
Gone in 60 Seconds mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Memphis skids when seeing the road accident, and it is at a noticeable angle. The camera cuts to the police arriving, then back. And the Shelby GT 500 is now straight for the line up to the stunt that follows. (01:44:10)


17th Jun 2008

Scary Movie 3 (2003)

Scary Movie 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When George and Cindy are driving along, after getting married, if you look out the back window, you can see Cody is not on the road. The camera cuts and he is. (01:12:40)


13th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the teacher jumps it's clear the ground is a mattress with grass and leaves over it. Soil would not bend the amount it does, even with someone jumping off the roof of a building. (00:48:20)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the bedroom between Cindy and Bobby, just before he explains about sucking on a tootsie pop, Cindy's hair is all messed up. Camera cuts and it is fairly different. (01:02:15)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Cindy has kicked the killer out of the window she runs over to her dad. His hands are supposed to be tied, but the ties are actually already loose. (01:12:35)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Ray hands Bobby the tape to put on in the flashback it is in a case, however, Bobby puts it on without taking it out of the case. (00:14:10)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the bottle is dropped in the car, it hits Cindy on the head and falls down in front of her. When Greg gets out he now has the bottle. (00:15:15)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Ray tells Brenda to put on his football gear, he hands Brenda his shoulder pads. When Brenda accepts these she has two braids hanging down in front of her. The camera cuts to Ray for a second then back to Brenda. When the camera has cut back the two braids have moved over her shoulder. She couldn't have moved them with her hands as she is holding Ray's shoulder pads with both hands. (00:49:30)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the flashback of the gang killing the fisherman, Shortie drives up in his car and just as someone says, "Brenda take care of them" there is a shot of the car with no smoke inside it. The camera cuts to a view of Brenda approaching and the car is full of smoke. (00:17:30)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Cindy's dad gets his head stuck in the doorway at the start, to see if Cindy is okay, his head is not stuck as you can see a small space to the side of his face. It's not a lot, but enough to not get stuck. (00:04:55)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Revealing mistake: When the man in a striped shirt stabs Brenda at the movie theatre, he pulls the knife out and there is no blood on it. (00:56:05)


12th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after Brenda drops the first beer bottle, her hands are out in the "don't shoot" position. The camera cuts and she is holding the bottle in both hands. (00:57:50)


11th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie mistake picture

Other mistake: At the start just after Drew is seen in the line of the sprinklers, the killer is seen walking towards her with his knife held high in his right hand. If you look closely in this shot you can see blood on the knife despite not stabbing Drew yet. In the next shot it is gone. (00:03:45)


10th Jun 2008

Scary Movie (2000)

Revealing mistake: When Cindy is thrown into the wall just before the Matrix style fight, the wall bends, showing it is made of rubber or foam to protect Anna Faris. (01:11:05)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Will, Gibbs and the rest are in the ball cage and escaping the cannibals, they roll down a hill and hit a tree, which they then roll up. This would be impossible unless the weight is evenly balanced throughout the ball completely. (00:37:50)


30th May 2008

Die Another Day (2002)

Factual error: Hovercrafts would set off the land mines. Land mines have a pressure limit that has to be exceeded to set it off. This is normally around 5 kilos so that they aren't set off by rabbits and what not. A hover craft would exert more than 5 kilos of down force. So the land mines should still go off, but they don't.


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Leon is told to go and get Letty after she is pushed off the road by the lorry, you can see skidmarks on the road from previous takes. (01:21:10)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the Civics are trying to take the last lorry, you can always (well almost always) see stage lights in the black paint of the Civics. (01:20:00)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In one shot where Dom is trying to get Vince off the truck there is a very nice shot of the side of Dom's Civic in which you can see the camera people. (01:20:00)


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