Joe Kingman: Bostun Webels, experience the heat. Buston Webels, catch the magik. Buston Webels, catch... who wites this?
Dr. Godfrey: It's true! Vagina Dentata! Vagina Dentata! Vagina Dentata!
Kale: So now you got the whole jock and bimbo population showing up? That will be fun. I just didn't think you'd conform so fast.
Carter Webb: Hey Grandma, not okay to answer the door when you're not wearing clothes.
Shelly Barnes: Just don't ask me to marry you again.
Dr. Jack Gramm: Why not? We're perfect for each other.
Shelly Barnes: Yeah, yeah... except I'm a lesbian and you're a commitment-phobe.
Dr. Jack Gramm: That's why we're perfect.
Linda Hanson: Something is seriously fucked up.
Minister Tormer: There's not enough.
Avner Less: Enough what?
Minister Tormer: Enough hard evidence that his lawyer can't chip away at in court, or get him extradited to Germany. There's no death penalty in Germany. Which is ironic.
Bill: They hate that I'm working at their bank. I hate that I'm working at their bank.
Viola Frye: He didn't kill me. He killed who I was.
Gary: This is all a dream?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm in a coma?
Margaret: No.
Gary: I'm dead? This is hell or purgatorium or something?
Margaret: Okay, purgatorium is where Romans vomited, but no, this is as real as anything can be.
Gary: What does that mean?
Margaret: Everything is what it is. You're not who you think you are.