Corrected entry: In the final tie-breaking race, it wouldn't have been a fair race to have 15 people in one canoe and 10 in another, because if you have more people, you have more propulsive power.

Corrected entry: The future Chris's belt buckle switches direction in several shots when talking to future Peter and Lois.
Correction: For a mistake like this there must be some specifics or a timecode of when this happens. Half the movie is in the future and there is no way to verify this or see the mistake by your description.

Corrected entry: When Justin's father goes into Justin's room to talk to him about his internet habits near the beginning of the movie, he is wearing a tie. When he comes into his own bedroom from the hallway, he is neither wearing nor holding the tie.
Correction: An unspecified amount of time has passed between the two shots and the tie could have been removed and left somewhere else any time before he walks into his own bedroom - eg his son's room, the bathroom, the hallway. It is unnecessary to have every single moment or action onscreen.

Corrected entry: During the movie's climax, Bart discovers which flat Danny has been living in because he finds the collar there. The movie ended with the events that resulted from this discovery. Just one problem: how did the collar get there? In an earlier scene, when Danny crashes the SUV to escape, he drops the collar on the road, leaving it behind.
Correction: That was the original collar that the girl took off Danny.

Corrected entry: A big deal is made in the movie of how the daughter Hadley has returned from college with a fiance and pregnant. Yet we never see Hadley come full term in her pregnancy and there is no sign of a baby or a miscarriage, before the comment later in the movie, when at a family dinner she announces she is pregnant "again".
Correction: Just to clarify, if you listen carefully at that dinner scene, when Hadley is standing up talking she says something like, "We have the babysitter tonight for the baby." The reference is made to them having the night off from the baby, so there is a sign of the baby she had. Additionally, it is unnecessary to show her at full term onscreen.

Corrected entry: In the locker room scene right before the world cup game, there is a chalk board that has all of the players for England and the USA written on it. On the USA side (which is on the right side of the board) at the top it says G. Borghi -- one of the characters in the movie. However, Borghi's name is actually Frank, which obviously does not start with a G.
Correction: The G in front of Borghi's name is not supposed to be the initial for his first name but rather it indicates that he is the Goalie for the USA team - just as Williams is the Goalie of the England team shown on the left side of the chalk board.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Kurt Russel goes into his father's house, he dumps the money from the coffee can on the table in front of him. When he storms out of the house, he grabs the can and says, "I'll pay you back when I get the money." The can must have been empty because there wasn't enough time to put the money back into the can before he stormed out of the house.
Correction: Pop is seen to stand up, you can hear the can being moved, and can see Pop's upper arms moving, as though he is putting the money in the can.

Corrected entry: Fingers and other severed limbs can only last about 6 hours without oxygen before they begin to decay. Stevie's fingers would've been long gone by the first day of the Special Olympics.
Correction: They were on ice though.

Corrected entry: After Paris is ravaged by the storm at the beginning of the movie, the team of experts in Washington, DC is watching a new report that the storm system decimated much of the American Midwest. The new report is captioned, "C6 storm leaves destruction of Las Vegas to Chicago." C6 is a reference to the "Category 6" of the first film's title. However, there is no such thing as a Category 6 storm; the maximum is Category 5, no matter how much more powerful a given storm is than the threshold for that classification. In fact, the storm described in the first film was a Category 4 hurricane.
Correction: This might be a bit long: The Saffir-Simpson scale is not sent down by God, it is man created. According to Robert Simpson, co-creator of the scale, the scale stopped at 156mph for 2 reasons: 1) The damage inflicted by wind speeds above 156mph pretty much looks all the same. 2) Cat5 storms WERE pretty rare. There is debate, and has been for some time, about changing the scale or modifying it. In whatever fictional timeline the movie exists, the scale could have been easily altered and increased. http://www.livescience.com/forcesofnature/051020_hurricane_winds.html.

