible love stories of our time. My name is Michael Scott. Webster's Dictionary defines "wedding" as the fusing of two metals with a hot torch. Well, you know something? I think you guys are two medals. Gold medals. For those of you who don't know me. I'm Michael Scott, Phyllis' boss.


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

Casino Night - S2-E22

Michael Scott: And another fun thing. We, at the end of the night, are going to give the check to an actual group of Boy Scouts. Right, Toby?
Toby Flenderson: Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children since it' know, there's gambling and alcohol. And it's in our dangerous warehouse. And it's a school night. And Hooters is catering. Is that enough? Should I keep going?
Michael: [long pause] Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, ever time I try to do something fun, or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate, so much, about the things that you choose to be.


10th Jun 2018

The Office (2005)

10th Jun 2018

Lost in Space (2018)

Resurrection - S1-E9

Penny Robinson: Just so I'm clear, we spent the night in what is essentially an alien toilet?


10th Jun 2018

Lost in Space (2018)

13th May 2018

The Office (2005)

Performance Review - S2-E8

Michael Scott: Can I ask you a question?
Jan Levison: No.
Michael: This is a business question. It's nothing personal. I promise.
Jan: Fine.
Michael: Are you wearing new perfume today?
Jan: How is that a business question?
Michael: Well, you're wearing it in the office. And...[sniffs Jan]...It... I'm sorry, no offense, but it's really sexy.
Jan: Please don't smell me, Michael.


13th May 2018

The Office (2005)

The Dundies - S2-E1

Jan Levison: You already had a party on May 5th for no reason.
Michael Scott: No reason! It was the 05-05-05 party. It happens once every billion years.
Jan: And you had a luau. And the tsunami relief fundraiser, which somehow lost a lot of money.
Michael: Okay, no, that was a fun raiser. I think I made that very clear in the flyers. Fun, F-U-N.
Jan: Okay, well, I don't understand why anyone would have a tsunami fun raiser, Michael.


11th May 2018

The Office (2005)

Diversity Day - S1-E2

Michael Scott: Stir the pot! Stir the melting pot, Pam! Let's do it. Let's get ugly. Let's get real.
Pam Beesly: [To Dwight with the "Asian" card on his forehead] Okay. If I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver.
Dwight Schrute: Oh, man, am I a woman?


3rd May 2018

Futurama (1999)

Hell is Other Robots - S1-E9

[At the Beastie Boys concert.]
Leela: Impressive. They're busting mad rhymes with an 80% success rate.
Bender: I believe that qualifies as ill. At least from a technical standpoint.


Operation: Broken Feather - S1-E15

Adam Sandler: This is terrible, you don't know what you're doing.
Jake Peralta: Adam Sandler?
Adam Sandler: Yeah, that's right. I collect antiquities. I'm a serious person. I'm writing a movie right now, about the Russian revolution.
Jake Peralta: Oh, really? Who does Kevin James play in it?
Adam Sandler: Ha ha. It's a serious movie...Trotsky.
Jake Peralta: Ah, there it is.
Adam Sandler: But he's got a wife who never wears a bra. [To the guy next to him] I think you're going to like it.
Jake Peralta: Thanks for dressing up, by the way.


22nd Dec 2017

Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool: You're still here? It's over. Go home. Oh, you're expecting a teaser for Deadpool 2. Well, we don't have that kind of money. What are you expecting? Sam Jackson to show up? With an eye patch and saucy little leather number? Go. Go. Oh! But I can tell you one thing, and it's a bit of a secret. For the sequel, we're going to have Cable. Amazing character. Bionic arm, time travel. We have no idea who we're going to cast yet, but it could be anybody. Just need a big guy with a flat top. Mel Gibson. Dolph Lundgren. Keira Knightley. She's got range, who knows. Anyways, big secret. Shhh. Oh, and don't leave your garbage all lying around. It's a total dick move. Go.


9th Dec 2017

Gotham (2014)

12th Oct 2017

Monk (2002)

Chester: Who are you guys?
Zarnoff: My name is Zarnoff. This is Zabu, Zellnor, Zelbor, Zelmina, and, uh, Jeff.


Street Thug: You got a light, buddy?
Mick Dundee: Yeah, sure, kid. There you go.
Street Thug: [Opens a switchblade] And your wallet.
Sue Charlton: Mick, give him your wallet.
Mick: What for?
Sue: He's got a knife.
Mick. Ha ha ha. That's not a knife. [Pulls out his 16" Bowie knife]. That's a knife.


9th Oct 2017

Be Kind Rewind (2008)

Jerry: [Talking about The Lion King] It's deeply deep. 'Cause the uncle kills the nephew's father.
Old Lady: Which is his brother.
Jerry: That's his brother. He kills his own brother, right? That's some heavy Shapeskearean shit.
Mike: [laughs]
Jerry: What's funny?
Mike: Shape...nothing.


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