April Epner: Your wife was seeing someone else?
Frank: Pretty much everyone else. I was too much for her.
April Epner: Your wife? I'm sure she didn't feel that way.
Frank: She told me.
April Epner: What did she say?
Frank: 'You're too much for me.'.
April Epner: Ugh.

Marion: It's not your dick that's too big for French condoms. It's your ego that's too big for French condoms. And... And Italian, too.

Alice Park: You're just as bad as they are aren't you?
Simon: Nope, I'm a lot fuckin' worse.

Tammy: Are you okay?
Cherry Darling: I'm just Cherry.

Ian Curtis: Existence. Well, what does it matter? I exist on the best terms I can. The past is now part of my future. The present is well out of hand.

Diane: I can't believe you don't remember your own wife.
Jake Rodgers: I'm married?.. to a white woman?.. Am I Lionel Richie?

Shelly Barnes: Just don't ask me to marry you again.
Dr. Jack Gramm: Why not? We're perfect for each other.
Shelly Barnes: Yeah, yeah... except I'm a lesbian and you're a commitment-phobe.
Dr. Jack Gramm: That's why we're perfect.

Burwell: You've been a bad girl, haven't you Lindsay?

Clay Beresford: Am I supposed to still hear you?

Jim Lovell: One day, under secret orders, a group of us at the test pilot center were ordered to go to Washington, to get a briefing. And they talked about the Atlas booster, and putting a capsule on top of that, with a man in it, to try to put a man in space. And of course at that time, the Atlas boosters were blowing up every other day down at Cape Canaveral. And it looked like a very, you know, a good way to have a short career.