Stuart: Isn't it bad luck to toast with water?
Todd: Yeah. Bad luck for whoever meets us today.

Melvin B. Tolson: Denigrate. There's a word for you. From the Latin word "niger", to defame, to blacken. It's always there, isn't it? Even in the dictionary. Even in the speech of a Negro professor. Somehow, "black" is always equated with failure.

Jerry Sunborne: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.

Detective Remy Bressant: If you see me comin' you better run cause I'm gonna lay you the fuck down.

Dakota Moss: So my finger got cut off. But nobody did it. Who's going to believe that? Look at you. You don't even believe it.
Jerrod Pointer: Yeah, I do.
[Dakota scoffs.]
Dakota Moss: That's because I fucked you.

John: How long you been fucking her?
[Jim looks awkward.]
John: It's a simple question.
[Jim looks down and sees John's wedding ring.]
Jim: How long you been fucking your wife?
John: I don't have one.
Jim: then why are you wearing a ring?
John: It makes people think I'm trustworthy.
Jim: Aren't you?
John: No.

Max Keller: WAX lips? I love wax lips! I have to have wax lips.

Katie: Daddy.
Mike Enslin: No, you're not real.
Katie: I'm cold.
Mike Enslin: No, you're not Katie.
Katie: I love you Daddy. Don't you love me anymore?
Mike Enslin: Of course I do, sweetheart.

Robert Hanssen: Do you pray the Rosary every day?
Eric O'Neill: Not every day Sir, no.
Robert Hanssen: You should.

Noah Vosen: Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.

Dudley Frank: What'd you do, Woody?
Woody Stevens: I cut the gas lines of their bikes, and then I maybe blew up their bar.

Michael Moore: There are nearly 50 million Americans with no health insurance. They pray every day they don't get sick because 18,000 of them will die this year, simply because they're uninsured. But this movie isn't about them. It's about the 250 million of you who have health insurance. Those of you who are living the American Dream.

Peggy: It's nice to have a word that can describe you. I've never had that before.