Best movie quotes of 2007

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Death at a Funeral picture

Sandra: Tea can do many things, Jane, but it can't bring back the dead.

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More Atonement quotes
No Reservations picture

Kate: I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know? Recipes telling us exactly what to do. I know, I know, you're gonna say "How else will you learn, Kate."
Therapist: Mm. No, actually I wasn't going to say that. You want to guess again?
Kate: No, no, go ahead.
Therapist: Well what I was going to say was, you know better than anyone, it's the recipes that you create yourself that are the best.

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Persuasion picture

Captain Wentworth: I have loved none but you. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone I think and plan. Have you not seen this?

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Goal! 2: Living the Dream picture

Gavin Harris: I'm locked up with a bunch of dimwits.
Jordana Garcia: Why, you should feel right at home, then.

More Goal! 2: Living the Dream quotes
Michael Clayton picture

Marty Bach: We've got 600 attorneys here. We've got to find out who's an expert on psychiatric commitment statutes.
Michael Clayton: I can tell you who that is: Arthur.

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The Kingdom picture

Adam Leavitt: Sir, not to beat a dead horse, but if there was ever a time for us to put boots on Saudi sand, I mean, don't you think this is it?
Janet Mayes: There's no way, Adam. They will never allow it.
Adam Leavitt: Then let's just ask.
Janet Mayes: The Saudi Royal Family cannot appear as if they're losing control. If they lose control of their country, lose control of the people, they risk losing control of the oil. And that's not going to happen.

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Nancy Drew picture

Nancy Drew: I wonder who tried to kill us?
Corky: Yeah, I'm wondering that too. In fact, I'm kind of freaking out about it.

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Halloween picture

Dr. Samuel Loomis: Inside every one us, there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it, but some are consumed by it. Until there is nothing left, but pure evil.

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age picture

Sir Amyas Paulet: The Queen orders these measures for your protection.
Mary Stuart: The Queen? I am a queen. They call her The Virgin Queen. Why is that, sir? Can it be that no man will have her?

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More The Invisible quotes
Trick 'r Treat picture

Billy: Let's carve a scary face this time.

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War (2007)

War picture

Goi: My gun's bigger than yours.

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Smiley Face picture

Jane F.: It's really bright out, officer.
Officer Jones: Would you mind removing your hand from your forehead?
Jane F.: It's really bright out.

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Charlie Wilson's War picture

Gust Avrakotos: You know, me and three other guys are killing Russians. Is it possible that I met the only elected official in town who can help me?

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Outlaw picture

Walter Lewis: You get that right and I'll feed you paedophiles, dealers, bullies, junkies, scum, cunts, dogs... the lot.

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Dan in Real Life picture

Dan Burns: I don't want to go out with the pig... face.

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The Invasion picture

Ben: Our world is a better world.

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Sleuth picture

Detective Inspector Black: Do you want to know my opinion of the newspapers?
Andrew Wyke: What?
Detective Inspector Black: Journalists are a bunch of prick-teasing cocksuckers.
Andrew Wyke: No.
Detective Inspector Black: That's right.
Andrew Wyke: I'm sorry, but isn't that a contradiction in terms?
Andrew Wyke: Is it?

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More 28 Weeks Later quotes

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