Corrected entry: During the movie when Santiago trains he is obviously right footed yet he manages to take an expert free kick and score with his left foot in the game versus Liverpool.

Corrected entry: When Drew and Claire are talking on a couch, the background changes to a curtain and then back again between shots.
Correction: Drew and Claire are sitting on a couch in the Brown Hotel lobby, and depending on the angle of the camera the background certainly does change. When the camera faces Drew for his close-ups, it is facing the wall with the window and curtain, to Drew's left (viewer's right). However, when the camera faces both Claire and Drew, it is a head-on shot facing the couch and everything else behind the couch, including rest of the lobby with Cindy and her friends.

Corrected entry: The skeleton of Lucy and her child- they wouldn't die in that position (her shielding the baby) if there were mutants/demons attacking; she'd be torn apart, thrown against a rock/wall, etc. as would the child. The only way they could die and be preserved in that manner would be if she died from a volcano (ie Pompeii). When asked "How did [she] die?" Samantha replies "We don't know". Death by volcano is easy for a master archaeologist to spot.
Correction: Reaper and Samantha are not talking about Lucy and her child specifically, but the entire race they belonged to. Sam describes how their extra chromosome made them smarter, stronger and healthier, and also how the extra chromosome must have been artificially made, since earlier skeletons don't have it. Reaper then asks "If they were so smart, how come they're so dead?", to which the answer is "we don't know". So the conversation is about why an entire race of advanced beings suddenly died out, something a volcanic eruption would not be capable of.
After they finish discussing how such a super race died out, Reaper makes a rhetorical statement asking what she was protecting the baby from. Ultimately I think this is a character mistake by Reaper, assuming the skeletons were found in the same position as they are being displayed.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Allegra walks along the pier to her sailboat, the boat is moored on its right side. Later, when Hitch leaves the boat, its moored on the left side.
Correction: The boat is always moored on the same side, it's only the direction of the shot that changes. In the beginning we see the boat from the front, so the boat is on the right side of the quay, but when Smith is leaving the boat, the shot is from the back of the boat, so now it is on the left side of the quay. But physically it never changes places.

Corrected entry: Went they first get to the crater the car is facing it, but when the hunter finds them the car is suddenly turned around before he gets there.
Correction: When they pop the hood it is facing the crater and it is still facing that way when the hunter finds them.

Corrected entry: In the convertible, we see the seat covers are filled with blood stains. However, where Baby's calves are, there are no stains. If she had just gotten shot in the calve she would have been bleeding on the seat since she was put in the car in less then 20 minutes from the shot.
Correction: She wouldn't have bled onto the seats, she would have bled onto the floor.

Corrected entry: When Red sees Granny flying through the Sky (by parachute), it cuts to Red's Point of view, and it's clear that Granny is not holding the parachute's handles.
Correction: The point is that we're seeing what happened from Red's point of view. She didn't see the parachute, so in her version of events, we don't see it either (much like the way the Wolf's roaring at Red is different depending on who's telling the story).

Corrected entry: In the scene where Tim is using the nail gun to board all the doors shut, there is no cable connecting the nail gun to a compressor, which he would need in order for the nail gun to work.
Correction: I have a Nail/Staple gun that doesn't use air and is powered by rechargable batteries.

Corrected entry: Abraham Lincoln was not yet President of the United States in 1850 when California entered into statehood. Why was he present at its statehood ceremony? (02:04:00)
Correction: There's no mention in the film of Lincoln being the president, and as a former statesman and prominent lawyer, it would not be unusual for him to be an honoured guest of the governor on such a momentous occasion.

Corrected entry: Sebastian is asking for food from Evangeline after the dad told them to go to bed. When he is sitting on the piano, you can see a crewmember's head passing behind Sebastian.
Correction: That is their father, Cedric Brown, after he exits the room and walks down the hallway.

Corrected entry: At the very end of the movie when Ceci and her father are driving away, you see them ignore a stop sign that is painted on the road and not stop.
Correction: Character mistake, not movie mistake. Real people do this ALL the time.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie when Mike shows up at Chelsea's apartment wearing a Chatterer mask, Chelsea says that she didn't open "The Lamont Configuration" referring to the puzzle box that call forth the Cenobites. The correct name of the box is "The Lament Configuration", as it has been called in the previous movies and in all Hellraiser literature.
Correction: Character mistakenly mispronouncing the name is not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: Harry cuts off his finger in the end of the movie but when he talks during the very end he's got all his fingers again.
Correction: If you look closely in the end scene there is a short finger on that hand. He didnt cut his whole finger off just part above the knuckle. Watch in slow-mo and you can see it isn't there.

Corrected entry: After the beach race, Burt says to Fran that he needs $700 more to get to the USA. New Zealand used pounds until they converted to dollars on 10 July 1967, which is five years after the film is set.
Correction: He needed $700 US dollars in order to get to the States. Then as now, international flights are often ticketed in the currency of the airline's origin, so if he's on an American airline, he'd likely need US dollars, or the equivalent thereof. Even if not on a US Airline, funds are often in the currency of the destination country. I've flown from Canada to Russia, and the fare was quoted in US dollars, not Canadian. Also, he will need spending money and such in the States, and the $700 could very well be included in his budget, since the States would not likely accept pounds.

Corrected entry: Towards the beginning of the film there is a scene in which Capote enters the funeral chapel. He walks to the front where the caskets are positioned, opens one and looks in. Caskets are designed so that, when you are facing one, the head end is to your left. Capote opens the lid at the right side, or foot end, of the casket. (00:14:30 - 00:15:30)
Correction: The casket at my grandfather's funeral was open, and his head was to the right when viewing from the front of the casket.

Corrected entry: When the INS workers come and arrest all the Mexicans and Dick, they start naming off names on people's ID's, including Dick's. Each ID should have had a picture, including Dick's, so upon saying that and seeing the picture, he should have been let go.
Correction: His picture was not very clear, and in fact, one of the illegals looked similar to him, since Dick's face was still swollen, and he couldn't speak well. He was unrecognizable compared to his picture, and the illegal who looked similar to him took his wallet when he left. That's the whole reason Dick was deported, his ID did not match up to him.

Corrected entry: They wouldn't have had Starbucks coffee shops in small towns in the 70's, but the family drives past one on their way to (or from, I don't remember) the restaurant.
Correction: Only the parents go to the restaurant, and they aren't shown driving to or from it. On the way home from the hospital, they do pass what looks like the Starbucks logo, but in fact says "Hair Designs Unltd" in the same green and white lettering.

Corrected entry: The fantastic cross-town journey in the ball would have destroyed Rodney and Fender - especially since Fender tended to have pieces fall off of him regularly.
Correction: It's an animated work of fiction and depicted exactly what the producers/directors wanted. Nor was it intended for the movie to accurately depict the laws of known physics. As such it's not a mistake.

Corrected entry: When Elektra throws Kirigi down the well after she stabs him, both sai's can be seen in her hands, however earlier one sai was knocked out of her hand, and Elektra never retrieved it, nor did she move towards the area where her sai landed. (01:21:15)

Corrected entry: Dan calls the tow truck company before he knows the driver of the car is not going to Shenaniganz.
Correction: Not a movie mistake, the manager calls the tow driver a lot, more of a character mistake.
Correction: It is possible to kick with both feet.