Corrected entry: There is a scene where Brendan is beaten almost to death and his face is a bloody mess, yet once he is cleaned up, he barely has a few cuts on his face.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the two coaches meet, Bullock tells Buttermaker that he works at Chevy Valley Subaru. In the opening day scene, Bullock tells the crowd that there is a sale at Valley Chevy-Subaru. (00:06:45 - 00:26:00)
Correction: Character mistake, not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: During the opening credits, we are shown a series of newspaper clippings. They are pretty convincing, but contain several mistakes that a real newspaper would not allow to print. One headline reads "Victims Family 'Not Happy'" instead of "Victim's Family 'Not Happy'" and another says "Call to Reign in 'Cowboy Cops'" when it should say "Call to Rein in 'Cowboy Cops'". (00:04:00)
Correction: Actually, newspapers have spelling errors like that all the time. Surprisingly often, in fact.

Corrected entry: In the scene where one of the brothers is climbing the tower on a rope, there is a pulley in place at the top of the tower. How did it get there? Also, since there was no rope there previously, how did they get the rope through the pulley?
Correction: They use a grappling hook with a pulley and a rope attached to it. Wilhelm is seen holding it when Jacob is preparing to scale the tower and it is shown again on the roof as Jacob reaches the top.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sarah is getting a midnight manicure, she runs out of the salon when she spots Jake. You can see she has some sort of separators between her toes. After their encounter, she starts to walk back to the salon, the separators are gone.
Correction: Have you ever had a pedicure? I have had those things fall out after sneezing, let alone running.

Corrected entry: In the Springtime play, an old man on the right side of the stage sings, but it is Mel Brooks' voice that we hear. Later he appears again and we hear his own voice.
Correction: That is the joke. It is not a mistake.

Corrected entry: About 2 and half minutes into Chapter 13 Justin is seen approaching a small group of people waiting at an intersection. As Justin approaches them, one middle-aged woman with glasses, suddenly sticks out her tongue at him. It occurs very quickly and the scene changes almost immediately after but it is still very noticeably and odd.
Correction: Odd maybe, but not really a mistake.
Correction: Highly unlikely the filmmakers would let a hired extra mess up the scene in this way. This was probably done deliberately to help illustrate Justin's paranoia.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mr. Cage is sitting in the interview room where the crew of "Hello America" is asking if he has any degrees, they end the interview with "Let's get some blue screen tests." The scene ends, and it shows Mr. Cage preparing for the tests, but in front of a "green screen", not blue.
Correction: Blue screen is the generic name for the screens, much like talk shows all seem to have a "Green Room" for guests, whether it's painted green or not. Green works better as a screen than blue, which is why it is more commonly used nowadays.

Corrected entry: When Tamara receives the phone call from (supposedly) Mr. Natolly, she is told to go to the Capri Motel at 9:30 PM, and the room number is never specified - yet she immediately goes to the right room.
Correction: The room number is specified: room 39.

Corrected entry: Winston tells Don he will watch his house in case Don's long lost son shows up while he is gone. But Winston has just told him that he works three jobs. He would never be home enough to watch Don's house.
Correction: He only means that he will check the house occasionally, not keep a 24/7 surveillance on it.

Corrected entry: The bribe that Amy gives to the landlord in Romania is in American currency.
Correction: American money is more commonly accepted throughout Eastern Europe than British Pounds, or even the Euro. Some places will not even exchange other currencies than American for the local currency. In Russia for instance, even though businesses are required by law to take only rubles, most places will gladly accept US dollars.
Correction: Entirely possible. First, a broken nose will cause massive bleeding, and a continued beating will spread the blood everywhere. Beating with a fist or kicking with a foot spreads the energy of the blow and will not generally break skin. "A few cuts" to the face or scalp could bleed profusely, easily enough to make Brendan's face "a bloody mess". (I am an A and E registrar - I know what I am talking about.).