Daphne Wilder: God couldn't be everywhere so that is why he invented mothers.
Maggie: What? That was on a Hallmark card we gave you.
Barbara Baekeland: If you're tired of Paris, you're tired of everything.
Kale: So now you got the whole jock and bimbo population showing up? That will be fun. I just didn't think you'd conform so fast.
Dennis: I can lose weight, but you'll always be an asshole!
Hertz: Come on, Smith, come on, guns don't kill people - but they sure help.
Deputy Billy Kitka: You know, Beau's not so bad. Why'd you bother writing him up?
Sheriff Eben Oleson: He lives all alone out there on the south ridge. A little citation now and then lets him know he's a part of this town.
Erik Kernan Jr.: The Jermaine story I covered. It was a good fight.
Ralph Metz: Yeah, I buried it.
Erik Kernan Jr.: But why?
Ralph Metz: Something's gotta be buried.
Erik Kernan Jr.: That's what high school wrestling's for, right?
Corrine Whitman: Why don't you ask your boss how badly he really does want to stick his neck out for a terrorist.
Alan Smith: Well, he might for due process. Maybe I should have a copy of the Constitution sent to your office.
April Epner: Your wife was seeing someone else?
Frank: Pretty much everyone else. I was too much for her.
April Epner: Your wife? I'm sure she didn't feel that way.
Frank: She told me.
April Epner: What did she say?
Frank: 'You're too much for me.'.
April Epner: Ugh.
Will Stanton: It's so... and ya know, and I'm like... this whole thing's just... arrr, you know.
Merriman Lyon: Is that it?