Corrected entry: At Mrs. Henderson's husband's funeral in the beginning, when the person is reading the eulogy if you look to the right of his coat tail you can see a helicopter in the distance flying off.
Correction: Mrs. Henderson's husband dies about four years before the start of WW II. Modern helicopters were invented in the 1930s and were used in the War, so it is quite possible for there to be a helicopter in the sky at her husband's funeral.

Corrected entry: If you can't have pets in the trailer park why does Mr. Alfred have a cat?
Correction: Mr. Alfred owns the trailer park. He can have whatever animals he wants.

Corrected entry: While Chris is leaving his tennis bag in Opera's cloakroom, it contains a shotgun. Plot's taking place after the terrorist attempts in London's underground and in that time everyone entering such a public place was obligated to go through check point with metal detectors.
Correction: And so one must ask oneself, does this particular (and fictionalized, if not entirely fictional) opera house actually HAVE metal detectors? Since it's obviously not addressed within the film, this isn't really a mistake, but rather a necessary (if perhaps slightly illogical) plot device.

Corrected entry: As Marcus goes onstage, he does not have a microphone in his hands, but after he drops his tank top, he magically has a mic in his left hand and starts rapping. (01:05:10 - 01:06:00)
Correction: The mic didn't "magically appear". He pulled it from his back pants.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie Talley gets shot on his left side but when he gets out of the ambulance the blood stain is on his right. (01:37:40 - 01:39:50)
Correction: When he gets out of the ambulance the blood stain is on HIS left, same as in the ambulance when the medic is telling him he could be bleeding to death.

Corrected entry: Frank complains that his father bought him a left-handed desk even though he is not left-handed. Later in the movie, he is seen playing tennis left-handed.
Correction: I write with my left hand but play tennis with my right so it is entirely possible that Frank writes with his right hand and plays tennis with his left.

Corrected entry: In the first film, it was established that Loki was a night god who was banished into the mask, which explained why it could only work at night. Yet, in this film, Loki isn't in the mask and it has its own powers.
Correction: In the first movie Dr Neuman tells Stanley Ipkis that Loki was banished, but it was Stanley who came up with the theory that he *could* have being banished into the mask. Stanley's theory was never proven and it's quite likely he was wrong.

Corrected entry: They television graphics for what is supposed to be Super Bowl 40 are shown as XXXX. The Roman numerals for 40 are XL; XXXX does not even exist in Roman numerals.
Correction: Rubbish. XXXX and XL are (and were) used interchangeably for 'forty'. See the "Library's Roman Math" section of this page: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E01E1DF123AF933A05750C0A961958260.

Corrected entry: You can see a man in the audience is wearing a modern wrist watch.
Correction: You must be more specific with this submission. Resubmit with more information, such as which scene and where the man is located in the audience.

Corrected entry: During the first parts of the movie while, Chiyo is still a young girl, she is brought to live at the okiya. Notice that her friend Pumpkin is tacking a "chan" on the end of her name (i.e. Chiyo-chan) This is a Japanese honorific that girls use for each other. When you first meet someone, even after you have known the person for a while, you still refer to them with the honorific. You only drop the honorific, and refer to the person by just their name ONLY after you have known them for a while and have asked permission. Pumpkin uses the honorific, but Chiyo does not. Failing to use this honorific when you should is very rude in Japanese culture. It can't be that she does not know this because at the very beginning of the movie, she calls out to Mr. Tanaka, saying "Tanaka-san" (the Japanese honorific equivalent to saying Mr. Tanaka).
Correction: Chiyo is her real name so chan is used, but pumpkin is not Pumpkin's real name, so chan isn't always used.

Corrected entry: Maria Bello says "Dateline" is doing an alcohol related story. Then she's asked "who is doing the report - (Sam) Donaldson or (Diane) Sawyer?" "Dateline" is on NBC, and those two reporters are on ABC.
Correction: Character mistake pure and simple.
Correction: Just because it wouldnt have been a "fair" race, doesnt mean it was a mistake or a factual error. Its just the way it played out. Events aren't always fair, or even.