Stanley Philipps: So what have you been up to, John?
John Phillips: I'm studying to take the GRE.
Stanley Philipps: Good. You're going back to school?
John Phillips: I'm thinking about it, yeah.
Stanley Philipps: That's great. What for?
John Phillips: Law. Or medicine. I haven't decided yet.
John Phillips: It's important that people have their own views based on an understanding of facts. But, it's also important not to trust the facts, because most of them are lies.
Heidi Phillips: I don't get it.
John Phillips: It basically comes down to a gut thing. You just have to be open to allowing for a truth which differs from your own opinions. Or else you'll never actually see the truth at all.
John Phillips: You're bigger than the last time I saw you. How old are you now?
Heidi Phillips: Dawn's 8. I'm 12 1/2.
John Phillips: Wow.
Dawn Phillips: How old are you?
John Phillips: 32. Bet that sounds pretty old to you, doesn't it?
Heidi Phillips: Do you have a job?
John Phillips: Why, are you hiring?
Heidi Phillips: What do you do at work Dad?
Stanley Philipps: I sell shit.