Stuntman Mike: Well damn if you ain't so sweet you make sugar taste just like salt.
Kim: You redneck, lunatic bastard.
Pam: Is that cowboy wisdom?
Stuntman Mike: I'm not a cowboy, Pam... I'm a stuntman.
Pam: So what's your name, icy?
Stuntman Mike: Stuntman Mike.
Pam: Stuntman Mike's your name.
Stuntman Mike: You ask anybody.
Pam: Hey Warren. Who is this guy?
Warren the Bartender: Stuntman Mike.
Pam: And who the hell is Stuntman Mike?
Warren the Bartender: He's a stuntman.
Zoë: I'm ok.
Shanna: Okay, mean girl in a high school movie. You through havin' a tantrum?
Jungle Julia: I'm not havin' a tantrum.
Shanna: Yes you are! You've been in the car all of two seconds and you're already cursin' at me.
Jungle Julia: I am not cursin' at you.
Shanna: You said: Jesus Christ, Shanna. And then before the sentence was over you threw a fuckin' in there to emphasize your irritatedness.
Stuntman Mike: Well, Pam... Which way you going, left or right?
Pam: Right.
Stuntman Mike: Oh, that's too bad.
Pam: Why?
Stuntman Mike: Because it was a fifty fifty shot on wheter you'd be going left or right. You see we're both going left. You could have just as easily been going left, too. And if that was the case... It would have been a while before you started getting scared. But since you're going the other way, I'm afraid you're gonna have to start getting scared... immediately.
Dov: So is it Shawna and the girls at lake house this weekend?
Shanna: Shawna?
Dov: Awww fuck, I didn.
Shanna: No. Now there is one thing every girl in the whole world whose name is Shanna has in common with each other - we all hate the name Shawna. And we really hate when people call us Shawna. Remember it's Shanna banana not Shawna banawna.
Stuntman Mike: Get ready to fly, bitch.
Jungle Julia: Black men and a whole lota' mother fuckin' white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass. I don't wear their teeth marks on my butt for nothing.
Edgar McGraw: Did any of them survive?
Earl McGraw: Shit. Two tons of metal, 200 miles an hour, flesh and bone and plain old Newton... they all princess died.
Shanna: Oh, "come on," my ass.
Shanna: Remember: no hookin' up tonight. You can hang with 'em, you can make out with 'em, but no hookin' up with 'em, because we are driving to Lake LBJ tonight, and my daddy's pretty clear on one thing. He said "Ah am lettin' you and your girl friends stay at my lake house. Not you and some horny boys tryin' to get their fuck on with my daughter."
Arlene: Your dad talks like that?
Shanna: Hell, yeah.
Jasper: Why's she dressed like that?
Abernathy: Well, you see, we're making a Hollywood movie in town, and it's a cheerleading movie and she's one of the cheerleaders.
Jasper: What's a cheerleader movie?
Abernathy: A movie about cheerleaders.
Jasper: Is it a porno movie?
Abernathy: Yes, it is, but don't mention it. She's shy.
Kim: Answer the question motherfucker.
Juana: So how'd you become a stuntman?
Stuntman Mike: I learned it from my brother... Stuntman Bob.
Answer: The tune is called "Twisted Nerve" by Bernard Herrmann. It sounds familiar because in one of Quentin Tarantino's earlier films "Kill Bill", Daryl Hannah's character was whistling it before attempting to murder Uma Thurman's character in her sleep.