Sadie - age 9: Aram! Aram.
Frank Jr. - age 7: Mom is dead.
Aram Finklestein: What?
Frank Jr. - age 7: Come on.
Aram Finklestein: She's not dead.
Sadie - age 9: Could be post-mortem twitch.

Mata Nui: Before this day, I've never needed help from anyone or anything. Thank you. I spared your life and you saved mine. Shall we call it even, and go our separate ways?

Keith Ripley: What the fuck are you doing?
Gabriel Martin: Improvising.

Suzanne: You're not gonna believe this, but Dex is here.
Maddie: What is this? The night of the ex's? Colin's here, too.
Suzanne: Where?
Maddie: Right there.
Suzanne: You know, I can sort of understand the whole bad boy thing, but what did you ever see in him?
Maddie: Oh, codependency, the whole Mother Teresa complex, believing I could change someone into something else, thinking that great love and great drama were the same thing, insecurity... Oh, and the guy can fuck.

Mrs. Ganush: I beg and you shame me?

Qwerty Doolittle: In my profession, I see death every day. Some by accident, some by sickness, but some through despair. These are the ones I wish I could have helped.

Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.

Jake: She's here.

Lord Henry Wotton: What are you?
Dorian Gray: I am what you made me! I lived the life that you preached... but never dared practice. I am everything, that you were too afraid to be.

Hannah Pearson: Sockmonkey.

Louise: A relationship ending is like a death just two people know about. A whole life gets lost, everything we did together. All the places we traveled, the fights, the small moments of tenderness.

Sam Shapiro: Writers are vampires. I'm waiting for the right girl to come along and make me a human being.