Aunt Oume: This must be quite a sight! I'm guiding a masseur, who's carrying my vegetables.
Zatôichi: Wish I could see that.
Sean Vetter: They call us down here. They take away our weapons? They expect us to go into a building full of drunken cartel gunmen unarmed? I mean, that isn't fun.
Ty Frost: You're not gettin' paid to have fun. Good luck, gentlemen.
Jack Taylor: What's this I hear about you threatening to spray this play with an AK-47?
Tom Stansfield: Oh... well, I was just making a joke.
Jack Taylor: Oh that's funny to you? People dying? And what's this I hear about you making fun of midgets?
Tom Stansfield: I never make fun of midgets.
Jack Taylor: You said, it would be fun to date one because then you could rest your beer on their head, now I have a sense of humour, but that's just sick.
Cody Banks: What was my mission again?
Natalie Connors: I think you were going to kiss me.
Jacki: A murderer, a rapist and a dyke go into a tattoo parlor.
Desi Arnaz: I work hard, I play hard, I drink hard and I love hard.
Psychologist: You know, some folks believe everyone has a public life, a private life, and a secret life. What do you think about that?
Dan Mahowny: The thing is, I guess... that my secret life... is a bit less secret than everyone else's right now.
Sam Drebben: Another day, another dollar.
Frank Mercer: You waited too long. No prize for you.
Kim Philby: It's a simple, unavoidable choice, Donald. Communism or fascism. Everything in the middle has gone to sleep. To fight fascism you have to be a communist. Anything else is appeasement.
Lorna Queen: Well... look at you Halley.
Halley: That's hard to do without a mirror isn't it?
Lorna Queen: Honey you keep getting prettier every day.
Halley: I have no idea how you could say that because you definitely don't see me every day. And yesterday, oh my God I was so ugly. And last Wednesday, that sucked too, so it's kind of a day to day thing.
Alicia: Guys, check out this book. Looks pretty old, maybe it'll help us.