Jon Sandys

1st Oct 2007

Michael Clayton (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Michael is talking to his cop brother at the birthday party, his brother folds his collar up to put his tie on, and the collar's folded over at the back of his neck. The angle changes while he fiddles with his tie using both hands, then when we return to the previous angle his collar's now fixed properly.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Johnny Depp's sitting next to the goat and it turns its head to face him, he goat's body is turned to the right, but when we see a closeup shot of it its body is now turned to its left.

Jon Sandys

8th May 2007

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Peter's looking at himself in the mirror in his apartment after yelling at the landlord, his hair's down in the first shot we see of him, but swept to one side when we see the reflection.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Smokey's about to try and jump the bridge, we see it rising, he starts pulling away, then we see it lowering to flat, then in the next shot it's raised again as he drives up it.

Jon Sandys

15th Apr 2007

Shooter (2007)

Continuity mistake: Mark Wahlberg cuts through the back seat to get access to medical supplies in the boot - other stuff is visible in there too. But shortly afterwards when he reverses it into the water, the boot pops open and it's now completely empty.

Jon Sandys

12th Mar 2007

The Illusionist (2006)

The Illusionist mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start, in shots from the stage towards the audience, all of the fires are lit, but in a closer shot of the audience near the front of the stage, at least one of the fires is out. During the final illusion shown at the end, the same shot or at least very similar to the one used at the beginning shows the same mistake again. (01:28:25)

Jon Sandys

16th Dec 2006

The Holiday (2006)

16th Nov 2006

Casino Royale (2006)

Continuity mistake: Near the start, when the Ugandan is thinking about the money, his hands are together in front of him. At first his fingertips are crossed, then in the next shot they're suddenly placed together.

Jon Sandys

The West Coast Delay - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Bad idea having a countdown clock on Matt's wall - when he's asking Simon if he'd recognise the the pitcher, Danny confirms "the pitcher" as he comes through the door, and we see the timer count down from 30 to 29. In the next shot it cuts back to Matt talking and the counter's jumped back up to 34 seconds. In fact it jumps all over the place throughout that conversation.

Jon Sandys

21st Sep 2006

Tango & Cash (1989)

Continuity mistake: When Teri Hatcher gets stopped by the cops, soon after her helmet gets taken off she blows a load of smoke in the guy's face. We cut to a shot from another angle, and this cloud of smoke has completely vanished.

Jon Sandys

6th Jul 2006

Friends (1994)

The One The Morning After - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: In previous episodes we've seen that from the living room there's a short wall just inside Monica's bedroom (presumably to prevent a clear view inside, as her bedroom set isn't normally there). However in this episode when most of the gang are in her room, they're listening right by the door into the living room with nothing in the way. (00:11:25)

Jon Sandys

22nd May 2006

Dogma (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Ben Affleck is waving the broken bottle around on the train, in some shots the body of the bottle is still relatively intact, but in others he's only got the neck left.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Samuel L Jackson runs down the stairs in the subway station, he checks the clock, which reads 10:19:10. Then when the train destroys the clock a bit later, the time's now 10:20:24, though well over 2 minutes has passed (only counting Samuel L Jackson's scenes, as Bruce Willis' presumably take place simultaneously. Counting them separately it's even longer). (00:33:00 - 00:36:30)

Jon Sandys

Die Hard: With a Vengeance mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end, when Bruce Willis notices the writing on the aspirin bottle, he leaves it in the phone booth and the camera jumps towards it a couple of times. In the first shot the writing's almost vertical, but in the following shots it's at a definite angle. (01:48:35)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Lucy first enters Narnia, her hair changes between shots from being straight and neat to being messy and slightly curly.

Jon Sandys

17th Oct 2005

The West Wing (1999)

6th Sep 2005

She's All That (1999)

Continuity mistake: In various scenes before Rachael Leigh Cook cuts her hair, it's very obvious she's got hair extensions in - there's a noticeable line where they join. Can't be that her character has them - she'd never bother artificially lengthening her hair.

Jon Sandys

War of the Worlds mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ray and Robbie are throwing the ball near the start, check the wall behind Robbie. In closer shots of him there's sunlight on the wall and the shadow of a nearby satellite dish is visible, but in wider shots the whole wall's in shadow. (00:09:00)

Jon Sandys

War of the Worlds mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When they stop so the kids can go to the toilet, in a long shot of Ray trying to persuade Rachel not to go too far, we see him start to open the boot (trunk) of the car. When it cuts to a closeup he's not. (00:47:50)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: While Anakin and Palpatine are talking at the performance, in one shot of Anakin we see Palpatine turn his head side on to the camera and drop his chin to his chest. In the very next shot he's holding his head high. (00:43:25)

Jon Sandys

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