
3rd May 2009

Bad Boys II (2003)

Continuity mistake: Just before Mike smashes the car into the building, after chasing the morturary van across town, there is one quick shot where the windscreen doesn't have any bullet holes in it, despite there being three holes in it just prior to this. (01:27:10)


Class Struggle - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: When Doug says to Carrie that he doesn't even know her anymore, Carrie's laptop and books are open over the desk. However when the camera cuts to her standing up, she has got the laptop folded up and her books in her arms instantly. (00:10:35)


South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the movie theatre, the kids' heads are below the back of the seats. However from the back view, their heads are above the seats. (00:05:40)


Continuity mistake: When MAC realise what they have done, it shows a shot of the battlefield. When it shows them leaving to find their kids, everything on the battlefield has changed completely. Tanks have disappeared, planes have moved, etc. (01:06:05)


Soft Touch - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: When Doug is desperately trying to sell filters at IPS, he drops four boxes. When he picks them up, the position of one box in his right hand is constantly changing. Blue picture is facing the camera, but when the camera cuts, now Writting is facing where the camera was. Doug has not moved in this time. (00:17:55)


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