Johnny Storm: Flame on!

Annie Braddock: There's a common belief among anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world in order to truly understand your own.

Robert Hanssen: Do you pray the Rosary every day?
Eric O'Neill: Not every day Sir, no.
Robert Hanssen: You should.

Marty Bach: We've got 600 attorneys here. We've got to find out who's an expert on psychiatric commitment statutes.
Michael Clayton: I can tell you who that is: Arthur.

Dudley Frank: What'd you do, Woody?
Woody Stevens: I cut the gas lines of their bikes, and then I maybe blew up their bar.

Dakota Moss: So my finger got cut off. But nobody did it. Who's going to believe that? Look at you. You don't even believe it.
Jerrod Pointer: Yeah, I do.
[Dakota scoffs.]
Dakota Moss: That's because I fucked you.

Peggy: It's nice to have a word that can describe you. I've never had that before.

Wizard: Can't you see it? Wizard productions presents the number one heat wave: august rush.
August Rush: Yeah! Me! That's me.

Dean Solomon: So... you're a janitor?
James: That's right. I'm a black man so I must be a janitor. Motherfucking racist-ass stereotyper.
Dean Solomon: It's just, you're... wearing a janitor's outfit.
James: Oh. So a black man can't just go in a thrift shop and buy a janitor's outfit 'cause he find it comfortable on his nuts.
Dean Solomon: No, he can. Especially a black man.
John Solomon: What do you do?
James: I'm a janitor.

Kate: I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know? Recipes telling us exactly what to do. I know, I know, you're gonna say "How else will you learn, Kate."
Therapist: Mm. No, actually I wasn't going to say that. You want to guess again?
Kate: No, no, go ahead.
Therapist: Well what I was going to say was, you know better than anyone, it's the recipes that you create yourself that are the best.

Jason Bourne: Get some rest Pam, you look tired.
Noah Vosen: He's looking right at her.