Nika Boronina: What colour underwear am I wearing?
Agent 47: You're not wearing any underwear.

Erik Kernan Jr.: The Jermaine story I covered. It was a good fight.
Ralph Metz: Yeah, I buried it.
Erik Kernan Jr.: But why?
Ralph Metz: Something's gotta be buried.
Erik Kernan Jr.: That's what high school wrestling's for, right?

Sugarman: I have seen him this crazy since his mother died.
Benji McGarvie: That's not "crazy," Mr. Sugarman. That's love.

Hannibal Lecter: I love you.
Lady Murasaki: What is left in you to love?

Dr. Jack Gramm: I don't have time to explain this.

Tad Gruzsa: You know why you're here.
Tim Kearney: Probably cuz you want me to roll over on somebody, right?
Tad Gruzsa: Wrong, we don't want you to roll over on somebody. We want you to be somebody.
Tim Kearney: That's what my mom used to say.

Ian Curtis: Existence. Well, what does it matter? I exist on the best terms I can. The past is now part of my future. The present is well out of hand.

April Epner: Your wife was seeing someone else?
Frank: Pretty much everyone else. I was too much for her.
April Epner: Your wife? I'm sure she didn't feel that way.
Frank: She told me.
April Epner: What did she say?
Frank: 'You're too much for me.'.
April Epner: Ugh.

Mariane Pearl: And kidnappers - their point is to terrorize people. But I am not terrorized, and you can't be terrorized.

Inspektor: You have no idea who you are?

Sophie Fisher: The worst part is, he still has some power over me. I still care what he thinks.
Alex Fletcher: I'm sorry, but how - how can that possibly be? The guy is a jerk.
Sophie Fisher: Well, that's easy for you to say, but.
Alex Fletcher: No, no. He is a jerk! He is a jerk. It's not a question. He is a jerk.
Sophie Fisher: But.
Alex Fletcher: No, he is! He's a jerk! He's a jerk.

Joe Kingman: Bostun Webels, experience the heat. Buston Webels, catch the magik. Buston Webels, catch... who wites this?

Jamie Ashen: Remember: whatever happens, don't scream.