Corrected entry: In the house when Ice Cube uses the microwave, the electricity had already been turned off, yet he cooked items.
Correction: The correction is perfectly accurate; it is odd that he'd just 'knew' where it all was, but Ice Cube is in fact seen pulling down the switch from a fuse box that says "Interior lights", which is in between other two marked as being one for the exterior lights and one for all outlets, which would keep the appliances running.

Corrected entry: When Braddock runs into Baer when he is taking his wife out to dinner, Baer insults Mae. She throws a drink in his face. He uses a napkin to wipe his face off. The shot goes to Mae, and then back to Baer, where his face is suddenly dripping again.
Correction: He dabs his face with a non-absorbent handkerchief. His face may be glistening from the wetness but its far from dripping.

Corrected entry: Seems pretty unlikely that even though Kat was sober enough to remember the pin numbers to all her credit cards when drawing out all her money, she apparently was too drunk to remember having sex. Surely her body would know if not her mind.
Correction: It seemed to me that she was lying about forgetting about having sex.

Corrected entry: Francesca gives Guardi the note via the pig that "your services are no longer required," yet it is stated later that Guardi can neither read nor write.
Correction: That is not true, it wasn't a mistake, because he looked at the paper not knowing what it said.

Corrected entry: What is a lowered (only the front) 1960's VW Beetle, with American bumpers and a "roof-rack", doing in a military airbase in Germany in 1952?
Correction: The scene was 1953 and the VW was a 1955, identical to the 1953 model. I know because I was the Picture Car Coordinator for the movie.

Corrected entry: When Helen first arrives at Medea's house, Madea bursts out the door with a gun. Helen screams, "Don't shoot, Medea, it's me Helen, your granddaughter Helen." But then later when they are talking about Helen getting a job, Joe says, "I got a job for you as soon as I get some more vaseline." Madea says, "Joe, that is your family." Then Joe says, "That is your dead brother's daughter. She ain't no kin to me." Wouldn't that make Helen Madea's niece, not her granddaughter as previously stated?
Correction: He says dead husband not dead brother.

Corrected entry: When Stifler is watching Elise get into the shower she is walking towards the center cubicle. When it cuts to another angle as he closes the laptop you can see on the screen that she's in the left cubicle. (01:02:00)
Correction: All the footage you see of her in the shower shows her in the central cubical or not in any.

Corrected entry: When John Bell tries to commit suicide, he first pulls off his coat. But in the final overhead pullback shot of him in the field, the coat is nowhere to be seen.
Correction: John Bell falls into and lays on his jacket. It is visible as he falls onto it.

Corrected entry: After Will Ferrell's long jump, the officials come up with a very short measurement by holding the tape at the edge of the landing zone, instead of measuring all the way back to the white line at the starting point.
Correction: The officials know the distance between the starting point and the landing zone, so they only need to measure the distance from the edge of the landing zone and add it to that distance.

Corrected entry: When Lincoln draws the boat he has been seeing in his dreams, the Renovatio, the sketch he draws has rough lines, and, while appearing complete, it is not finished. Later, the sketch is shown again, but this time it is very detailed, with smooth outlines and shading. Lincoln did not return to finish the drawing at any point. The final sketch looks like it came from an auto-cad program.
Correction: We don't see what Merrick does with the drawing after Lincoln leaves. He could have tried to source where the picture came from, and had it "finished" by a CAD program to determine the origin of it. He had plenty of time, and the motivation to do this.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Swofford and his Spotter come back and they start shooting off their weapons, there is a scene where a M-16 is being fired as a full auotmatic, which is impossible. As the M-16A2 will only fire 3round bursts or semi-auto.
Correction: The M16-A2 may be, but the M16-A3 is capable of full-automatic fire and was introduced around the same time in smaller numbers and looks pretty much the same.

Corrected entry: The scene with Kim Catrall's character buying Casey new boots in an attempt to hurt her performance would not actually happen that way. Brand new boots, even lower-quality ones, are as stiff as wood when first worn. Even if Casey wanted to skate in them right away, it would be physically impossible.
Correction: Although new skates would hinder your performance it wouldn't make it impossible to skate.

Corrected entry: When Sarah arrives at the airport with her fiancee her father meets them at the baggage claim, however, nobody other than arriving passengers are allowed at that point. They have to go through customs before they can meet their relatives.
Correction: I get picked up at the baggage claim area all the time. Friends or relatives cannot go to the gate to meet anyone.

Corrected entry: When the bar owner comes down and asks who shot him, the Heroine answers "My husband". She couldn't have known that since she didn't arrive until after her husband had shot him, and was not told he did so.
Correction: I just watched this. The bartender says, "Her fella" before Heroine says, "My husband." This is how she knows it was him.

Corrected entry: Mina told Margaret she was being followed. Mina was to Margeret's left. Then there is another shot where Mina is to Margaret's right. Then another shot where she is back to her left.
Correction: Mina and Margarette are actually still in the same positions. It just cuts to a reflection to show the man stalking Mina which might seem like they changed places but they did not.

Corrected entry: The scene depicting Muslim praying is wrong. After sujud (bowing down with forehead touching the ground), you are supposed to sit on your legs for tahiyyad. You are not supposed to stand right away, like how the movie depicts.
Correction: You can get up right away. Not every sujud requires tahiyyad, the second and fourth sujud does.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Eugene Levy is on the ground talking to 911 they ask for a license plate number. The state of Michigan does not require cars to have front plates so he could not have given them a number because the plate is on the back of the car.
Correction: There is a plate on the front of Vann's car so he could easily supply the plate number. Just because it's not required doesn't mean its illegal, or impossible, for a car to have one.

Corrected entry: The silencer devices on the rifles in the movie can only be used on a weapon that utilizes .45 calibre ammunition. The rifles utilize 5.56mm.
Correction: Actually, suppressors are usable with high-powered rifles. The use would muffle the sound of discharge, but the bullets would make a nasty crack going by, due to moving faster than sound.

Corrected entry: When Lisa first sits down on the plane while Jackson is putting the other passenger's luggage up in the luggage compartment, Lisa's window is full of water drops because of the weather. However, when Jackson sits back down next to Lisa, the window is completely dry.
Correction: I've looked through the scene and the window stays the same while Jackson is standing up and when he sits down.

Corrected entry: Jerry's SUV hits the van head first, but was parked the other way round in the drive.
Correction: The drive is to the side, almost at the back of the house, so his car would be far enough out of the way to reverse out of the drive, and then be facing the road in front of the house to hit the van. You even see Jerry start the car and appear to pull out of the drive minutes before you see him drive into the van.
Correction: When wiring a house, it is quite normal for the lighting and plugs/sockets circuits to be completely separate. So it would be possible to turn off all the lights and still operate electrical appliances that are "plugged in" like the fridge, microwave etc. It may be slightly far fetched to have Stone switch off the correct circuit breaker/s under such circumstances in an unfamiliar house, but still, technically not a mistake.